While I spend my hours stressing myself out in my studies and stuff, I realized I have to do, at the very least, something worthwhile. And what better to do than put a good closure to this one. My ORT story's about to be finished as the final chapter is being done (and rethought of) as of this moment…say I could upload it like next week or the week after. In the meantime, I do hope that this be a good one. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything in this subcategory…seriously.

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Kira admired her beauty with all of him. As he stood by that verdant field, his eyes remained affixed on her as she busied herself with other needs. She had been back for barely a day yet all seemed too enthusiastically involved with her activities. Students of all year levels would usually surround her wherever she went as all he could do was look from a corner. He was a celebrity, too, yet such attention was not given to him. As though the status mattered not, he would simply cross the room and look at her in a way that she won't notice. He would constantly involve himself in these numerous starefests almost every minute that passed. He missed her – that was true yet somehow this undaunting and provocative crowd hurdling about shortens his temper.

Deep down, he knew he was too shy to speak anything of her. Mentioning her name proved grueling, what more speak to her directly? Admittedly and as if an assurance was the fact that he had already spoken to her of his innermost feelings. Maybe not in an actual gallant sense, as he only did so minutes before she left, but still, he had the effort done. Surely, hearing her say "sorry" and leaving him at his silly waving was tough to bear and the events seemed too cramped on his mind that its logical processes seemed halted, he could not deny the fact that indeed she had returned. And right now, as he longingly and perhaps lovingly gazed at the one he truly felt a connection with, he couldn't help but carry a deep feeling of resentment on himself.

He was and would always be shy. He was and would always be too scared.

A ball was thrown at his direction but with his mind and thoughts adrift elsewhere, a thud of a collision emanated as he felt his vision blur. The next thing he knew was that he was flat on the ground with his senses barely intact. He could hear vague sounds of his surroundings particularly that of his rushing teammates alongside with the other coaches. Great. Just great. Now, he had all the unwanted and unnecessary attention to himself.

He felt his body floating somewhat as his back lay idly by the hard object beneath. Remember that still at this point he had his vision unstill and his eyes cast dreamily on anything he could see. It was a splatter…not really focusing on anything, one could say he was putting his attention on everything. This brought more dizziness as finally he gave in to the pressure of what they call as "fainting".


The first word he uttered as he quickly opened then shut his eyes. He stretched his body forward but the lower pain on his back got the better of him. It caused quite a twitch in that area as he found himself renegading back into the soft mattress. He was sure this pain caused some lines on his forehead, which veins was throbbing hardly against his skin.

In all this he had his eyes shut as he wanted the totality of the dominant emotion in his being. This quite dizzy and searing feeling really got him…a direct hit by a fast-paced soccer ball really hurt this bad as he lifted a hand toward that part of his head.

"Ow…" he jolted upon the recall, not really the contact his palm made on his flesh.


Now, what was this? He heard another voice in the room…fairly audible enough…sweet yet low-pitched, was it…

He quickly opened his eyes and turned to look at his side. Someone was indeed with him. And this caused quite a wide reaction and stir of rationality within him as the sudden reality hit him in his face.

"Lacus!" he almost jumped had not his back ached so badly. He at least managed to sit himself up, with the assistance of the pink-haired, to his embarrassment. She was caring, that was her personality as he felt her touch so soft on his skin and her hold cautious. Perhaps she didn't want to hurt him to badly in areas she didn't know he was hurting from. The obvious ones being his swollen forehead and his (almost) broken back from the fall on the ground…other than that, he was certain he was feeling well.

He could very well paint the reaction on her face. She was the expressive one, maybe not her whole facial expression but there was something in her eyes that one could tell sincerity. Well, he was looking at her eyes at this moment…quickly turning away once noticing that she had hers on him. He was blushing mad now, intent to keep it to himself.

But, what's to keep? She knew how he feels, right?

With this thought again in mind, he gathered enough courage and faced her with a smile. His hand no longer on his head but rather primly situated on his lap.

"So…that ball really got me…" he started with a voice of kid. He swore she wasn't sharing his carefree disposition as his smile quickly faded with that stern look she had on.

"I don't see anything funny with it."

"But, they do? I mean it's rare for you to see anyone being hit in the face by a speeding ball. Rather, what a sight, right?" he tried to joke once more which was again in vain as she stood up from where she sat and walked farther away.

He sighed. He knew it was no kidding matter and Lacus indeed was concerned for him. What else would be her reason of staying by with him not with her busy school schedule?

She again sat back on the same seat, bringing with her a towel. With it in her hold, she looked at him as if asking for permission. She had it held up on level with his forehead and as soon as he gave his consent. She carefully pressed the slight lump on his head. It was painful as the contact made him groan.

"Sorry…" she muttered as she stopped all motions, with her eyes looking back again at his.

"No, it's all right. Go on." He reassured as she continued with what she was doing. It lasted about a few more minutes and he had the pain contained within him by gritting his teeth. It was hard, in truth, but he didn't want to cause worry to her as much as he did now. She had already given him her very and most precious and valuable time. He could not possibly ask more from her.

Then, she stood up once more, possibly to return what she has gotten earlier. Once she's seated right back next to him she remained silent all the while. She then took hold of a book on the table and read some of its pages. It was awfully silent in that room, which he figured was a clinic. The nurse though wasn't there but with all the medical parchments by the walls, he was sure of the place.

He had his eyes on her as usual. She was intently reading something. The title wasn't printed on the cover…as was the reason he appeared clueless. He at least wanted to say something to her…like how happy he was that she's gone back and that how miserable he'd felt when she left him by the airport. Those things, but it seemed she was too engrossed with that book she was holding.

The tick-tacking of the clock monotonously echoed in his ears as the silence seemed too much.

"Lacus?" now or never, he thought. She didn't turn and still had her gaze affixed on that thing.


Though, her voice was truly sweet and enough to melt his already melted heart.

"Well, uhm…I just want to say…thanks for staying here…with me."

"You're welcome." She said as her eye looked at his direction, which again caused a blush on his face.



"How's your trip?"

"Uneventful, but it was fine."

Her one-liner answers really weren't to his liking. Surely she wasn't naïve enough not to notice how he was struggling just to keep their conversation going. He had lots of things on his mind to say to her. This morning, when she went into their classroom and introduced herself in front of the class, he wanted to just take her into his arms right then and there. But if he couldn't even interest her in a chat then how could he lay a even a single finger on her?

A pause.

"Kira?" this time, it was her who started.

"Yeah?" he didn't dare to look at her for he knew he'd just be too flustered and would again eat his words. He may be a varsity and ace soccer player, but he still had his own problems especially towards someone he really, really liked…like stringing a conversation of some sorts.

"Don't…" her voice was starting to fail her.

Soon after, he could hear her hesitate on something as he quickly turned to look at her. This time, it was he who was concerned.

"…just don't do that again."

Turning her book to a close, she looked away. He could vaguely see the worry in her face and on her one as well. He wasn't really sure what she meant but somehow he guessed it must have something to do with his injury.

He was about to say something as he had his mouth opened when the nurse went in the room.

"Sorry about that, Ms. Clyne, but you may leave now. Thanks for your help, though. I really appreciated it." With a wide smile on her face, this lady spoke as Lacus gave her a customary bow and a short "you're welcome" line before standing up and leaving the room. She didn't even bother to turn around and say her goodbye to him. Heck, he was the one injured though. But then, he really couldn't blame her. Up to this point…though he read her letter numerous times, he still wasn't quite sure of her feelings for him. And this worried him more as boys seemed to flaunt her since this morning.

"So, you feeling well, Mr. Yamato?" the nurse spoke as she then had her eyes on her sole patient.

He managed a nod as he tried to stretch his body…which was still painful but one he did not show. If he gave any hints or signs of any, he knew he'd be bedridden all day…and he didn't want that especially after Lacus' sudden leave. Somehow, he wanted to explain to her…about what he didn't know. He just wanted to say something…anything.

He stood up and even jumped about the bed (which was unwise as he felt jolts of electricity on his back and forehead) and pretended hard that he was feeling superbly well. Not expecting the nurse to fall for it, he even added a couple of waist turning as proof. Surprisingly, she bought the act and quickly dismissed him, giving a couple of reminders.

"Oh, and you ought to thank Ms. Clyne. She had been by your side all the while. She even came with you as you were rushed here and volunteered to look after you in your state of unconsciousness." She reminded.

This somehow brought a thought to him. She indeed exerted the effort and the time to do all those for him. And he felt more compelled and determined to just reach her somehow.

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His search wasn't blessed with as much luck as his enthusiasm and dedication. He ended up looking for her aimlessly. The day ended as darkness started to show. He hasn't found her to his ultimate dismay.

It was really not a good day for him and he hadn't even said anything right to her yet since her arrival. And it appeared this really wasn't going to turn out the way he had hoped it would.

With a stinging failure in his heart, he decided to call it a day and just go somewhere else. Perhaps the next day would be better. After asking from strangers about her whereabouts…it would be best that he take the necessary leave. He had endured too much for an afternoon.

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The clinic doors opened, revealing the same pink-haired girl.

"Nurse Betty…" she called out as the said nurse came to welcome her.

"Oh, if it isn't Ms. Clyne. Is there anything I could do for you?"

"Is…" she then looked at the side and her gaze on the beds which was unusually vacant. Trusting her memory, she pointed at a particular spot and continued.

"…the one on that bed…where is he?"

"Oh, Mr. Yamato? I'm afraid he's left already."

"Left? When?"

"Right after you did. Why? Is there something wrong?"

This time, she was really worried. She knew Kira wasn't all too well as he still has been suffering from some pain when she left him to the nurse's care. She intended to tell him she'd come back after doing some errands but then, never knew that he'd actually been gone right after she left. After saying her usual "thank you", she quickly left the building and searched for him.

"Kira…where'd you go?"

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He intended not to look for her any longer but it seemed that he just couldn't have a good day's rest without seeing her. Under the dark skies and in his unconscious reverie, he found himself standing right next to their mansion. He could still recall how he did the very same thing one fine evening.

"What am I doing here? I'm so…hopeless." He sighed as he turned to the opposite direction, back to where he came from earlier. It was dumb and irrational to just knock on their doors at this late hour. Much worse, he could be mistaken as a burglar of some sort or perhaps something like it.


His eyes widened upon recognition of the voice. It took him a couple more seconds before concluding that it wasn't just his imagination.

He turned to his side and saw her in her most rare beauty. She was panting, obviously she herself didn't have quite a day. But her cerulean eyes stared back at him with all unfeigned longing. She was almost teary, he could see as he was the same.

Looking at her from that distance, he couldn't help but feel nostalgic. No matter the cold weather, somehow the sight of her alone was enough to give him the warmth he needed.

He didn't know where to start or what exactly to say. He didn't even have the slightest idea of what she may be thinking about as of that moment. But then, once you're standing in front of the one person you'd sorely wanted to see, would words matter still?

"I…I was looking for you…" he spoke with such tender words as his calm, serene voice echoed clearly in the dark. The nervousness in them finally lost. The winds hushed them low yet his remained still.

"I heard. I was, too."

A pause then ensued as all they did was simply look at each other…perhaps in disbelief as what fate had for them that evening.

He took a deep breath and this time, walked towards her as he felt his heart race rapidly.

"I tried desperately to find the courage to speak to you since this morning and how terribly I have faltered." He then took another step forward as his eyes never left hers.

"But it seemed all the courage I need was right here, standing right in front of me…"

He remarked as he took in the wonderful evening scent. Lacus had her gaze on the same moonlit sky as a knowing smile graced her lips.

He took another step forward as she remained on her ground.

"I remember quite vividly being in this scene before, and who would have thought we'd be standing in this very same place again?"

"How could I forget? It was an evening I spent with someone I care for deeply." this time, she didn't dare hide her feelings as she faced the one person she hoped to return to.

This answer gave him his most sincere smile. He then found himself standing right next to her when a thought suddenly entered his mind.

"I also happen to remember doing something which was abruptly cut…" he continued, now standing inches away, as he placed a hand on her waist. She simply looked up at him and stared at his velvet eyes.

She could feel an unusual bliss in them as she couldn't help but reach out to him as well. Standing like this with him, his hands on her and hers on him, somehow felt quite right and perfect in a way that words no matter how intricate could well not explain.

"What was it that you were about to do?" she spoke in a tone above a whisper as her breath caused a slight flinch on his skin.

"It was something like this…"

He then leaned forward, capturing her lips in his as he held her tightly in his arms. He wasn't intent on losing her again and no matter how his back ached still, with how Lacus reciprocated the love he had for her, he was certain he was well on track.