As they walked along the road, they came upon a young man. This young man was just standing at the edge of a cliff, looking longingly at the clouds. "Hey, he reminds me of Shikamaru," Naruto said to Sakura.

"He does," she replied.

The young boy turned to face them. Crystal only got a glance at his face. Blue, keen eyes, a furry brown headband, and had a black ponytail. He then ran away in a blue tornado. "Wait!" she yelled after him. The boy stopped and looked at them. "Hey, we're kinda lost! Do you know anyone that can give us food please?"

"Sure! I'll take ya to Kagome!" he yelled.



"Thanks!" They began to follow the boy. "By the way, who are you?" asked Crystal.

"Name's Koga. The young leader of the wolf demon tribe. Who are you?"

"Name's Crystal."

"That's a cool name."


They came to this camp. There was a young girl sitting there. She had long black hair and wore a green and white middle school uniform. "Hey! Kagome!" yelled Koga, waving. The girl looked at him.


"I found some lost travelers!"

"Really? Who would be out here in this place?" she asked herself. She walked over to them.

"Hello. I'm Crystal! It's very nice to meet you," she said, bowing.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Kagome Higurashi."

"Hey, you scrawny wolf, what are you doing here?" asked a young man. He had long white hair, yellow eyes, wearing a red kimono, and having cat like dog ears. He came out from the trees.

"I found these guys," he replied, pointing to the group. "And what are you doing here? Didn't I tell that Kagome's my woman?"

"Yeah, right! Like she'll choose you!"

"Inuyasha..." sighed Kagome.

The young boy walked next to Kagome. "This is Inuyasha." Inuyasha looked at Crystal.

"What kinda demon are you?"

"What? You can tell?"

"Of course, both you, and that spikey blonde, have demon blood running through your veins. He's a fox, but your demon is different. A new one. What is it?"

"Inuyasha, don't scare her," Kagome told Inuyasha.

"Why? It's the truth."

"It is. I don't know why I was cursed with this demon inside of me. I have the power everyone wants, immortality, but I can't seem to want to live anymore. I've seen so many people die because of my own hands. Because of these hands," she said, staring at her hands, "many people have been slaughterd. I'm no longer a lost angel, but a lost demon. The demon inside of me is the spirit of the Lotus Demon. The Lotus Demon is a one of a kind demon. She's a wolf. A white wolf."

"I see..." said Kagome, grabbing her chin.

"So, I was right...You are a demon!" yelled Sakura.

"You accused me of being a witch!"

"Witch, Smitch! It's the same thing as a demon!"

"Come on, you guys, calm down," said Kagome.

"Hmph!" they grunted.

Sakura glared at Crystal. That cheap little...rrg!

Sasuke went next to Crystal. "Don't worry. Your brothers, our team, and I will look after you."

She looked into Sasuke's eyes and smiled. "Thank you."

"Awww! Inuyasha, isn't that the sweetist thing ever?"

"Tch. Whatever!"

"Inuyasha! You could at least have a heart!"

"What if I don't wanna?"

"Inuyasha!" yelled Kagome. "Sit!" Inuyasha fell to the ground.


Crystal and Naruto laughed. "Well, at least there are some teamates who are getting along with Crystal, Sakura," said Kakashi, looking at Sakura.

"She can rot, for all I care!"

"Now, now, Sakura. Let's be rational, we want to help her forget that she has a demon. By the way, I never got to ask, if your parents, were they alive, how would they feel about you liking someone?" asked Kakashi.

Crystal winced and looked at the ground. "Why were you put up for adoption anyway?" asked Edward. "Alphonse, do you know?"

"Not really. I kept forgetting to ask her, what with all the missions we've been having."

"It's simple. I'm like Gaara. I killed the woman who gave birth to me," she said, looking at everyone.

Everyone gasped.

"My father, he...he died of an illness shortly after I turned 5. He was the cruelist father ever. He was a drunkie, a drug addict, and agressive. Everyday, if he was happy or sad, he would strike me." Her eyes shifted to the ground.

Sasuke saw this look in her eyes. He grabbed her chin and looked at her sad, hurtfull eyes, and hugged her. She hugged back.

"Say, we came here for food. Do you have any?" asked Naruto.

"Naruto! That wasn't very nice!" yelled Sakura.

"Brother, there's something about Crystal that doesn't make sence," Alphonse whispered to Edward.

"Like what, Al?"

"Well, there was this one night, a New Moon, and when she looked at the sky, she turned into...something...not human."

"What did it look like?"

"Well, it was like a mix between a werewolf, an ogre, a fox, and smelled like a bunch of rotting corpses."

"Are you sure?"


Edward looked at Crystal. "Say, Crystal?"


"Have you ever looked at the sky on a New Moon?"

"No, why?"

"Just wondering." Edward looked at Kakashi. "Say, Kakashi, is it?"


"Can I talk to you?"

"Sure." Kakashi followed Edward away from teh group. "What is it?"

"Listen, prevent Crystal from looking at a New Moon."


"She changes into something not human."

"I see...I'll do my best, though I won't make any promises." And with that, Kakashi walked away.

"Kakashi, I'm serious! She could cause some major harm!"

"Don't worry. I said that I'd do my best!" he said, smiling under his mask.

Edward sighed. "I hope you will..."