The Best Feeling

"Class, this is our new student, Samantha Manson," announced Mr. Lancer. There were a few collective nods through out the classroom. "You may have a seat Miss Manson, right there behind Mr. Fenton. Mr. Fenton, please raise your hand."

Sam's lavender eyes looked shyly down to the floor as she made her way back towards her seat. She sat down and smoothed her skirt while staring at the desk.

"Hi!" a voice said brightly. "I'm Danny."

The boy in front of her grinned a glorious, wild, crooked grin.

"I'm Sam." She muttered, biting her lip.

"Hi, Sam." He smiled again. "You have gorgeous eyes."

And then he turned around. Sam bit her lip again, looked down at her desk, flushed pink and mentally told the butterflies in her stomach to settle.

The End

I love those little compliments that make your heart soar.

Review (: