This is fan-fiction based on the Manga/Anime Naruto It has been written for the sole purpose of entertainment. I am in not in any way, shape or form affiliated with the owners of Naruto.
Lemon Alert!!!
This fan-fiction has been CATEGORIZED: M
Please, if you are under 18, or if you are offended by cursing and/or sexual content, this is your chance to turn back!
FYI: Naruto and Hinata are a bit OOC This is my first fanfic, I hope that you enjoy it.
His body was in tatters, he couldn't feel anything, was this the end? " YOU'RE WEAK" nine tails said "Shut up you stupid fox and heal me" Naruto muttered barely managing to let the words cross over his lips.
"Naruto, can you hear me?" Sakura said with, tears flowing down her cheeks
"I …" gasped Naruto as he struggled to reach for his pocket
"Don't move!" Sakura stated firmly as her hands worked quickly and precisely to try to minimize the damage to his body
A low guttural sound emitted from his throat as he spat up some blood
It was the last thing he heard before slipping out of consciousness
Cut to the not so distant past
He couldn't stand to see her hurting, his feelings wouldn't allow it, he'd rather see her happy than the pain and suffering that she was going through, even if it did mean bringing back the source of that pain.
" Don't worry Sakura, I will bring him back, it's a promise" Naruto Said
It had been 7 years since the day that he had brought Sasuke back. While he always did his best to keep his promises, it was one of the few that he actually was able to fulfill. It made his heart feel good to see that Sakura was happy but at the same time he couldn't help but feel a little sad.
During his search for Sasuke, he had been teamed with some of the other shinobi of the village for various missions, one in particular, had been Hinata. He was surprised that she had managed to save him in the search for the Bikochu insect to that can find somebody by smell.
He had begun spend more time with Hinata in between missions and the more time they together, the more he realized that he was falling for her. While he still loved Sakura, he knew that she did not see him the way he saw her. It had been difficult for him to see Sakura marry Sasuke but at least she was happy. Six months later he married Hinata.
Even after Sasuke's return, he had still been without at team and since Sakura had been pouring her every moment into Sasukes recovery, it was easier for him to be away concentrating on missions instead of letting his thoughts drift to her. Although, it didn't help that Fuzzy Brows would mention her whenever they had a slow moment.
He always brought tokens of his affection back to Hinata and Sakura from every mission, finding special unique items for them both. He still hoped that he could make some type of impression on Sakura and while she appreciated it, she didn't really show any type of feelings towards him.
Sakura had always been aware of Naruto's feelings toward her but always refused to let him express them verbally, it was easier to get mad at him and clobber him over the head before he could say anything. While Naruto had grown on her, it was still Sasuke that she loved the most.
For a while, Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto had gotten back as a team but after Sasuke and Sakura married, one of them had to leave the team. It was one of the rules that a team couldn't have siblings or spouses and since the reintroduction of medics on teams, it was Sasuke that ended up leaving.
While the Team 7 was no more, they still managed to get together as couples.
" So what do think of the new team member Naruto" Sakura Said
"Ahh, He's alright, he's no Sasuke though, not that there was much to Sasuke to begin with" Naruto said with a grin on his face.
"You're still a moron" Sasuke said
"Yeah but at least I'm not an ugly one" Naruto retorted
" That's enough, Can't we just have one dinner without you two pestering each other" Hinata said.
Ever since Hinata had finally found her voice, everybody always listened when she spoke.
Naruto was instantly reminded of when she found that voice
"Um Naruto-Kun" Hinata softly said while pressing her two index fingers together
"Whats is is, Hinata" Naruto replied, approaching her and noticing that she was more nervous than usual
"Are you feeling Okay?" asked Naruto, as he reached out to touch her forehead
Instantly Hinata's face flushed red at the touch of his hand and she began to feel dizzy
This time though, she managed to fight it off.
" You seem ok, I know what will make you feel better, some of Teuchi's famous ramen noodles, everybody always feels better after that" Naruto began to turn to walk
At that moment Hinata summoned up all the courage in her body, remembering all the times that Naruto had believed in her and then
"I LOVE YOU!!!" she exclaimed
Her body seemed to relax on its own, the burden had finally been lifted "I Love you" she repeated tenderly.
"Hinata … I" Naruto began but Hinata Interrupted "Shhh…. I don't expect anything at this moment, I know for you that this is sudden but I've felt this way for a long time and I really needed to let you know. I know that you have feelings towards Sakura but all I'm asking is that you get to know me …. I'll talk more with you later, please enjoy your ramen" and with that she softly planted a sweet tender kiss on his cheek and vanished. She had gained the confidence that had been tucked away inside her waiting to get out.
Naruto stood in that spot with his mouth hanging wide open and his face turning a shade of red from the kiss and blue "Breathe baka" Iruka-sensei said. Iruka had seen the whole thing.
" Come on. Lets go to Ichiraku's, I'm buying, it's not every that a beautiful girl claims her love for, Come to think of it, I don't think any girl has ever claimed her love for you" Iruka smirked
"HEY, that's not funny" Naruto brashly stated
" Come on Lover" Iruka egged Naruto on
"Stop That, I don't want to talk about it" Naruto crossed his arms "but your still buying lunch"
End flashback
It had been a while since Naruto had thought about that moment. He looked at Hinata, she was beautiful and his heart became full remembering that time. She looked back and him and smiled.
He then glanced over at Sakura and his heart sank just a bit. Careful not to let his glance linger to long, so as to not let those all seeing eyes of Sasuke and Hinata notice, he looked over at Sasuke and said jokingly " Sorry about the ugly comment, it's only half true" and then patted Sasuke on the Shoulder.
Walking back to their house, Naruto looked at Hinata as the moonlight washed over her body. It was nice to see her in something different than that heavy jacket she normally wore.
" You look stunning tonight" he said as he pulled her close to him and let his lips lightly pass over hers before bringing her in closer and pressing her sweet luscious lips tighter against his.
" I hope that I didn't ruin the night for you"
"Well, you still have time to make it up to me, the night is not over yet" Hinata replied and then winked at him
" He's still a buffoon ,Why do we have them over again?" Sasuke asked
" Naruto was part of our team, not to mention" She paused knowing that if she even brought up the subject of Naruto bringing Sasuke back to her, that he would just go on one of his long walks to brood over it "… You'd be bored to death if you didn't have him around to keep you on your toes."
Sasuke huffed "Keep me on my toes! Ha, I have more chakra in my pinky toe than his entire foot"
Sakura smiled knowing full well that it was both of Naruto's and Sasuke's competitive nature that kept both boys on their toes and was pleased with her craftiness for keeping Sasuke's pride in tact.
Naruto stood behind Hinata, softly moving her hair to the side and began to slowly kiss her neck. He carefully undid the knot at the base of her neck and let her dress fall to the floor.
He summoned his wind chakra to his hand and gently glided it over her breasts until her nipples became hardened with anticipation. "Don't stop" she said as she reached behind to loosen his belt. He let wind caress her a bit longer and cupped her breast while applying the slightest pressure to her nipple.
He loved to tease her and make her ask for more. He glided his lips over her soft white back, blowing lightly between the small kisses. His hands moved down her delicate sides stopping just below her pelvic bone. He let one hand grab her firm buttock and turned her around with the other. He then began to rise planting the smallest of kisses around her belly button and rising up to her breasts where he began to tease her nipple with his tongue. With little force, he slowly bit down on her taught nipple and gently tugged it with his teeth.
As he laid her down, he opened her legs wider and proceeded to let his tongue sabor her juices and then proceeded to tantalize her clit. She moaned as she pushed herself harder onto his tongue. He slipped two of his fingers inside of her, curling them upwards to hit the G Spot. His tongued now ravished her clit. Her back was arching higher and higher, "more" she managed to say in between heavy breathes. Naruto didn't let up, moving his fingers faster and sucking hard on her pink diamond.
"NARUTO" She let out in ecstasy
He turned her over, his cock penetrated her fiery vagina as he proceeded, thrusting himself harder and quicker inside of her. His body became rigid as let himself loose inside of her. He pressed his chest on her back, his penis still stiff and moving in and out of her.
Their bodies were covered in sweat, there was hardly any energy left in the both of them.
Hinata looked over at Naruto and sheepishly grinned at him " Now you've made it up to me"
Naruto tickeled her playfully before rolling onto his side and pulling her close to him.
Naruto lied there thinking about earlier in the evening, "Why can't I get her out of my head" he thought.
"I've done everything I could, I've avoided her, I've kept my distance but it seems no matter how hard I try, whenever I see her, those feelings just keep coming up"
He wondered at times if she should mention his feelings about Sakura to Hinata but always decided against it. Even so, it's not like he could just walk up to Sakura, tell her his feelings for her and poof magic would happen and she would love him too.
He didn't want her to leave Sasuke either nor did he want to leave Hinata. Why couldn't it be, why couldn't people believe that you could love two women equally. He had had this conversation before
Flashback two
"Iruka-Sensei, I love them both, I don't want to have to choose one, but it's not like Sakura has eyes for me. I've tried being there for her, giving her gifts, showing off and evening listening but no matter what I do, it doesn't grab her attention. Maybe I should just come outright and tell her"
"Naruto, it just is. People tend to take for granted what they have around them until something wakes them up inside. Look at Sasuke, he had the best of friends, a girl that loved him" A cringe of jealously came over Naruto when Iruka mentioned Sakura's love for Sasuke
"….and a village that admired him. It wasn't until you brought him back and many months of recuperation that he realized it. Your best bet is to just let her be … It would take something spectacular to bring her to you anyways and what about Hinata? You two have been dating pretty seriously haven't you?"
Naruto sighed " Yeah, and I do love her but…."
"No buts Naruto, you should push the thought from your mind and move on.." Iruka firmly stated.
End Flashback 2
That had been two and a half years ago and try as he might, he was still unable to move on. He would just continue on in his torn state, which was all to familiar for him, after all he had the nine tails fox inside of him and still didn't have total control of the fox's chakra. There had been times when that Chakra had nearly destroyed him, but to him, even that didn't compare to what he had been struggling with for so long.
Sasuke had known as well that Naruto had liked Sakura and he always wondered in the back of his head if the oaf still had feelings for her. He had even confronted Sakura one time about it, to which she had assured him that there was nothing going on and that she didn't see Naruto that way. No matter what, Sasuke felt like he could never escape the competition between him and Naruto, even for his own wife.
It had been another day, just like any other, the only difference was that Naruto was working by himself on a new technique. They would be trying out for the Jonin exam soon and the team would no longer exist in any form. They themselves would become the teachers.
It was hard for Naruto to imagine himself as a teacher. It wasn't that long ago that endangered the lives of Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon at Mount Takamuri because of his stubbornness and pride; but he had grown since then and had taken some extra lessons from Jiraiya in order to improve upon his skills. He just wished he didn't have to keep doing his Sexy Harem Jutsu to keep getting Jiraiya to help him.
His thoughts came back to that of team finally being separated. He let out a sigh. He knew that if he was ever going to have any chance at all with Sakura that it would have to be before the Jonin exams but how, was it even possible? In all the time since Naruto had become a shinobi, he had always believed in himself, believed that anything was possible. This was one of the rare times where he thought he would not be able to do anything. Iruka had thought that Naruto was more on a conquest than in love but nothing could be further from the truth. All he wanted was to share his love with her in every way possible.
He sat down, alone in his thoughts. Even though he could talk to Iruka-sensei, it wasn't like Iruka understood him, in fact he didn't think anybody every would. "Push it from your mind, remove it" he thought. "I..I can't do it, I don't want to do it, I won't! It's better to love even if that love is unreturned. I can only do my best and if my best isn't good enough…" he left the thought to wander off and stay incomplete.
"Naruto, are you deaf" Sakura screamed which took him completely by surprise causing him to tumble onto his head.
"I've been calling you for five minutes, If you think you're going to pass the Jonin exam with that type of concentration you better give up now. Tsunade-sama want's to see us ASAP."
Authors Note: This story is dedicated to PB who provided me with the inspiration to write this fanfic. You are a unique special person, Arigato. Also, Thanks to KimKaguya for betaing and providing some beginners guidance to me, I really really appreciate it. I hope that everyone enjoys the story and I will provide an update as soon as possible.