Zane was recently turned into a doll by Camula. So the vampire takes his soul and keeps him with her. What does Zane think of this?

MAJOR oocness…

- - -

Huh? Where am I? Last thing I know I was just blasted by Cyber End Dragon. What the hell is that smell? Why can't I move..?

Ahh! A giant clawed hand is reaching for me! Stay away! Stay away! I feel funny.. Wait I remember.. I'm a doll…

How come I don't have any pants? Did you like use all the blue fabric on Crowler or something? Are you like some child molester or something…?

What the heck!? No I do not want to make out with Barbie…!

I don't want to make out with Ken either.

Touch me and I swear I will claw your eyes out! Wait I don't even have FINGERS! My god, did you get this doll at the dollar store or something!?

Is it just me or am I missing a few bangs?

Syrus.. You owe me a couple million, kiddo!

Dammit! Why am I on your bathroom counter! Ew, hell no, Don't change in front of me! Ah, someone turn me around, turn me around!


… Shoot me.

I feel so helpless…

Damn it, Jaden! If you're always going to be the hero, at least get the job done faster!

…Did you just call me pathetic? Why I oughta- when I'm human again I WILL hurt you!

I'm bored…

Finally, I'm BACK! No more stitches for me! Wait, for the heck of it I'm going to play dead, I wanna see what happens.

Chumley… Did you take a shower today?


Zane: What the hell is this?

Kai: Nothing important. -runs-

Review, sorry, I'm not the greatest at humor xD