Chapter 1 edited!

I'm the Keyblade Master, age one hundred and thirty and loveless but that's ok. Since I'm the one with the keyblade I often have to leave my home to get rid of the rouge Heartless ones that don't have a master.

My name is Sora, and I'm a vampire I really mind humans much yet I do envy them for having hearts, for not being cursed like me, they do not have to live a thousands lives and never die. I have a twin named Roxas, who's in love with Riku, who in turn is my best friend. And then there's Kairi our current human servant, and then my older brother Cloud and his lover Leon and me? I don't love anybody anymore for a long time…that's how it is …but sometimes…I wish it would be different… -Sora

I woke up, it's night, I hate waking up in the day but I usually have to since we have to keep ourselves hidden as regular humans. But I hate school…a lot, Roxas, Riku and sometimes Kairi go with me as well, Cloud doesn't. Considering he has already finished school…lucky jerk…I still got three more years to go…I don't plan on going to collage after all…a vampire doesn't need such education.

But none the less…the Keyblade Master has too…so no chance of getting out of that one anytime soon.

"Sora! Time to wake up, you need to go feeding!" came my mother's voice, I groaned rolling to my side and falling down face first.

"Ow…" I mumbled, mother never really cared when I woke up on Saturdays and Sundays, she only cared when it was schooldays. Standing up I stretched out my arms yawning, only in my boxers I felt a slight breeze only to realize that I had left the window open while I had slept. I mumbled as I made my way to my chosen clothing as always.

"Hm…maybe I should get a new color…Nah…" I muttered staring myself in the mirror.

I wore navy blue pants with zippers trailing the sides of my legs and a chain with crowns linked around my waist. A Black sleeveless shirt, black combat boots, a spiked collar around my neck and black leather bracelets with studs and spike on each wrist and lets not forget my black skull earrings. Too Punker? To Goth? To 'wanna be' as the humans would put it? Well guess what? I don't really care because this is just my style.

I walked out of my room passing Cloud and Leon on Cloud's bed, doing anal; I shudder lightly though I'm use to walking in on them now. Hell, if Cloud weren't my brother I would have joined in, after all vampires are known to have many mates and no true lovers. But my families special, I walked to the door, "Hey! Close it next time or I'll let loose my heartless on you!" I yelled before slamming the door on them.

Oh, I suppose I forgot to mention that too, my vampire clan use heartless and those weird white things called Nobodies to do our work if we don't feel like it. Yeah, we're lazy bums at times any other moments…you wouldn't want to be around a family of vampires. I entered the main room where our mother was, she had long blonde untamable hair like my older brother Cloud, I looked more like my father, and except the hair I got that from mom too.

"Hey mom…I'm off for the night, tomorrow's school so I'll probably come home a little early." I said as I opened the door to the midnight air.

My mother nodded her head, "Fine, just don't get caught ok? Have fun."

"See ya."

And with that I stepped out and shut the door, when mother was home it only met that father was out hunting for their favorite type of blood. My brother's is stress, mother likes the blood of liar and father drinks the blood of misfortune. I don't have a blood type preference .

The night air is pleasant against my face and it made me feel calm, like it did on our old home on Destiny Island. Before we moved to our new home. Castle Oblivion.

The night was clear and the stars were visible, you could count them if you were bored out of your mind. I sighed, wishing I could summon my own pair of jet black, graceful bat wings but I'm too young still. Cloud barely got his and Roxas being my twin doesn't have them either, we merely float in the air using levitation.

I walked for what seemed to be a few minutes I was in town, Twilight Town to be exact. I don't really mind this town, but I liked Destiny Island better considering that's where I was raised and born. But Twilight Town was ok, but too many rogue heartless without a Master and I have to take care of them whether I'm feeding or not. Why? Because I'm the Keyblade Master chosen to fight off the freaking heartless, who would have thought that the Keyblade would chose a vampire over a human.

"Now…let's see who's my victim…" I mumbled under my breath as my boots pound the cement softly.

I turned to corner of some store not caring where I stepped or bumped into, after all I had business and it's not like they have a curfew in this town. My brown, spiky hair swayed as a strong wind started to blow, I sighed today it would seem that finding a simple target will be a little harder then usually would be. Which only mean that I would have to find an animal…I'm too lazy…

I continued on my way, closing my eyes I keep on walking when I bump into somebody the floor is somewhat wet and I slip falling gracefully on my rear. Groaning I cursed colorfully at the ground before looking up at whom had caused me to fall.

There stood Demyx, a year or so older then me, we go to the same school and occasionally hang out. One of the few humans I could tolerate, otherwise I could be found on the roof top of the school, not that much of a socialist considering everyone just LOVED Roxas my older twin so why compete?

"Sora? Sora what are you doing here dressed like…that?" asked Demyx.

I rolled my eyes still on the floor, I never really dressed as myself at school, too many looks and stares. I shrugged, flashing him a grin baring my vampire fangs.

"I don't know…may be I was hoping I would run into you…" I muttered purring those words out of my mouth slightly.

As I sat up on my knees in front of my blonde, guitar-wielding friend, making him look at me in question. I smirked as I wrapped my arms around his legs lightly, I don't care if what I'm doing is wrong he won't remember afterwards. Demyx blushed at how I was acting, after all I never acted in such a way when I'm around people, I'm usually childish and carefree around everyone.

"S-Sora…? What are doing…?" he squeaked, I grinned flashing my teeth at him even more. His eyes widen as saw me stand up making my hands caress his legs slowly and pressing my body against his. I, to my honor, am a master at the seduction arts, after all every vampire was, whether their victim was male or female.

"Demyx..." I whined, "What's wrong, Demyx?" I muttered playing with a button of his shirt as we inched our way into the ally…how classic.

"Um…" as blush appeared on his cheeks making me smirk, "But I…why are you doing this I-I thought that you…"

"Shhh…no more talking Demyx…" I said placing a finger to his lips as I inched closer, my hand cupped his face. His eyes looked into my own; I smirked again as I leaned in lips hovering over his. I could feel his humanly warm breath brush against my red lips.

I pressed my lips against his roughly slamming us against the wall of the ally, grabbing his wrists and hold his arms over his head tightly. I heard him whimper, surprised by my actions, I pulled away to look at him, with mocking sweetness.

He gasped for air and looked at me with confusion and a small amount of anger in his eyes.

"Sora…why are doing this? Are you high or something…?" he muttered, in a soft voice barely above a whisper.

I could not help but grin at him childishly; "No…you wouldn't understand…" I answered placing our foreheads together. I could feel him struggle against me, I heard him gasp as he realized that I was stronger then him. His eyes grew as wide as dinner plates making me grin, " Don't worry…you won't remember…I promise…" I said sealing the deal with a possessive kiss.

He opened his mouth in another gasp, allowing me to shove my tongue in roughly, letting go of his wrist my hands slipped under his shirt without hesitation. He withered and struggled pushing himself against the wall in hopes of escaping me. I dug my nails in his skin slightly, not hard enough to make him bruise but hard enough for him to stay in place. I pressed myself against him, body against body, his warm and mine cold.

"Mmmm…Sora…" he whimpered against my red lips, I purred running my hands over his nicely shaped body.

"Shhh…you'll scare the cats…" I said in an amused voice.

Rubbing my cheek against him, one of my hand reaching downward squeezing his ass tightly. I earned a yelp from him, though I caught it off with my kiss. As we progressed he slowly drifted downwards to the floor, face flushed and deep breaths. My fingers found one of his nipples, as it harden under the touch I gave a squeeze and Demyx moaned. Either the guy was too easy, or I was too experienced…pick one, hopefully it wasn't the latter.

The night was dragging onwards, as the wind blew against our bodies, covered in lust and abuse. As we played, my pupil's narrowed into cat-like slits, and my fangs grew larger and far more lethal, and my urge for blood was too strong.

Pulling away from the kiss I looked at him in the eyes, icy blue meting a warmer shade. I kissed his forehead, as I traveled down his neck leaving small kisses on the way down. Widening my mouth my fangs dug into his soft human neck, the blood blossomed from the small puncture wounds as I suck the sweet red liquid from his body.

He whimpered from the sudden pain, but quickly began to moan and rub up against me as I drank his blood. But I'm not greedy; I know when to stop, besides I like Demyx. He is one of my human friends. I pulled away from him as I had my fill, cat-like eyes staring at his sleeping figure. I wiped the blood from his neck; pulling out a small green bottle I opened it and poured the contents into his half-open mouth.

"Don't worry Demyx…you'll just forget…" I mumbled as I threw the glass bottle away, it made a louder crash then I would have thought. Straightening up I fixed him to how he looked before he ran into me, smiling sadly I wrapped my arms around him and picked the blonde up. I couldn't just leave him there on the floor of an ally, the very least I could do was bring him back to his house; I knew the way thankfully.

I sighed as I walked out of the ally back down the street where Demyx had come from; he mumbled something I couldn't understand. But I wasn't concerned, since the potion I gave him was a 'Forget me' potion. Something that Naimine made to help Roxas and I out with erasing human memories since we haven't developed that power yet. I adjusted myself as I felt Demyx start to slip, "Fuck…you're heavier then you look…" I uttered smiling.

As I continued down the street I heard voices, and familiar voices at that, I stopped. There was a reason why I was never a truly feared vampire …I'm clumsy…

"Axel are you sure Demyx went this way?" came a male voice

'Shit…Axel is like best friends with Demyx…'I though then paused as I rolled my eyes, 'and Roxas is his best buddy too…'

"Zexion I'm sure got it memorized?" cried Axel

"Of course.", answered Zexion in a calm voice.

'Ok…Why am I standing here again?'

I started walking, back to where I had come from not wanting to recognized by the others, too many questions. Mainly I just don't want Axel to start asking me questions about Roxas again, he should understand by now that my twin isn't leaving Riku for him.
Now as for Zexion, he is going out with Demyx, I really don't want to see him mad.

I heard their footsteps quicken behind me, I was about to turn when I noticed…a pile of kittens lay before my feet and I was about to step on them. How the hell kittens ended up there don't ask me, but being the nice idiot I can be I avoided them by stopping. Which gave the other's just enough time to catch up to me; damn…I'm not that good at this vampire thing am I?

"Hey! Weirdo give back Demyx!" yelled Axel at me with venom.

I sighed seeing no point in running, either way I just know that Roxas is going to find out and give me a lecture since mom and dad won't. I turned around and faced the two humans giving them my signature smile.

"Oh! Axel, Zexion! Hi I thought you guys were some stalker's or something sorry I didn't stop." I answered as I still cradled Demyx in my arms, it hadn't occurred to me what to say if they ask how the hell I was able to hold him up, since he weighed more then me.

"Sora…? That's you?", came Zexion's voice as he stepped forward,

I nodded my head in response, "Hell…you look like a hooker Sor-Sor…" said Axel rather loudly.

I could not help but blush at the comment, if I was easily angered I would have dropped Demyx and go in for a punch in the face, but you see…I'm not like that. That's most likely Roxas or Riku perhaps Leon or Squall, which is his real name.

"Thanks Axel real sweet…" I mumbled giving him a pout/glare.

The redhead looked at me amused, before realizing what the two had came for, "Hey what are you doing with Demyx?" he asked as if stating the obvious. Zexion rolled his eyes at his fire wielding friend, " Either way Sora why are you with Demyx?"

"Oh! See I was walking around, when I bumped into him well more like almost tripped over him," I said lying came easy to me a vampire needs such talents.

"He was sitting on the floor, out cold! I wasn't going to leave him on the floor like that, I know where he lives so I was going to take him to his house when I heard footsteps. I thought you guy were like rapist or something so…I panicked…"

'Hah! I should win an Oscar for the performance!'

Zexion eyed in question before nodding his head in understanding, Axel looked at me longer, suspiciously looking me up and down before shrugging.

I gave them a smile, "Um…do you guys want me to carry him or…"

"No it's fine, you've help enough it must have been hard carrying him this far after all he weighs more then he leads on…" mutter Zexion as he stepped forward taking Demyx away from me. The two were seniors, Zexion is about my height while Axel is a bit taller then me and older, by human standards. I mumbled a thanks as the emo-looking boy walked away carrying Demyx.

"Hey Zexion I'll catch up with you in a sec!" cried Axel

"Whatever.", replied the other

Axel, satisfied with the answer looked at me, " Why is little Sor-Sor out here in the middle of the night dressed like a twenty-dollar hooker?" he paused and squinted, "Is that lipstick?"

My eyes widen realizing that I still had Demyx blood on my lips, I wiped it off with the back of my hand glaring at Axel as he laughed. He stood up straight still laughing at me, "Man, who knew that little Sora was so sexually active!"

"Don't call me little and that wasn't lipstick!" I pouted stomping my foot. Reason number two why I'm not a feared vampire, I have childish antics that sometimes drive people insane.

"Oh really? Then what was it? Blood?" he said between laughs, as he ruffled my hair thankfully he didn't see me blush.

"No…" I said barely above a whisper, he looked at me then smirked.

As he leaned forward I had to blink, "Sor-Sor…" he paused "See ya later, don't get caught or Roxas might find out, got it memorized…?" he murmured flicking my forehead causing me to yelp as he laughed walked away.

I pouted at the redhead's back as he turned the corner, mumbled under my breath, forgetting that I told my mother I wouldn't be home till the next day. I stomped, pouted my way home back to Castled Oblivion.