Elphaba and Fiyero ran away from the classroom with the cage that contained the little lion cub.

"Poor thing. I hope I didn't scare it," thought Elphaba.

Elphaba was a fiery girl. She had passion for such causes as trying to protect the Animals, even ones like the lion cub that could not speak yet. Her heart was good, even though her exterior did not reflect that. She was born with skin green as an emerald, and just as lovely, but no one seemed to notice that. They thought she was a freak, and most people treated her like an outcast. Fiyero was now and exception.

Fiyero was a handsome Winkie prince with a reputation of being 'scandalacious'.

He never had a care in the world. He often was seen lounging about, making no real use of his intelligence that he refused to admit that he had. He came off as genuinely self absorb and deeply shallow. He was the most popular boy at Shiz University, and had the most popular girl, Galinda, as his girlfriend. It confused him that he was running off with this green girl to save a lion for a cause that he never thought that much about.

"We can't just let him loose anywhere, you know. We have to find someplace safe!" Elphaba yelled, frustrated. She looked all around for a place in the woods that would be suitable for the little frightened lion.

"Don't you think that I realize that? You must think I'm really stupid or something!" Fiyero retorted. This was the first time in his life he was not living up to his act of being ignorant.

"No, not really stupid." Elphaba looked at Fiyero and they both started to laugh. They stopped running and sat down for a moment. Fiyero looked at Elphaba and realized something that he never thought before. He realized she was actually quite beautiful. Her jet black hair hung around her face. Fiyero was tempted to put it behind her ear, but then stopped himself. He wanted to break the silence with any remark he could think of.

"Why is it that every time I see you you're causing some sort of commotion?" Fiyero asked.

It was true. The only other time he really saw her was when they were all down at the Ozdust Ballroom. He was dancing with Galinda, when she made her entrance. She was in a simple navy blue frock and she wore boots. Her hair was in a braid and she had a ridiculous pointy black hat on. Actually, he thought she did not look ridiculous wearing the hat. She was probably the only girl who could pull something like that off. She then began dancing crazily, while everyone stared at her. Galinda then joined her, and soon everyone starting doing 'The Elphaba'. It was rather a commotion.

Elphaba shot a look at Fiyero. "I don't cause commotions," she said, "I am one."

"That's for sure."

"Oh! So you think I should just keep my mouth shut! Is that what you're saying?" Elphaba glared at Fiyero, her passionate eyes burning into him. Fiyero thought she looked cute when she was agitated. He could never let her know that.

"No I'm-" Elphaba cut Fiyero off.

"Do you think I want to be this way? Do you think I want to care this much? Don't you know how much easier my life would be if I didn't?" Elphaba began making silly hand gestures as she was yelling.

"Do you ever let anyone else talk?" Fiyero joked.

"Oh, sorry... But can I just say one more thing? You could have just walked away back there." Fiyero looked away. He could have walked away, it was true. He could have joined in with all the other Shiz students laughing at her. But he knew there was something about that green girl that was special; he just did not know what. That is why he went with her. Instead of telling her what he was truly thinking, he played it cool.


"So, no matter how shallow and self-absorbed you pretend to be-" This time Fiyero cut Elphaba off.

"Excuse me, there's no pretense here. I happen to be genuinely self-absorbed and deeply shallow." Fiyero was lying. There definitely was more to him; he just hated thinking about it. He enjoyed people seeing him as a careless, partying, playboy.

Elphaba knew that Fiyero was lying.

"No you're not. Or you wouldn't be so unhappy." Fiyero looked at Elphaba and knew that she was right. Instead of having a nice, sentimental moment, he leapt up onto his feet.

"Fine, if you don't want my help..." Fiyero turned to walk away. Walking away could have made everything easier. But, he didn't.

"No, I do! Poor little thing, its heart is trembling. I didn't mean for -" Elphaba returned her focus to the lion cub, which was shaking in fear. It served as a good distraction from looking into Fiyero's handsome eyes.

"What did you mean to do? Why was I the only one you didn't do it to?" Fiyero waited for Elphaba to answer him. Instead, Elphaba ignored the subject and noticed a cut on Fiyero's face.

"Oh look, you're bleeding. It must have scratched you." Elphaba placed her hand on Fiyero's cheek. He liked the smoothness of her emerald green hands. He needed to go, no matter how much he wanted to forget about everything and stay with Elphaba. He wanted her to keep those emerald hands on her face.

"Yeah. Or maybe it scratched me. I better get to safety. I mean, get the cub to safety." Fiyero ran with the cub, leaving Elphaba alone.

Elphaba sat there momentarily. She could love him. But he would never feel the same way. She thought that no one like him would ever love a freak like herself.

Rain began to pour down hard. Elphaba did not even bother looking for much shelter. She let the rain soak her back and her hair. Elphaba's dress became heavy from the water. She held back the tears. She did not cry ever. She was not one to care about a silly boy.

Elphaba heard a noise. She looked over to the bridge by where she was standing. She heard a familiar laugh. It was that of her roommate and only female friend, Galinda.

Galinda was running, holding onto Fiyero's hand and dragging him behind her. Fiyero held an umbrella over her and Galinda kissed him. Fiyero pulled away and glanced to see if Elphaba was still around. He thought that kissing the popular and beautiful Galinda was nice, but kissing the intriguing and mysterious Elphaba would be much better.

Elphaba watched him kiss her and wanted him to be kissing her and not Galinda. Maybe, that could happen one day, she thought.

"Don't wish, don't start….wishing only wounds the heart," she said out loud to herself quietly. It was true. Getting her hopes up about Fiyero would do her no good. She could never let anyone, ESPECIALLY Galinda know how she was falling for Fiyero.