Disclaimer: Not mine.

I like Leon/Sora, hee. I like it a lot and there's not nearly enough out there for me to be a happy little fangirl, so here is my meager offering. Got any recs for good Leon/Sora or Sora/Leon fics? Send them my waaaay!


Leon liked watching Sora, liked watching him do even the most mundane things, all the way to the most interesting things. In the morning he liked watching Sora wake up, liked the way his eyes slowly blinked open and then closed again as he tugged the sheets over both their heads ("S'too early. Stop hogging the blankets."). If they didn't take a shower together, then it was usually Leon who got everything ready and out for breakfast; when Sora wandered out naked from the waist up, hair damp and still looking sleep-tousled, he could help but pull the younger brunet close and kiss him hard ("Mm, good morning to you, too.").

Leon also liked it when Sora smiled widely, kissing him gently and whispering a, "Have a good day," against his lips.

When he got home, sometimes Sora was there and sometimes he wasn't; it depended on what day it was. When he was home, he was usually on the couch with a book he had borrowed from Aerith, along with a cup of tea on the table beside him. Sora would smile again, ask him how his day was and get up to kiss the man as a greeting ("Long day?").

Dinner was usually simple. Sora's skills in the kitchen were limited to breakfast and Leon had never really taken the time to learn; he was content to eat whatever there was. Sometimes one of them would feel ambitious and attempt something new. ("Doesn't look that hard, does it? I mean, we have eggs and…well, um, I'm sure we can substitute that for something that looks the same, right?") More often than not they would end up calling one of the many take-out places that had sprung up after the war- they knew each other by name by now.

The younger brunet was all slender muscle and energy and very early on in their relationship Leon had learned that when he cupped slim hips, pressed them chest to back and slid his fingers teasingly over Sora's cloth-covered cock ("S-stop, Leon, the food's gonna burn if- aah! It'll be your faa-"), the teen made the most delightful noise, his lips parting, cheeks turning pink and Leon was damned if he didn't like watching that, too.

His two favorite things to watch were when he first entered the boy, the flushed look of pure arousal and need making Leon groan and press his lips to Sora's shoulder, nipping gently("L-Leon, please.").

The absolute best moment, Leon had decided, is when the teen bites his lip, bright blue eyes now dark, almost glazed with lust and fluttering shut as he tenses, arching his back and gasping out a choked-off moan ("Gods, Leon."). That sound undid the older man almost every time and after, when Sora stretched out on the bed tracing his fingers across Leon's tanned skin, looking up at him and murmured an affectionate, "Love you," Leon couldn't help but wonder what gods he had pleased to gain this.


Poor Leon. First there was a Leon/Riku and then there was this. :D Review? Help the tired, stressed girl who has to deal with exams?