Disclaimer: If you recognise anything, its not mine. If you don't it's mine.


Draco met her eyes. They seemed just to stare at each other, everyone simply fade into black. They were they only people in the room. When Draco spoke it was only word. "No."

Ginny gulped, tears welling in her eyes. She turned and walked out the church. Her footsteps echoing. Draco hung his head. Blaise turned to him. "What the hell did you do that for?"

"I'm not a hero Blaise. I don't need to be saving a damsel in distress, I've saved her before I don't need to do it all the god damn time"

"Really? Or were you trying to be a hero, trying save her from evil unfeeling Draco Malfoy. You're not that boy any more Draco."

"I'm not a nice man either Blaise." Draco turned to him.

Blaise scoffed "Obviously."

Draco hung his head once again, ashamed. Softly he added. "I need to fix this. I have to make it right again." He stood up suddenly. He spoke louder this time causing everyone to hear him. "I'm in love with Ginevra. I need to fix this."

About eighty-five percent of the congregation clapped. The remaining fifteen included only Ginny's family (bar Fred and George although it was possible that they had fallen asleep during the ceremony and had awoken to the sound of clapping so they, trying to cover the slip up, clapped too.) and Harry. Hermione clapped the loudest.

Harry looked around with disbelief in his eyes. The congregation was clapping because, Draco Malfoy was going to get his bride. He saw as Draco pushed past the people in the last row and headed towards the door.

"Stop there Malfoy. She's my wife." Harry stormed towards the blonde man.

"Not yet Potter. I believe she just walked out on you." Draco spun around and faced the man who killed Voldemort and the wand he did it with.

"Because of you." Harry sneered.

"Ah. Potter don't sneer its unbecoming." Draco wasn't sure where this cockiness was coming from, it was like they were fourteen once again But frankly, at the moment he didn't care. He needed to find Ginevra and apologise. "The fact that she left because of me just a minor detail." He held his thumb and forefinger a few millimetres apart to demonstrate his point.

"I'm going after her, Malfoy. She's mine. Virginia is mine."

Draco took a step closer to Harry and pushed his wand down slightly. "Virginia, never existed Potter. If you can tell me where Ginevra you can go and get her."

Draco stepped back and watched Harry's reaction. Panic set into Harry's features, Draco chuckled as he realised, that Harry didn't actually know.

He pulled his wand from his back pocket. "Now I'm guessing you set the wards up so that you can't apparate in, but you can , however, apparate out again. Always the genius, Potter. Bye, Bye now." He waved before disappearing with an crack. Blaise starting laughing and was slowly joined by the rest of the wedding guests. Only Harry and Ron remained straight faced.

Ginny sat on the edge of the cliff her legs dangling off the edge, her arms wrapped around the banister, her chin resting on it. She heard the crack in the background. She didn't even need to turn around to know it was him who had joined her. "I was wondering when you would get here."

"I had to go home first. I knew you would want your parka, you left it at mine last night."

"Thank you" he wrapped the jacket around her shoulders before sighing and sitting down next to her, staring out at the choppy sea also.

"Why do you always come out here, Gin?"

"Because this is the place where I realised that I was in love with you."

"Why do you want me Ginevra?"

Ginny sighed, before smiling a little. "If I'm honest, I'm not too sure. Your vain, egotistical, not a morning person, mean to me, mean to and about my friends. But I want you because. Well, silly reasons really. I want you because you took the knight bus, because you offered to take me back to the Burrow, because you bought me this jacket, even though you said it was the most stupid thing you had ever seen, because you told me about the stars, because you know my name is Ginevra. Take your pick. I have more if you want."

"I'm a Slytherin. I'm your brother worst enemy. I'm the son of the man who gave the catalyst that almost got you killed in your first year."

"Exactly." She gave him a smirk, before adding "It all adds to the attraction." He smirked back at her.

The wind picked up, and Draco subconsciously pulled Ginny closer to him wrapping his arm around her shoulders. They were silent for what felt like ages, just sitting together. Their breathing in-time along with their heartbeats.

"The day you hexed me in Umbridge's office." Draco spoke first. Keeping his arm wrapped around her and his eyes on the stormy ocean. Ginny looked up at him.


"The day I fell in love with you. The day you smashed up all my mirrors. The day I realised I was in love with you. The day you told me that you were marrying Potter. The day I realised that I couldn't have you. The day of your hen night. The first day I ever made love instead of just having sex. The day you were meant to get married to Potter. The day I screwed everything up with you and announced to the whole congregation I was in love with you. Right now. The day I'm am finally going to tell you I love you." He looked down at her and smiled. She beamed up at him before saying.

"Go on then. Tell me you love me."

"Ginevra. I love you." he lent down and kissed her. When they broke apart. She whispered "I love you too." Before ,leaning to kiss him once again, sat the last moment she pulled away. She ran off towards the broken shack of a house that they shared for the three years, that they posed as a couple for the ministry. She was unhindered by the skirt of her dress. It took him a few moments to realise that she had ran off, the only thing that brought him out of his day dream, was the sound of her voice, calling out behind her. "Catch me if you can!"

He sprung to his feet, chasing after her. Once he reached the 'house' he pushed open the door. His eyes saw the parka on a crumpled heap at the bottom of the stairs, her dress, about half way up, laying discarded, his eyes carried on there ascent, until they saw her standing at the top of the stairs, wearing nothing but her underwear. "What took you so long Draco?" She purred out, before heading towards the bedroom. He was up those stairs so fast it was a wonder, he didn't fall back down them again.

A/N: I am thinking of doing an epilogue. If its wanted, of course. Tell me what you think!! Reviews are always loved. Thank you to everyone who has reviewed!

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