AN: Well, how could I ignore all those requests for more? Things don't go quite so smoothly for our couple this time.

"Draco, we shouldn't be here." Ginny was nervous, both about what she was about to do and about being caught. It was after curfew, and the prefects were patrolling.

"If we leave now, we will be caught for certain. I don't want detention, and I'm pretty sure you don't either."


Draco wrapped his arms around the redheaded girl.

"What's wrong, Gin?"

"I'm scared. I can't control how my body reacts around you, and that scares me."

"If you don't want to do this, just tell me. I won't be offended."

"I do, Draco, but…"

She hugged him tightly, and he responded in kind. Tilting his head to kiss her, she wound her hands through his pale blond hair and pulled him closer. He was surprised – that was a fierce move for his timid girlfriend. She wasn't timid most of the time – just when it came to him and sex, which was understandable. When she started removing his clothes, he was shocked. She'd never started anything like this before. Slowly, he unbuttoned her shirt, sliding it off her shoulders. When he unfastened her skirt, she let it drop to the ground and then stepped out of it. They moved together towards the bed that the Room of Requirement had provided for them. Just as they reached it, they heard voices outside the room, and then the door crashed open to reveal Ron Weasley.

"Malfoy! Might have known it'd be you. Who have you got in here with you?"

Ginny was attempting to hide under the covers, but unfortunately her distinctive Weasley hair was still visible.

"Ginevra Weasley!" came the inevitable roar. "What on earth are you doing in here with him?"

"What does it look like, Ronald?" She'd turned bright red from embarrassment, and he from anger.

"You'll be getting a Howler from mum about this."

"Then so will you when I tell her about Lavender!"

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try me."

The two Weasleys glared at each other, neither willing to back down.

"Ron? What's going on in there?" Hermione Granger poked her head round the doorway.

"Malfoy has cast some spell on my sister. He must have. Hermione, she's in that bed with him!"

Hermione surveyed the room. Ginny and Ron were furious. Draco Malfoy looked fed up. He was also holding Ginny close, and she wasn't protesting.

"Right. Ronald, we're leaving. Now."

When he began to argue, she simply pushed him out of the room and cast Silencio on him. His mouth was still moving, but no sound came out. Hermione turned back to Ginny and Draco, and smiled.

"Have fun, you two."

As the door closed, Draco snatched up his wand.

"Colloportus." The door locked behind the two prefects.


Reluctantly, Hermione removed the silencing spell she'd cast on Ron.

"What's he done to her, Mione? She wouldn't willingly do anything with him, let alone that."

"She can, she has and she is. They're happy, Ron. Let them be."


"I can't believe the nerve of him!" Ginny paced up and down the room, fuming. Draco lay back against the pillows and watched. She'd completely forgotten that she was wearing practically nothing. When she finally realised that he wasn't replying, she turned to look at him, then down at herself, to find out why he was so distracted. Shaking her head, she pounced on him.

"I'll teach you to ignore me!"

"But Ginny, love, I wasn't ignoring… ooh, do that again."

Ginny smirked at him, and shook her head.

"Not 'til you apologise."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, whatever I did I'm sorry."

Laughing, she replied, "You do realise you just said that to a Weasley?"

"Don't care any more. You're not like the rest of them."

A sudden noise made them both turn to face the door again. Someone was trying to get in.

"Oh, not again."

"Draco, you idiot! It's the Room of Requirement. Think!"

He grinned, as the door opened and they both disappeared from view.

AN: The blue button needs clicking. It gets lonely otherwise, and we can't have that.