Written early this morning as a bit of pre-exam stress relief, and based on real life events. I didn't expect it to turn out as sexual as it did, but hey. Sometimes stories just write themselves, and this one did. Characters and Hogwarts library are not mine, everything else is.

"Aaah!" Ginny screamed in frustration. She'd read her notes over and over, and they still didn't make any sense. This wasn't good, as her Charms exam was tomorrow.

"Frustrated, are you, love?" The familiar voice of Draco Malfoy drawled lazily. Ginny knew that if she turned around, he'd be smirking. However, since he might be able to help her, she didn't start shouting at him, but simply nodded.

"What seems to be the problem?" he asked, slipping into the seat next to her.

"Stupid stress-relief charms. I just can't do them."

He reached for the parchment in front of her, and then he really did smirk. She seemed to have forgotten that particular charms lesson, but he remembered it well. Not that he was supposed to have been there, but when did that stop a Malfoy? He'd enjoyed himself.

Ginny jumped as she felt something move lightly down her back. Realising that it was only Draco's hand, she tried to ignore it and concentrate on her work, but couldn't. Instead, she let him get on with it, belatedly remembering that her muddled notes were his fault. He'd been hiding under her desk that day, doing all sorts of blissful things to her with his fingers and tongue. She'd almost called out his name at the end, stopping herself just in time by biting her sleeve. She was certain she'd turned bright red, but no-one had appeared to notice.

Draco's hand was now on her leg, starting to creep under her skirt. She stood up, grabbed his arm and pulled him over to her favourite hiding place, a deep alcove in the far corner of the library. She wanted him to carry on, but not where they could be seen. Fortunately, the library had been empty when she'd arrived, so they were unlikely to be disturbed. Draco, however, couldn't suppress a smile (yes, a real smile), when he realised what Ginny was doing. She was really nervous, he knew, because he was the first that she'd done more than kiss with. Gently, he ran his hands up her sides and pulled her closer. She hugged him, and he leaned down to whisper to her, but changed his mind and started kissing her neck instead. She shivered, just as she always did. He started to undo the buttons on her shirt, and she surprised him by removing his tie and beginning to do the same. He slid her shirt off her shoulders, and began working his way down her body, kissing and licking. At the same time, one hand slipped under her skirt and brushed against her knickers. She gasped, still not quite used to the sensation, but wanting more. He willingly obliged. She removed her skirt herself, leaving her standing there in only her bra and knickers, while he was almost fully clothed. She ran her fingers over a scar on his chest, and slowly moved her hand downwards. At his waist, however, she stopped, not sure what he thought, and scared to continue. She glanced up at him, and he smiled. She didn't move any further until he gently took her hand and pressed it on the bulge in his trousers.

"That's what you do to me, Ginny," he whispered.

"Me?" She sounded unsure, and very self-conscious.

"You. You're so beautiful." He ran his gaze appreciatively over her body, and she felt embarrassed, tried to cover what she could with her free hand.

"No, don't hide it."

He moved her backwards until she was leaning on the wall, then knelt down in front of her. She knew what he was about to do, and it wasn't the first time, but she still worried about what he thought of it. She just didn't quite have the courage to ask.

"Relax, Ginny." She hadn't realised that her body had tensed up until he said. He slid her knickers down, and, smirking at her, proceeded to do all sorts of things that Ginny couldn't find the words for, let alone say out loud. The sorts of things that drove her wild with wanting him.

Sinking to the floor, Ginny opened her eyes to find Draco watching her intently. She didn't care at the moment, however, not after what he'd just done. It felt wonderful.

"What about you, though, Draco?" She sounded sleepy, and a little nervous. He shook his head, and pulled her into his arms.

"Don't worry about me. There's plenty of time to try things – it doesn't have to be now. Maybe next time, if you want to."

Ginny snuggled closer, wrapping her arms around Draco.

"Why do you do that?"

"Because you're gorgeous, and I want to make you feel good. It does, doesn't it?"


"That's a good enough reason for me."

As they sat, wrapped in each other's arms, Ginny pondered the irony of the situation – she'd just experienced the best stress reliever there was, so why was she bothered about those stupid charms in the first place?

AN: If you liked it, that's great, just tell me that you did. If you didn't, tell me why. The little blue button is begging to be clicked.