Disclaimer: I own nothing. Well, actually, I own my iPod… Yeah, I do know I'm bad at telling jokes, thanks.

Starts: The end of "Keg! Max!" (Episode 19, season 3)

Chapter 1:Realization

"Sad boy, what's wrong?" I asked, "You were looking forward to this party. What happened?"

"Nothing" Jess answered, with no feeling as usual.

"Some thing did" I insisted, "come on, tell me" he leaned in to kiss me, "You're not tired of me, now are you?" I joked "That's a pretty good answer". Then we kissed again, slowly moving onto the bed. He was so close against me. So comforting.

"I didn't think this would happen" I said, ten minutes later, pulling my sweater back on, "not like this"

"But it was wonderful" Jess insisted, putting on his own jacket.

"Yeah, but not the way it's supposed to be."

"Who cares how it's supposed to be"

"I care" I didn't know why I was crying. Running downstairs I fell into Dean's arms.

"What happened?" he asked, concerned, griping my elbows tight. I couldn't say. Something was blocking me from communicating. A fight broke out, a terrible, terrible fight between Jess and Dean. I tried to stop it. I followed it outside, onto the grass. Sirens ran loud, and neither of them was in sight. Behind me I could hear Lane puking into the bushes. Reluctantly, I turned away. Hurrying over, I held back her hair. It was easier than watching Jess walk away.

I walked Lane home. She didn't want to go, but I was too worried and sleepy to do much else, and mom would certainly tell Mrs. Kim if Lane threw up. She would ask questions.


Everything seemed fine. Jess was wonderful. Lorelai was normal. The Franklin ended, the prom passed. Everything seemed fine until I threw up. Actually, that wasn't even what tipped us off at first. I'd eaten a lot of junkie food that day. (Yes, more than even normal for me and mom) It wasn't until I threw up right before graduation that I had any hint of something being wrong. But still, I was nervous. It really wasn't until after I'd gone across the stage for the last time that I really thought about it. But even that was knocked out of my mind when mom got the Inn!

"How could this happen?" I cried, the test in my hand.

"Are you sure it's right?" Lane asked, worried.

"It's the third. They're all positive."

"Then it's right."

"Yeah" I sobbed, "it's right. God, I can't believe this. How could this happen? How could this happen?"

"Who was it?"

"Jess. That time your band played."

"Then was this why he left?"

"No, but it'll probably make him stay away." I wiped a tear away. "God how can this happen."

"Well, I could explain it you, but I think you already know."

"Yeah, I should stop saying that."

Behind me I could hear the door opening. "Hey girls, do ya wanna go to Luke's for dinner?" Mom asked, walking into to the living room.

"Rory" she cried, rushing over, "What happened what's wrong?" I couldn't say. It was too impossible to comprehend.

"Should I tell her?" Lane asked, seeing how choky I was. I nodded slowly. "she's…I can't believe it either."

"What? What can't you guys believe? No bands broke up did they?"

"I'm…I'm pregnant mom." I said, but I think my voice was too blubbery for her to completely understand.

"What?" she asked surprised.

"She's pregnant."

"Oh my God, are you sure?" I nodded, handing her the test. "Okay, you're sure" she said, looking at it. "Well, do you know who the father is?"

I nodded.

"Who? Wait…not…"she sounded horrified.

"Jess" I squeaked.


"I've gotta get going" Lane announced, her hug tight around me. "See you tomorrow."

"See ya"

Mom and I cried the night away. Talking, deciding things. We nearly emptied the fridge by the time morning came, and we hadn't gotten a wink of sleep.

We decided that this year I wouldn't go collage, and apply to Yale again later. That way mom could help me and we could both work at the new Dragonfly. This wasn't going to ruin my life; it was going to make my life. But I couldn't tell Jess. Nothing anyone said could unconvince me of that.