AN: OK Guys, this a new story, and I hope you will enjoy it, its a bit ansgty...and it involves Character Death right away. It is a (or will be in later chapters) a GaaraNaruGaara story. This is on AFF. net, but I wanted to get your view on it. Hope you enjoy, I'll post the next chapter after I get a few responses!

So R&R!

"I knew you would find me." His voice was deeper then Naruto remember and the blond paused briefly drawing the chakra laced short katana from his back. A man landed no less then three feet from him, his hair long enough to be tied back, his face thinner then it had been, but those eyes. They never changed.

"Of course I would. I wouldn't be the next Hokage if I couldn't." Naruto replied in turn. A smirk graced the lips as the other ninja drew even closer, placing a hand on the shoulder.

"So you are the next Hokage, I heard rumors but never thought the small minded villagers would let you do it, you'll be a great leader."

"Sasuke. Don't do this to me." Naruto mumbled, his fingers loosening around the blade. He knew what he had to do, he knew it and yet…A pale hand pushed his ANBU mask from his face and Sasuke's lips were millimeters from his own.

"Do it now Naruto." Came the whisper.

"W-what?" He asked,

"Take my life with your blade like you have been ordered to." Sasuke murmured placing his lips firmly against the blonds, maneuvering the arm so the short katana pressed at his midsection. He could feel the hand and arm trembling under his fingertips.

"Now." Was his word at the lips, Naruto slid the blade, breaking the kiss, his breathing ragged at Sasuke's ear. A small pained smile flitted across rogue ninja's lips as the chakra that had been laced with the blade now started to cause the failure of his heart. He could feel it as it slowed, the edges of death black around his vision.

"Thanks dobe. I love you never forget that…" Naruto's eye's went wide and he whipped the blade from the body, it dropped to the ground and his hands clutched now dead Uchiha Sasuke, his words only causing the ANBU higher pain…

Naruto sat bolt upright, gasping for breath, a sheen of cold sweat covering his body, he felt sick and stumbled up from his bed and straight for the bathroom. He barely managed it to the toilet. After ten good minutes to divulging his late night dinner, the blond sat on his heels his back leaning against the glass of a shower, his eye's staring almost listlessly at the ceiling. Would the haunting memories of that day never cease?

"Damn it…" He whispered. It had been three years since…since he had to kill him.

"I wasn't ordered. I choose to take it. I choose to be the one to take you're life…" his voice croaked, the back of his throat now severely ravaged from emptying out his stomachs content burned. He heard a knock from the front door and sighed before standing. With being the Hokage, the title seemed half-fulfilling, it could have been better if he was

"Hokage-Sama." A voice called in. Naruto grimaced and placed a smile on his face, it looked so fake and he quickly tossed it.

"I'll be out in a second." He called to the front. Whoever it was didn't seem to be very impatient as he heard the click of the front door.

"Doesn't anyone respect a fucking Hokage anymore?" he growled throwing down the towel after wiping his face and stepped outside the bathroom feeling for the chakra of his would be home visitor. Kankuro. Karuso. Shaking his head he saw the puppet out of the corner of his eye's. He quickly made a view signs and it crumpled to the ground.

"Alright Kankuro, I'd rather talk to you in person then that stupid puppet of yours." He heard a few string of curses from outside and promptly went to the window drawing the blinds open, It was so bright out. Suna was always so bright. He squinted and watched as the sand nin marched around the house to his front door. There was another knock before the door was shoved open.

"Hokage-sama." Said a very testy Kankuro as he gave Naruto a short bow.

"You know I hate it when people call me that. What do you want, it's early, and I don't have the meeting with the leaders till this afternoon." Naruto said crossing his arms. He was residing in Suna for the past week for official Kage business, Sakura had been told not to let anyone in. He looked over to the door at the thought of the high ranking ninja.

"She decided to take a nap." The sand puppeteer grunted with a smirk as if he had read his mind.

"Chakra induced sleep. Break it before I break the treatise." Naruto growled in annoyance. The Puppeteer reattached the charka strings to his favorite marionette hastily and Naruto watched as it disappeared out the door.

"So what is so important that you break into my room and force Sakura to sleep?" He asked.

"My brother wishes to see you." Came the reply,

"The meeting is later today, what can be more important then getting these treatise signed?" Naruto asked throwing up his hands up. He didn't have time for this bullshit,

"It's not about the meetings, He just wishes to see you, There. She's awake. I'll tell him you'll meet him at the Kage Tower at noon."

"But I didn't…damn it." The Marionette nin disappeared and Naruto heard Sakura yawn from outside the door. Arguing not to meet with Kazekage could prove disastrous. Then again meeting with him could prove just as disastrous as well. His mind wandered back to the reason of his sudden wakefulness and shuddered pushing the thoughts away. He didn't need to keep dwelling on the past. It was over. It was gone. He was gone…


AN: thoughts? I have this posted on but I wanted to share it with all you people! Because I luffle you all so much!!