Well, here it is. Children of the Black. Over on DeviantART, I've been threating to write this for a while. If you want to see a poaster thing to help get you punmped or something, go on over there. just put 'mr-m7' infront of a '.Deviantart .com'.

So, here's the story, hope you like it!


Her eyes snapped open to read the glowing red numbers of the digital clock.

"Oh no! I'm late!"

Betty, a.k.a. Atomic Betty, despite having the best intentions usually was late. Most of the time her career as a Galactic Guardian was to blame. This time was no different. She had been called in when another villain of the week had some crackpot scheme to concur the universe. It had taken most of the night to stop his, causing her to oversleep.

It didn't take her long to get ready, she was use to being late, besides today was very important. In school she and her best friend Noah had been paired up to do a presentation and she had become determined not to flake out this time.

"Hey, Betty!" came a voice from her window.

"Noah!" she called back to her friend, "I'll be right down!"

She grabbed the poster and her backpack and started downstairs. When she had reached the bottom, as if it was on cue, a small beeping noise caught her attention. Her bracelet was going off again.

"Oh, not now!"

She rushed to the door, trying to cover the sound of her Galactic Guardian Bracelet. Then opened the door just enough to stick her head through.

"Hey Betty."

"Hey Noah, uh look, I'm not feeling so good to day. You don't mind doing the presentation on your own, do you?" she really hated asking this, she knew Noah had trouble talking in front of large crowds.

"Uh..well, I guess...uh, sure."

"Great," she replied, handing him the poster, "just read off he notes and you'll do fine." she quickly gave a fake sneeze.

"Well, hope you feel better, see ya." Noah left looking somewhat down trodden. Betty just hatted to do this to him, but the fate of the galaxy could be at stake. She ran back up to her room and activated the hologram.

"Atomic Betty, Reporting for duty." she said with a salute.

"Ah, Betty." Replied Admiral DeGill. "My apologies for calling you so early, but we have a bit of a crisis on our hands. It seems the Chameleon has stolen an X-HLT prototype called the Avenger." Betty was quite shocked by this news. The X-HLT series of ships were by far the most advanced and well guarded in the galaxy, she was mildly surprised that the Chameleon, of all people could get his hands on one. "I've already sent your crew his last known coordinates, Good luck."

"Thank you, sir." she replied, just before she was teleported onto her ship.

"Sparky," she said, adressing the short green alien siting at the front of the ship, "Take us out."

"Excuse me, Captain," came a voice from a very old-fashion robot who was clearly labeled as X-5, "I'm picking up a strange reading from the Delta sector, perhaps we should investigate?"

"We can do that later X-5," Betty decided, "Right now the Chameleon has an X-HLT prototype and who knows what he's planning to do with it."

With that the ship and it's three crew members sped off, unaware that if they had just stopped in the Delta sector they could have prevented, or at least delayed what would happed later that day.

In Tremorton High School a girl walked down the halls normally this wouldn't mean much, except that the girl in question was a six foot tall robot. She was the XJ-9 global defense unit but her friends just called her Jenny. This explained the following events. Just as she was trying to have a normal conversation with a cute boy (a very difficult feat for an automaton) when her head exploded with all manner of bells, sirens, and whistles. Half in reflex and half in shock she shot though the roof. Within seconds she was home, trying to discover the source of the urgent warning.

She burst into her 'mother' and inventor, Nora Wakeman.

"Mom? What's going on?"

"Ah, XJ-9, you're here, and in record time, I might add."

"We can talk about my track record later, Mom."

"Huh?" Dr. Wakeman said, a little confused. "Oh, right, we seem to be experiencing a massive alien invasion."

"Oh, is that all?"

"XJ-9, I don't think you understand, this is the largest invasion I've ever seen!"

"That's what you said about the Mole-people last week."

"For moles, they were very large."

"They were two feet tall and afraid of flashlights."

"Oh, just go save the world. And Be careful!"

Jenny eagerly rocketed out of the room and blasted off to encounter the invaders.

"What is mom's problem?" Jenny said to herself once she passed thought he clouds, "It's not like I haven't faced an invasion before. I mean that is what I was programed for. I'll bet it's just gonna be a repeat of the mole-man invasion, and I can take care of this with a — Whoa." Jenny trailed off as she approached the invasion force. In front of her was perhaps the biggest ship she had seen in her life. Before she knew it she was staring down the barrel of what was diffidently the biggest laser cannon she ever saw. There was no way she could have reacted in time to avoid the blast.

A few minutes earlier, in New York City, a very large and muscular man held a small Glass skull in the air, triumphantly. He was called Huntsmaster by his underling and the Huntsman by his equals, who were few and far between.

"At last, the Aztec Skull is mine!"

Huntsman looked over his students. 88 and 89 were, as usual, arguing about something stupid. Huntsgirl (who would otherwise be referred to as Rose), however, was looking unusually nervous.

"Huntsgirl, are you afraid of something?"

"Uh, no Huntsmaster," she lied. In truth she was worried that her friend, Jake Long (or as the Huntsman would know him, the American Dragon), wouldn't show up in time to stop the Huntsman. Since she obviously couldn't voice her true concerns, she thought up a lie, quickly.

"It's just we haven't seen any sign of the dragon. It all seems too easy." She was about to congratulate herself on this cover story when 88 butted in.

"Awww, little Huntsgirl's afraid of the big bad dwagon!" 89 laughed obnoxiously in reply.

'Easy Rose,' she told herself, as she gripped her spear tighter, 'Don't kill them, no matter how much you want to.'

89 then took up the mocking role. "Yeah, yeah, yeah! Does Huntsgirl need her mommy to bring her a blanky?" the two erupted with laughter. But the quickly (and wisely) stopped when the Huntsman gave them a sharp command.

"She has a point, it would be best for us to get the skull back to the Huntslair at once."

The Huntsman prepared to teleport the four of them back to the lair. Suddenly a streak of red and yellow spiraled around him.

"Dragon!" he yelled as he felt the skull being ripped from his hand.

"Yo! Hunts-dork!" cried the voice of the aforementioned American Dragon, "Didn't yo Momma ever teach you not to play with creepy, old Aztec Skulls?"

Before the Huntsman could react, Huntsgirl had leapt up to the building where the dragon had landed.

"You're late." she said as she launched an attack.

"Hey, give me a break. There was this Minotaur thing totally trashing Central Park." Jake Replied as he dodged her.

"Couldn't anyone else take care of it? Your grandfather? Foo-Dog? Spud?" she aimed a high kick at the dragon's face.

"Spud? This was one big Minotaur." he barely dodged the kick.

"Just one?" she shot a punch at his belly.

"It was, like, freaky huge!" he let the punch connect and doubled over.

"Just like we rehearsed?" he asked.

"Just like we rehearsed." she said just before Jake's tail wrapped around her ankles and flung her off the edge of the roof. Far enough that she couldn't grab onto the edge of the building but close enough that she could catch the fire escape.

She waited a while to make sure Jake had time to fly away with the skull before getting back on the roof top. She was instantly able to tell that the Huntsman's reflexes were a little better than they had planned on. He was up on the roof with Jake. Somehow 88 and 89 had bumbled their way up there, too. She leapt onto the rooftop and took her place in cornering the dragon so as to not arouse the suspicion of the Huntsman, all the while trying to convince herself that Jake had a plan.

The confident smirk that appeared on his face reassured her.

"Hey! Hunts-freaks! You want this?" he held the skull over the edge of the building.

"Whoops!" he said mockingly when he dropped it. The Huntsman lunged a little before Jake caught it with his tail. From Huntsgirl's perspective she could easily see his plan.

'This is going to work!' She thought, not quite sure who she was trying to convince, 'It has to!' Before Jake could carry out his plan, however, a bright beam of light Fell down though the New York sky.

Before half a second had passed the Empire State Building was gone. By the end of that second the Huntsman was frantically trying to teleport himself out of there. 88 an 89 were screaming to each other to hold them. Jake, seeing the debris flying towards them, was rushing to protect Rose.

Cement, glass and steel beat on his armored back with Rose safely under his wings. For a moment he dared to look back. The beam was getting wider. Before he could grab Rose and fly away, a large piece of concrete and metal collided with his face, causing him to fall limp. Hazelly he could see the beam coming closer. He couldn't move, but his mind couldn't stay still. It seemed like his heartbeat was a countdown to the end, now.


'Mom, Dad, Halley,'


'Grampa, Foo-Dog,'


'Trixy, Spud,'




'I'm sorry.'