A/N: Yeah, two drabbles written in one night. This didn't turn out anything like I wanted it to (since I couldn't fit it in the 100-word limit), but oh well. I think my point got across all right. If not, ... whatever. It isn't specific as to which 'universe' it is. I had musicalverse in mind when I wrote it, but it could just as easily be bookverse.

What I said in last chapter regarding requests still holds, only there's 10 drabbles left that I can try and fill any requests into (as I already know what I'm going to do for the last drabble). Thanks to everyone still reading (and reviewing, if it so pleases you xP) this wicked100 challenge; hopefully I haven't majorly disappointed anyone.

(Psst, this "chapter" brings me to exactly 100,000 words archived to my account. I'm quite happy about that, since I never thought I'd get even close to that amount. And yeah, I know I'm a loser; I made sure the number of words in my Author's Note filled the quota xD.)

023. Picture
Rating: K plus

Glinda never thought she'd be glad to run into Pfannee again. After they went their separate ways, she realised just how shallow the friendship between she, Pfannee, and Shenshen had been. It only made her more grateful for Elphaba.

Glinda smiled wistfully, looking down at the picture frame the girl had brought her. It was simple, and the photo inside was an old one- she, Pfannee, and Shenshen had their arms around each other, the newfangled camera having caught them mid-giggle. How young she looked back then, and so carefree. She sighed, putting it down.

She didn't recognise herself anymore.