Disclaimer: Let's make this nice and simple…I. DO. NOT. OWN. HARRY. POTTER. Even a kindergartener can read that. Now…on to the story.


Every 75 years, it is said that a portal opens at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry admitting students from 20 years into the future. What happens if the portal just so happened to open during the Marauders' seventh year? Partly AU.

Chapter 1- Getting The News: 1977

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts!" Dumbledore began his annual announcement once again, going over the basic rules and such. James Potter and his friends however, paid no heed to the headmaster as they were thinking up different theories on why McGonagall wasn't sitting at the head table. She hadn't appeared at the sorting either.

"Maybe she got into a grueling duel with death eaters and died!" Peter suggested.

"Or maybe she quit…no, she got fired!" James exclaimed.

"Or she fell into the lake, and the giant squid ate her!"

"Haha…remember first year when Padfoot fell into the lake?" James grinned. Sirius looked indignant.

"I didn't fall! You pushed me! Remmy, tell Prongs that he pushed me into the lake!" Sirius whined like a child.

"Guys, I'm sure she had a valid reason why she isn't here," Remus, the ever-smart one, rolled his eyes at his friend's antics. The ideas fired up again between James and Peter until Sirius decided to butt in again.

"Ooh! I got it! She finally found someone actually willing to f-"

"Sirius!" The rest of the Marauders yelled. Sirius Black was the player of the group, only thinking about girls, sex, and pranking. And considering McGonagall was the strictest teacher at Hogwarts in their opinions, they couldn't imagine her doing anything like that…not that they would try to.

Before Sirius could make another perverted comment, James yelled out, "Food!" Immediately, the four friends began stuffing their faces. McGonagall's absence was soon forgotten.

Dinner in the Great Hall was a very loud affair, even more so by a prank that the Marauders had pulled on the Slytherins. Once everyone managed to quiet down, Dumbledore stood up. He seemed cheerier than normal, if that was possible.

"Let's have a bit of a history lesson, shall we?" Most of the students simply stared at Dumbledore as if he had gone insane. Lily Evans, however, sat up straight and looked at him with interest.

"When the founders created Hogwarts, they added a portal –or a time warp of some sort- that allows students from the future to step 20 years back in time and join the students of the past for one school year. This portal opens every 75 years…it just so happened that this year was among one of those that fell in this pattern." Students began whispering to their friends, interpreting what the headmaster said.

"We get to go 75 years to the past!" James exclaimed loudly.

Dumbledore heard this and gave a chuckle. "No, Mr. Potter. You misunderstood me. We will not be going anywhere. Seventh years from the future will come to us. 20 years to be exact." James fought down a blush and nodded quickly.

At that moment, McGonagall entered the Hall and headed toward her seat. Once she sat down, Dumbledore motioned for her to speak. She stood up once more.

"I am assuming that the Headmaster has explained to you about the portal," she surveyed the students to see them nodding. "Very well. I have spoken to myself from the future," many students giggled at the thought, "and I have met a few of the students. Many of them are your relatives or children. Please do not harass them about their lives when they arrive to our time period, which will be tomorrow during dinner."

"Who's children have you met?" Lily spoke up.

"I'm sure she's met ours, Evans," James winked at her. Lily flung some mashed potato at him, hitting his glasses.

"Actually, I have met Mr. Potter's son, Harry, as well as one of Ms. Patil's daughters." Aporva Patil grinned.

"What's my son like?" James asked eagerly after wiping the mashed potato from his glasses.

"Tomorrow, James. I think that's all, so you may head to your common rooms." Dumbledore dismissed everyone.

After leading the first years to their dormitories, James headed to his and Lily's common room; he was head boy this year and Lily was head girl. When he entered, he saw that she was already back from her duties.

"Hey," James sat down next to her.

"Go away Potter," she responded not lifting her eyes from the book she was reading.

James raised his hands in mock surrender. "Just trying to be friendly." Lily looked up and there was an awkward pause between them.

He leaned back on the armrest of the sofa and broke the silence. "So…" Unfortunately, this was not the best thing to say in order to start a conversation with Lily Evans.

"What do you want Potter?" Lily looked like she was getting pissed. After all, he wasn't saying anything worth listening to her.

"Nothing! I just wanted to talk, that's all. What do you think of…you know, the whole portal thing?"

"It's an absolutely horrible idea."


"Because there will be two Potters then!"

"So? The more the merrier!"

"Ha! I'm surprised you were actually able to reproduce and have an offspring!"


"Yes, ouch. Now go away." Lily went back to reading her book. James sighed and got up.

"Good night Evans," he said as he left. Once he was in bed, he tried to sleep but found that he couldn't. His mind kept drifting back to what McGonagall said.

He had a son.

He, James Potter, did reproduce no matter what Evans said. After that thought, he finally fell asleep imagining his son having messy black hair like him and green eyes just like Lily.

A/N: Well…first of all, please review this story! I just wanted to say that this probably won't be too serious of a story. Just so you know, Peter is already a death eater, but it won't be relevant until later on. I'm not even sure if it will be relevant. I'll try not to act like I hate Peter when I write, but it may come up. Sorry about any grammar errors; I don't have a beta for this story yet. That's all, so thanks for the taking the time to read this story!