DISCLAIMER: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, in its present time or past. Kazuki Takahashi does.

"ARGH!" a very shrill scream echoed down the palace halls, "I hate this poor excuse for a job!" Mahaado, who'd been busy trying to teach his student Mana how to properly light a torch on fire, jumped up in shock, setting his own scripture on fire. He clenched his fists as he heard the screaming continue. That voice could only belong to Seth, and as usual, he was in a pretty bad mood. But Mahaado would rather be damned than let Seth ruin his lesson over his job. Calmly, but firmly, he marched out of the room and into the dark hall.

"Master, where are you going?" Mana asked, running to the doorway, "The lesson's not over yet, is it?" Mahaado turned back to face her.

"For now, it is. You're free to go, Mana," Mahaado replied, and continued his way down to Seth's room. This was the third time in a week that Seth somehow disrupted Mahaado in some way, and unsurprisingly, Mahaado was getting sick of it. He intended to give Seth a piece of his mind as he made his way to a wooden door and rapped it roughly. At first, there was no answer, as though Seth might've been hesitating to reply.

"Seth, open this door. Now," Mahaado said firmly. There was a heavy sigh, and the door creaked open. Seth stood there, cross expression and helmet in hand. He looked at Mahaado with little interest.

"What?" he asked furiously. He made no move to let the other priest into his room, so Mahaado simply told him the problem.

"You've disrupted my lesson again," Mahaado said plainly, as Seth rolled his eyes, "That's the third time this week. Now, what's going on that you're yelling your lungs out for anyone to hear? Don't you even think of what might happen if the pharaoh happened to hear?" Seth snorted and looked rather amused by this.

"So then let him hear," Seth replied, "I plan to complain to him anyway." Now Seth stepped aside to let Mahaado through, and Mahaado immediately sat in a chair near the door as Seth sat on his bed.

"Complain about what, if I may ask?" Mahaado inquired. Seth looked around, and then gently pushed the door closed. Whatever was bothering him, he obviously didn't want anyone else to know, despite him screaming as loud as was possible. He walked back to his bed and leaned close so Mahaado had no difficulty hearing him.

"My job," Seth whispered, "I'm not happy with what I have to do. He's sending me out north for a patrol job of our borders." Mahaado arched an eyebrow and tilted his head. That seemed like a pretty poor excuse to go and complain, especially to the pharaoh.

"And?" Mahaado asked further, then said, "Up north towards the forested region isn't bad." Seth closed his eyes for a minute, upset that Mahaado wasn't seeing his point of view.

"And do you know WHO he's sending me with?" Seth asked. Mahaado shook his head, and Seth added, "That freak of a knight, Sith." Mahaado tried his best to cover up a laugh. Sith was foreign and came to Egypt to work as a warrior as an order from her father, who was the leader of a kingdom very far north. No one knew why she had to work here, nor did she feel she should explain. All everyone knew was that she didn't get along with Seth… or with most of the high priests for that matter.

"Wow… I… I'm sorry," was all Mahaado managed to say once he regained himself to the point where he wasn't snickering. He respected Sith, but the thought of her and Seth actually having to work together was just amusing. One of them would probably end up dead in this case.

"I am too. She has the nerve to tell the pharaoh she knows her way around that forest, too," Seth grumbled, picking up a small sack to pack some of his spare clothes into, "And when I protested, all he said was 'It'll be good for you.' He thinks he knows what's best for me!" Mahaado tried to smile warmly as he patted Seth on the back.

"Well, he is our ruler," Mahaado stated, "Listen, if you really don't want to do this, I'll ask him if I may go in your place. But please don't quit. You can take my jobs while I'm gone." Seth seemed to be considering Mahaado's offer, but when he thought of Mana, he quickly shook his head.

"No. I'm not teaching that little pyrotechnist you call a student," Seth declined, "Last time I tried to help her, she set my hair on fire. And then she made it rain toads when she tried to put it out." Mahaado sighed, and shrugged.

"It's your choice," he said, "I'm going to go back and try to find Mana. We haven't actually finished our lesson, and it sounds like she could use every chance for practice I can give her." With that, Mahaado left the room, leaving Seth with an empty sack and a handful of decisions he could make regarding his self-appointed dilemma. Now that he thought about it, quitting his job did seem a little too rash. Besides, the pharaoh wasn't an unreasonable man. He'd listen. But should he talk to the pharaoh first, or to Sith? If he made peace with Sith, that'd be even better.

"She's probably easier to find than the pharaoh anyway," Seth concluded, "Not to mention not nearly as busy." With that being said, Seth walked out into the hallway and took the path that'd lead him behind the bedrooms and classrooms. That would lead him towards a balcony overlooking the back courtyard where most of the soldiers trained. Luckily Sith would be there training with them. Seth walked down briskly until another priest managed to stop him, annoying Seth even more than he usually was.

"Priest Seth, where are you going?" came the deep voice of High Priest Karim, "Why are you heading towards the training grounds?" Seth twitched and turned around slowly to face Karim.

"I'm looking for Sith," he said simply, "Now excuse me." He pushed past Karim briskly and continued down.

"Knight Sith? But she's not on the training grounds," Karim called. Normally, Seth would've ignored Karim, but because this had some relevance to what Seth was doing, he stopped and looked back at Karim.

"What do you mean, she's not there?" Seth asked impatiently, "Where is she?"

"She's in the throne room, talking to the pharaoh," Karim replied, "And by the sound of things, it's something very important too." Since Seth heard what he needed to know, he ignored the rest of what Karim was saying and practically ran the other way down the hall, where it opened up a bit to a much larger hallway. Seth weaved his way past a few servants as he kept up a sprint towards the middle of the large hallway, where two very large golden doors sat. Thankfully for Seth, they were opened. He wouldn't need to waste his time either pushing them open himself or ordering someone else to. He turned sharply and narrowly avoided slamming into one of the water girls. He whizzed past her and stopped abruptly as the doors opened up to the very spacious throne and courtroom. And on the throne sat the pharaoh, Atemu. And like Karim said, Sith was speaking to him. Seth kept his distance and listened carefully.

"My father says they're attacking the northern expanse, but thankfully they haven't stormed Lion's Gate yet," Sith said, and she sounded very serious. Atemu nodded.

"Then they won't make it into Nesce anytime soon, will they?" Atemu asked, "We have time to get over and help your father, I'd hope."

"As long as the gate holds up, they can't get through," Sith replied, relief coming through her voice, "Is this why you asked Seth to come with me?" Atemu seemed to be considering his answer as Sith waited patiently for him to speak. To her surprise, he shook his head.

"No," Atemu said firmly, "No, there are other reasons I've asked him to help you." Sith, feeling curious and somewhat slighted that he wasn't telling her everything, stepped up.

"And those other reasons are…?" Sith inquired suspiciously. From his hiding place, Seth snorted. Sith forgot her place again and now he could get her for it and slip out of this undesirable task. Briskly, but timely, he walked over and made it loud and clear that the two weren't alone. Atemu stared blankly at Seth, and Sith was annoyed to see him.

"Knight, have you forgotten who you're speaking to?" Seth asked softly, "I'd advise you to show more respect for our king." Atemu glanced at Sith, and her expression barely changed, though her hand moved almost mechanically to her sword.

"You mean your king," Sith said simply, "I'm only here to help my father, who is also a king. Seeing as how I'm higher up than you are, I think you should be careful." Atemu hid a laugh as Seth's face grew a shade redder. Seth turned angrily to Atemu, trying as hard as he could not to make a complete fool of himself, though he bet Sith already did that for him.

"You're not a queen, so you have no right being so casual with the pharaoh," Seth growled, still looking at Atemu to see his reaction. When Atemu made no move to object, Seth continued, "I'd mind your manners or you'll be very sorry." Sith's expression still didn't change, either she was thinking or simply ignoring Seth. Atemu decided now was a good time to stop whatever was happening, for he had a feeling that if Sith got the next word in, his throne room would be turned upside-down.

"Priest Seth, is there a reason you interrupted our conversation?" Atemu asked calmly, "Knight Sith was telling me the current report on the Lion's Gate, and asking for advice before you both set off." Seth twitched slightly, but spoke up.

"Sir, I actually wanted to talk to you about that," Seth replied, "Is there a way you might be able to send someone else?" Sith raised her eyebrows in an amused manner and stepped down to let Seth through. She stood against a pillar in case Atemu called for her presence. Atemu himself looked bewildered at the question.

"Why?" he asked suspiciously, "Can you not perform your duties?" Seth looked from Atemu back to Sith, who seemed to be asking the same thing in her mind. Seth heaved a heavy sigh.

"It's just that…" Seth looked around, trying to find something other than the fact that he just didn't like Sith, "Well… perhaps she'll get there faster if I wasn't there?" He smiled when he saw both Atemu and Sith's reaction. Sith seemed confused, but the idea appealed to her, and Atemu was considering it. Whatever was going on, Seth had hit a speed bump by suggesting that Sith should go alone for now. Atemu beckoned Sith over, and whispered something to her. She whispered back, and after a minute of exchanged whispers, a decision was made. Sith stood beside Atemu to let him answer.

"All right, I'll allow Sith to go alone for now," Atemu finally said, though he seemed hesitant about something, "But I would like you to follow tomorrow, Seth. If you must, bring another high priest or two, but I don't want Sith out in the northern expanse for too long by herself, no matter how strong she is." Seth nodded, though he was only half-listening. The fact that he managed to get out of spending a day or two with Sith was making him ecstatic. Sith, however, took out her sword and bowed to Atemu.

"I'll be off then, sir," Sith said, and took off in a surprising speed. Atemu watched her go and vanish before returning his gaze to Seth, who had a grin a mile wide.

"Priest Seth? Aren't you going to prepare?" Atemu asked quizzically, tilting his head. For a minute, it seemed Seth hadn't actually listened to Atemu at all.

"Prepare for what!?" Seth snapped, and then it hit him, "Oh, I mean… yes! Yes, I must prepare. Thank you, sir, I won't let you down." Like Sith, Seth also sped out of the throne room, but instead of leaving through the entrance, he turned back toward where he'd come. This time, he actually did slam into a servant. But he ignored him, even when the servant started yelling and shaking his fist. As of now, Seth had time to do whatever he felt. It wouldn't take him long to pack anything. All he'd really need was a horse, though he figured he might as well take someone else along too, if only to complain to someone.

"Maybe I'll ask Mahaado if he wants to come," Seth said to himself as he walked down the deserted hallways towards the priests' chambers, "He did suggest he go in my place. Maybe I can make him go without me by saying nothing went well." As he thought, or rather, spoke to himself, Seth turned another corner into what he thought was his own room. He'd been so distracted with his plans that he tripped over a chair where he thought his bed was, and looked up only when he fell over. Mahaado, who'd been sitting with Isis, Karim, and Shaddah, looked down.

"Seth? You're back already?" Mahaado asked, arching an eyebrow, "I'm guessing you found Sith." Seth mumbled, getting off of the floor and looking around. To his dismay, he was in a conference room, not his bedroom like he'd thought. Shrugging it off, he took a seat next to Isis and snorted.

"I found more than that," Seth replied, "The pharaoh sent Sith ahead, but he wants me to follow her tomorrow and make sure she gets over to the Lion's Gate." Shaddah, although he was looking down at the floor in concentration, whistled and leaned back in his seat.

"He let Sith leave on her own? The status there must be worse than we thought," Shaddah said dryly, his lips becoming tighter with disapproval, "He said himself that no one is allowed to travel through the northern expanse alone."

"At least Seth won't be too far behind her. Besides, she's one of our strongest warriors. She should be fine," Karim added, and then looked to Isis, "But just in case, can your necklace detect her future? If she's in danger, Seth should leave today." Isis nodded and closed her eyes, focusing on Sith's future. Unfortunately, when she opened her eyes a minute later, her expression was one of failure and frustration.

"Nothing," she replied sadly, "Sith's fate is as cloudy as ours. All we can do is hope she'll be safe." Seth rolled his eyes, tired of hearing everyone worry about the foreign knight. She certainly didn't seem worried about herself.

"She'll be fine until I get everything together," Seth mumbled, and then raised his voice a bit, "Anyway, the pharaoh suggested I take one of you along with me. Without Sith around, I won't have the physical advantage if I'm attacked by thieves. So, who wants to go?" Unfortunately, if Seth thought everyone would rush to his aid, they didn't. The four other priests simply looked at one another, at a loss for words. Soon, Seth became very annoyed when no one said anything for well over five minutes. It was Shaddah who finally got out of his chair.

"I'd love to go, but I fear I may be needed in court," he said as calmly as possible, leaving casually. Seth gave him an icy glare as he passed, which he promptly ignored. Isis sighed and stood up as well.

"My powers may be needed here as well," she stated simply, "If I find anything wrong with your journey, I'll send for you." With that, she practically rushed away as quickly as she could without actually seeming rude. That left Mahaado and Karim, both of whom expected the other to volunteer. Neither of them did.

"Fine then. Mahaado, you're coming with me," Seth finally said, grabbing Mahaado's arm and dragging him out of the seat. Mahaado looked frightfully at Karim, hoping… no, praying that his friend would say something to make Seth leave him alone. Mahaado wanted nothing to do with helping Seth lie to both the pharaoh and to Sith, as he had a pretty good idea of whatever Seth happened to be planning. Karim rose to his feet, but what he said crushed whatever hope Mahaado held.

"You've found a partner! Wonderful! Well, I'd better be going," Karim exclaimed, walking out of the room, "I've got a lot of work to do. I'm pretty sure there's a mother somewhere who wants to know if her child is a good boy or not." Mahaado uncharacteristically twitched and struggled against Seth's grip.

"WHAT!?" he yelled angrily, fuming, "You don't have any orders like that! You don't have any orders period! Get over here and help me!!" That only made Karim run away faster. Like Mahaado, and the other priests, Karim also wanted nothing to do with Seth. The last time he'd helped Seth out, he had a curse for weeks. Unfortunately, even with Seth's firm grip, Mahaado's magic still found a way to form a wall right in front of Karim, and the priest slammed into it.

"Ow… what the…?" Karim reached out and felt solid air. He scrambled to his feet and turned back, screaming, "Mahaado! Remove this wall NOW!" Mahaado didn't move another muscle, as his intended effect was achieved. Seth couldn't help but laugh and feel just a pinch of respect for Mahaado's anger. But now he had to finish what Mahaado inadvertently started.

"Give it a rest, Karim," Seth said grimly, "I was planning on dragging both of you with me, anyway." Mahaado turned as best he could to see Seth's face, a look of suspicion crossing him.

"You were? Why?" Mahaado asked curiously, "You said the pharaoh requested only one of us go with you." Seth blinked.

"And while I enjoy you and Karim trying to kill each other just to avoid me, I can't have you both attracting attention to me. He'll hear you and then wonder why you both are being so stubborn," Seth replied sharply, "Besides, it'll be all the more safer with three priests instead of two." Mahaado was too busy still being upset with Karim to really consider this, so Karim thought for him.

"I smell a bad idea," Karim said, "What if we refuse?" Seth chuckled a little.

"I had a feeling you'd say something to that extent," Seth said darkly, grinning, "That's why I took the liberty of stealing one of Sith's memory… things, and recording everything you both said and did in the past five minutes. If you refuse, I'll show the pharaoh this sphere of you using your magic without urgency, and I'll tell Sith you stole her sphere." Mahaado looked terrified, and finally broke free of Seth. He managed to knock into the wall, but regained himself quickly.

"You wouldn't!" Mahaado exclaimed, exasperated, "That's bribery! That's a crime!"

"Not to mention Sith wouldn't believe you anyway," Karim added coolly, raising his own eyebrow, "Eventually she'd convince the pharaoh that you're responsible anyway. You'll have to do better than that." Seth sighed, and took out a large book.

"Fine then. I'll just have to tell Akunadin that you're the ones who took his book of mystical poetry too," Seth sighed, and Karim immediately snatched the book away.

"We had to! The pharaoh asked that we find the spell for opening the Lion's Gate!" Karim exclaimed defensively, and then sulked, "Fine, we'll help you. But we're not going to lie to the pharaoh. If we see him, we'll tell him exactly what you're trying to do." Mahaado walked over to join Karim, and nodded sternly.

"And the same goes for Sith. We're putting her in danger already by letting her go off by herself," Mahaado added, "Just make sure you're ready before we are tomorrow, or we'll leave without you and we'll definitely tell Sith what you're up to." Seth aimed an icy glare at Mahaado.

"Good luck with that one," Seth said grumpily, "I'll be ready. Just be at the entrance gate by mid-morning with three horses. I'll bring supplies." Mahaado nodded, and both he and Karim left. Seth felt relieved once they were gone, and flopped miserably into a chair. With two other priests going along, leaving Sith behind would be harder, and Seth wanted nothing to do with Lion's Gate or the other… creatures from where Sith came from.

"I might as well do some packing," Seth sighed, heaving himself out of the chair and into the hall, this time heading towards his room for real, "I'll get the food tomorrow, but I'll need some clothing, and I should take some scrolls or books. I wonder if I can convince someone to lend me a spear…" Seth turned the corner into his room as he thought, and closed the door so nothing could bother him. After all, he had to focus on his job, whether he wanted to or not.

"It's just too bad that I have to take BOTH Mahaado and Karim now…"

-----------------------------(End chapter)

Well, the first chapter to my first Memory Arc fanfiction is done! It looks like Seth's plan to avoid a dangerous job failed miserably, but will he still find a way to avoid going after Sith? Why DID he have to take Karim, anyway? Would the pharaoh believe whatever Seth told him if Karim refused? And why did I make them all so out of character? Anyway, find out most of the answers next chapter, so click that Review button!