Love. Lies and Secrets

SCENE: Tina's office. Tina walks in to a desk full of mail. There is a thick manila envelope marked "Personal and Confidential," Tina Kennard. She sets it aside next to a stack of scripts and scans the rest of the mail. Finding nothing urgent she looks at the manila envelope again. She sighs and takes her envelope opener to the thick package. She looks at the first page.

It reads: Ms. Kennard, I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news but things aren't always what they seem. I think this information may save you from any surprises that may be in store for you. Consider this a favor from a friend who has been where you are now and who wasn't so lucky. Good luck to you.

Tina looks confused by the note and sets it aside to look at the pages underneath. She begins to read and scan the pages quickly, her expression getting more concerned and confused with every page.

SCENE: Art class in session. Bette, Jodi/Interpreter, Phyllis. Jodi is in work clothes covered in paint. The class is working on an impaired vision assignment. Very messy.


Ms. Porter, I would like you to meet Jodi Lerner. Jodi is head of our Art Therapy Department. She teaches medical students from almost every medical field how art can be used in teaching and healing both the physically and mentally challenged. Her program covers everything from patients with minor childhood problems to the aged and severely ill and everything in between. I recommend that you catch one of her lectures. Jodi this is Ms. Porter. She will be heading the Department for the Advancement of the Arts. She will be putting together shows, helping with recruiting and of course the ever important funding for the arts.


Thank you for the wonderful introduction. It's nice to meet you Ms. Porter. I would shake your hand but…

(Holds up hands covered in paint.)


(Looks at Jodi then interpreter then Jodi again.)

It's a pleasure to meet you. This looks like an interesting class.


You'll get used to it.




(Smiles.) This guy hanging around me all the time.


Oh yes, Jodi is deaf. But it in no way impacts her effectiveness as an instructor. She is also a very gifted artist.


(Smiles at her boss.) I see. (To Jodi.) Do you have pieces showing any where?


Not anywhere prestigious, but a few are in the schools gallery.


I can't wait to see them.


Well, we must be off on the rest of our tour. Come along Ms. Porter. Jodi, don't forget about the party at the gallery Friday evening. (She and Bette exit.)

SCENE: Henry's Apartment. Tina has come home early, the manila envelope clutched under her arm. She walks around the apartment looking at all the pictures. She takes out two pictures from the envelope and holds them up to one of the framed pictures. The framed picture has the two photos she is holding merged together.



(She pulls out more pictures and finds that other framed photos are combinations of the pictures in the envelope. She sits sown on the couch contemplating exactly what she is seeing.)

He's a fucking graphic designer! Oh my God! Fuck…

SCENE: NIGHT. School Art Gallery. Bette, Jodi/Interpreter, Phyllis. Crowded.


Well Ms. Porter it looks like you are quite the success. From all of the people here who already know of you and your work I am positive you will be a great asset.


Thank you Dean Kroll.


Phyllis, please. Well, I have obligations I must attend to; I'll see you again later.


Of course.


(Approaches Bette.) I hear you have had a busy week.


Ms. Lerner. You clean up well.


I'm sorry I can't say the same for you.


(Confused.) Excuse me?


I just found out you're booking a show for Dr. Thomas Keys. How could you agree to do an installation for him?


What do you mean? His work aligns with yours. I would have thought that you of all people would appreciate acknowledgment of the service and accomplishments of your work.


Our work does not in fact align. Dr. Keys is a con man and a cancer to the work that I am trying to accomplish. You should rethink your decision to install the work he plans to provide.


I've looked at the work and it is incredible. Why should I rethink the exhibit?


None of that work was obtained ethically and I can prove that most if not all of it was coerced from a few of his select patients. One of whom is not mentally ill but is paid by Dr. Keys to create pieces to fit his agenda. Dr. Keys is misrepresenting the works and the effectiveness and results of art therapy for personal gain and notoriety.


Ms. Learner, again, the board and I have listened to Dr. Keys' presentation and have viewed the pieces that are to be installed. It made sense. But, if you can prove the allegations you've made you deserve the chance to be heard. I'll send you a copy of the presentation and the slides and you can present your case to the board next week. I'll wait to make my final decision then. I'm surprised you weren't at the presentation since you are so adamant that it is unethical.


I was in session at the time but I thought that, because of your reputation, you would be able to see though his con. I guess you reputation was inflated.


Ms. Learner, I can assure you that my reputation was made by hard work and attention to the most current art movements which allowed me to obtain art that reflects the current age and influences in the world at large. It was not made by my knowledge of medical and art therapy methods. That is where your reputation is made. I suggest that next time something like this that affects your work and reputation comes before the board that you reschedule your sessions and attend the meeting. It was nice to talk with you again. I'll see you at the board meeting next week.

(Walks away as Jodi watches.)

SCENE: SAME NIGHT JENNY'S HOUSE. Shane, Jenny, and Max sitting in living room.


And then I told her - If you can't take the heat, get your hand out from between my legs.


Oh, that had to make her mad.


Yeah, she got up and left. (Looks up at knock on door.)


I'll get it. Hey Tina, come in.


(With Angelica.) Hey guys. Sorry to bother you but I came to see if Bette could take Angelica for the night but she's not home yet.


She has a gallery party at the school tonight.


Yeah, she looked really good when she left. Oh, sorry Tina.


Its okay Jenny, I'm sure she did look nice. Did she mention when she would be back.


No, she didn't. You can stay here and wait for her if you want.


That would be nice thanks.

SCENE: One hour later. Bette, Tina, Angelica. Bette pulls into driveway and walks to door. She is inside for a very short time and there is a knock. Answers door.


Tina. What wrong?


Nothing is wrong. I was just hoping that you could take Angelica tonight instead of in the morning.


(Hesitant) Yes. I mean, are you sure? Come in.


I'm sure. I've been picking her up early lately and I just thought you would like it if you had a little more time with her.


(Takes Angelica.) Thank you.


I have to go into work extra early in the morning. I had to schedule a Saturday meeting because it was the only time everyone was free.


Okay. I have to go to the office tomorrow too. I think Angelica will have fun going with me.


I'm sure she will. Well, I have to go.

(Bette watches Tina leave and then turns her attention to Angelica.)

SCENE: Same night. Tina is checking into a cheap hotel.