Here is the final chapter of this story. I hope you enjoy it and if so, please review at the end. Thanks

Brennan wakes when she hears deep breathing very close to her. When she opens her eyes she sees Walter leaning over her, his hand hovering above her cheek. She jerks up and shuffles away from him until her back hits the wall.

"Temperance." He sighs. "I'm sorry I haven't come in to see you much but I've had a lot to do." He reaches out and strokes Brennan's cheek. She turns her head in disgust and Walter quickly draws his hand back. "We're going to be leaving her soon." He tells her. This fills Brennan with fear. If we move how will anyone find us? She wonders.

"I have a special place for us to live. I've been spending a lot of time making it nice for you."

"Where is it?" Brennan asks. Maybe I can leave a message or something.

"Oh, that's a surprise." Walter smiles. "But I know you're going to like it." He creeps over to her and pins her hands to the mattress. Then he kisses her harshly. Brennan squirms and tries to twist her head away from him. She feels so violated and physically wants to throw up. She also worries about what he might try to do to her next. Maybe a kiss isn't all he wants.

Booth is grabbing the first sleep he's had in four days when his cell rings. He knows it can only mean one thing and he answers it within seconds.

"Booth." He answers.

"It's Caldwell here. We've been mapping some sightings from stores and we think we've got something. You need to come in." Caldwell explains. Booth jumps to his feet.

"I'll be right there." Booth states. He hangs up and throws a sweater on, not caring that he probably looks like hell. He has a few days growth on his chin and he knows his eyes are red and bloodshot.

Booth walks into the FBI incident room to find it filled with agents and Director Cullen, all staring at a large city map pinned up on the wall.

"Agent Booth, now you're here we'll begin." Cullen says. Booth nods and perches on the edge of a table.

"Now, each of the red pins marks a store or place where someone has reported seeing Rifkin. With the exception of one, all are concentrated here." Cullen points to a small area on the map. We've got reports from a grocery store, a drug store, clothing store, two home furniture stores and a liquor store." Cullen explains. "This leads us to believe Rifkin has Dr Brennan held in a building inside this area." Cullen outlines an area on the map. "Our departmental profiler, Michelle Anderson, has narrowed down the search areas. Rifkin be keeping a low profile so we're looking for a building in a more remote area, few neighbours and where he can come and go with as little attention as possible."

"Lets go, lets get out there." Booth becomes anxious to go. This has reminded him of the time Kenton kidnapped Brennan and nearly killed her. He feels the same sense of urgency.

"Director Cullen." A young woman in the back speaks up. "I should point out that I feel we do have some time here."

"Michelle?" Cullen asks.

"Rifkin has an obsession with Dr Brennan and I believe he wants to keep her with him. I don't believe he'd do anything to hurt her, unless he feels threatened. That's why we need to take this easy and be careful. If we freak him out, Dr Brennan may be put in danger."

"Thank you Michelle." Cullen nods. "I need you all to head down the hall and divide into your teams." Cullen dismisses the agents but asks Booth to hang back.

"Agent Booth…Seely."


"I know your relationship with Dr Brennan is a complicated one." He states, indicating that he believes there is a little more to it than just work partners. "But I need you to be professional here. I can't have you running off half cocked alright?"

"Yes sir."

"Okay, now go." Cullen gestures to the door with his hand. Booth doesn't need to be asked twice. He takes off down the hall to meet up with the rest of the teams.

Followed by two agents, Pearson and Walker, Booth kicks down the door of yet another abandoned townhouse. With their guns drawn the three make their way through the house checking for signs of Brennan. Again the house seems to be empty. Then Booth steps on a creaky part of the floor. Looking down at his feet he sees that part of the floor has been covered by a brand new rug, unusual because the rest of the house is old and has only old furniture in it. Booth holsters his gun and bends down to lift the rug away. This reveals a trap door which Booth is sure will lead to Brennan. He calls the other agents over as he starts down the steps. He has to turn on his flashlight as the stairwell is in complete darkness. When he reaches the bottom he finds a small wooden table with two sets of keys on it sitting beside a heavy wooden door.

"Bones, Bones are you in there?" he calls as he picks up the keys and looks for one which will fit the lock in front of him.

Inside the darkened room Brennan has reached the depths of despair. All energy has been drained from her body and she has almost reached the conclusion that she is never going to see daylight again. Then she hears it. The word that fills her body with energy and has her on her feet for the first time in what seems like an eternity. Only one person uses that word for her and in hearing it she knows that yet again, he has come to her rescue.

"Bones." She hears him says. "Bones, are you in there?" Standing somewhat shakily on her feet Brennan calls back.

"Booth, I'm in here!" she tries to shout but her voice is weak and comes out barely audible to her own ears. "I'm in here." She repeats as she tugs on the chain desperate to get free in case Booth can't hear her and doesn't come in the door. It causes her endless pain but she continues to frantically pull, desperation overcoming everything else. I want out, get me out she screams on the inside.

"Bones?" Booth calls back when he thinks he hears something. "Bones, I'm going to get you out." He calls through the solid door. His fingers manically fumble through the keys until he finds one which looks like it will fit the lock. He thrusts it into the lock and holds his breath as he turns it.

When the door swings open and Brennan sees him standing there she bursts into tears and collapses to her knees, the emotional and physical turmoil of the last week overcoming her.

"Oh God Bones." Booth sighs. "Guys, I need some help down here!" he shouts up the stairwell before crossing the room to get to her. As he kneels down at her side Brennan reaches out for him with her free arm and grasps at his sweater. He lifts his hand and cups her cheek, wiping away the tears with his thumb.

"It's okay Bones, I'm here." He slips his arm around her and draws her close to him, holding her tightly for a moment before planting a soft kiss on her head and pulling back. He looks her over and notices her wrist chained up. He lifts it gently and takes in the red raw irritation. Brennan winces and draws her hand back.

"Sorry." He apologises. "I'm going to get you home Bones, just hang on for a minute till we get this off." he indicates to the chain.

"Sir, I've got paramedics on the way." Agent Walker calls from the doorway.

"Hey, there's another set of keys by the door, I need them." Booth calls to him. Walker picks them up and tosses them across to Booth who catches them effortlessly. He looks through them and finds a small silver key which he slips into the lock on the cuff. Brennan looks down with anticipation as Booth turns the key. She then almost laughs as the cuff unlocks and comes away from her wrist. I'm free

"Let's get you out of here huh?" Booth asks. He moves into a crouched position and lifts Brennan to her feet as he rises to his. She is somewhat unstable and Booth has to hold her up. "You okay there?" he asks. Brennan nods and stumbles forward with Booth as he guides them across the floor to the stairs.

The journey to the ground level seems to take forever and with every step Brennan feels great anticipation. About half way up the stairs Booth hears disturbing activity above. There a great deal of shouting and Booth can pick out one of the agents yelling at someone to drop the gun.

As Agents Walker and Pearson head out through the house to report in that Brennan has been found they are met by an unexpected visitor. Walter Rifkin. He arrives, looking shocked to see the men in the house. He immediately raises a gun.

"What are you doing here?" he demands. "Leave her alone, don't take her from me!"

"Put the gun down." Pearson shouts. Rifkin doesn't do this. Instead he raises the gun at the agents.

"Where is she? Where have you taken her?" Rifkin demands. "Get out my way, I have to see her." Pearson yells over Rifkin as the man continues to shout about Dr Brennan. Rifkin waves the gun around carelessly and the agents fear they have only one option.

Booth pauses on the stairs as the shouting continues upstairs, hugging Brennan close to his body protectively. The shouting goes on for a moment longer then Brennan jumps when she hears a gunshot. There is a second or two of silence then Walker runs down the stairs to meet the pair.

"What happened?" Booth asks.

"Rifkin." Walker states. "Pearson shot him."

"Is he dead?" Brennan croaks.

"No, the shot was to the shoulder." Walker advises.

"Come on." Booth tightens his grip around Brennan's waist and again they start up the stairs with Agent Walker leading the way. When they emerge into the brightness of the house, Brennan squints, her eyes unaccustomed to the light. Pearson is kneeling beside Rifkin with his gun trained on the man. Both Brennan and Booth stare at Rifkin for a moment

"Come on Bones, you don't need to see him." Booth guides Brennan away. Her head turns as she walks across the room, her eyes trained on her captor until she can no longer see him. Now that he is injured and under the watchful eye of the FBI she notices how weak and unthreatening he looks. A different man to the one I know she thinks.

Booth hovers nervously by the ambulance as Brennan is treated for the injuries to her wrist. When the paramedic is done, Booth moves over beside her and cups her face.

"Bones, I need to ask." He starts, unsure how he should go about asking such a difficult question.

"I don't want to talk about it." Brennan states.

"Temperance." Booth leans in close to her. "If he did anything…"

"He didn't." Brennan states. Booth wants to feel relieved but he's worried that Brennan might not be telling him the truth. He's terrified that Rifkin has hurt in a way that may be more difficult to get over than being held captive. I don't know what I'd do if that has happened. "I'm going to take you home now." He says. "We'll need to get a full statement but that can wait until tomorrow." Brennan merely nods in agreement and rises, still shaking a little, to her feet.

When Brennan enters her apartment she feels like she's been gone for an eternity. The place somehow looks different and it takes her a few minutes to adjust. Booth stands near the door watching her as she turns in a circle looking around.

"Everything okay?" he asks.

"Hmmm." Brennan turns her head to look at him. "Yes, fine." She answers.

"You need anything? I can make you some tea or maybe you're hungry, you want something to eat?" Booth asks. "I can order Chinese or pizza…" he rambles. This makes Brennan smile. He stops when he sees her smile, small though it may be.

"What?" he asks, a smile of his own crossing his face.

"Nothing." Brennan shakes her head. He is so cute, being all caring she thinks. But I can't tell him that.

"Bones?" Booth probes as he walks over to her.

"Its nothing." She repeats as she drops her jacket on the couch. "I'm going to go take a shower." She tells him.

"Okay, you want me to make you anything?" he calls as she walks away.

"Tea." She replies simply. Booth nods and when she's gone he shrugs off his jacket and lays it on a chair. He rubs his hands together and walks to the kitchen.

Half an hour later Brennan has not returned from the bathroom. Booth is a little worried and walks down the hall. The shower isn't running any longer but there is no movement from inside.

"Bones?" he calls through the door as he knocks a couple of times. For a moment there is no answer then a quiet voice replies to him.

"I'll be right out."

Inside the bathroom Brennan looks at her face in the mirror. She wipes away some steam and then wipes away some tears from her cheeks. She doesn't want Booth to see her cry…again. After fixing her black tank top and pulling on the drawstring to her sweats she crosses the room and unlocks the door. Booth is waiting on the other side, leaning casually against the wall.

"You okay?" he asks.

"Mmm hmm." She mumbles and steps past him to go back to the living room. Booth knows she can't possibly be okay after going through an ordeal like she has but he isn't about to push her. He pushes himself off the wall and follows her. When he reaches the living room, Brennan has seated herself on the couch, her legs curled up under her.

"I didn't know which tea you wanted so I made some camomile." He says. Brennan smiles, letting him know that camomile tea is alright. He quickly crosses to the counter in the kitchen where he left two cups on the counter. He brings them back across, hands one to Brennan then sits down, holding his cup tightly.

"I called Angela." Booth tells her.

"How is she?" Brennan asks.

"Relieved." Booth replies. "She said she'll let you get some rest tonight but that she'll be around first thing tomorrow."

"Booth, he won't get out the hospital will he?" Brennan asks suddenly. Booth is a little startled but he quickly composes himself.

"He's under guard Bones. He's not going to hurt you."

"You said that before." She almost whispers. Booth feels a stab in his heart. She's right. I promised I wouldn't let him hurt her but I did. He sucks in a breath and turns to face her.

"I'm sorry." He says softly. "I broke my promise and you got hurt." He hangs his head. "I don't know what to say Bones. You trusted me and I let you down." He leans forward and puts his cup on the coffee table. There is the longest period of silence between the two. Booth waits to hear what Brennan has to say while Brennan thinks about what she should say.

"I don't blame you Booth." She finally speaks.

"You should Bones." He replies.

"Booth." Brennan suddenly reaches out and places her hand on his shoulder. "I was the one who left the safe house. And if it weren't for you I could be…well you know." She pauses. "What matters is that when I needed you, you came through." Both turns his head and meets her blue eyes which are currently lacking their usual sparkle.

"I'm glad you're okay Bones." His voice is so low he is almost whispering. She nods and adjusts her position so she is sitting back into the couch. She sips her tea and closes her eyes momentarily.

"You look exhausted Bones, I should let you get some rest." Booth rises to his feet. Brennan seems alarmed at this and it is evident on her face. "Bones?"

"I uh…um okay." She quickly agrees despite the fact that being alone right now scares her to death.

"Unless you want me to stick around?" Booth offers. He's not stupid. He can see that she doesn't want him to leave.

"I don't want to put you out." Brennan shrugs.

"There's nowhere else I need to be." Booth smiles.

A couple of hours later Booth has persuaded Brennan to go to bed and get some rest. She's been asleep for about half an hour leaving Booth to occupy himself when he hears a thud and a crash from down the hall. Booth puts down the TV remote and walks down the hall to Brennan's room. He gently pushes the slightly open door wider and he sees Brennan sitting up on her bed, her face pale and a little clammy. The lamp by the bed lies shattered on the floor.

"Bones?" he asks as he walks over to her. Her eyes are wide in fear and he can see her breathing is uneasy and fast. He sits down on the bed, takes her hand with one of his and cups her face with the other. "It's okay Bones, you're safe." He tells her as he strokes her cheek with his thumb. "It was just a nightmare." Brennan nods. "Take a few deep breaths okay." Booth instructs. Brennan begins to suck air in and out, her chest heaving. "That's good, that's good Bones. See, you're fine."

"Booth." She starts. "I'm not sure I'll ever be fine." She finally admits how she is really feeling.

"Sure you will Bones. And I'm going to be right here until you are." He draws her into his embrace and holds her tightly. I won't let you go again.