A.N. Ack I wrote this a long long time ago and I decided to post it to get it out of my system. It's going to be another chapter story so I hope this gets as many reviews as my other story.


Severus Snape is one sexy man.

Harry just stared at his potions professor with a hungry look. Good thing he made sure to sit waaaay in the back of the spooky classroom. It would be pretty embarrassing to have his classmates and rivals know that he – the one to save the wizarding world – harbored feelings for the – Death Eater spy with horrible manners and greasy hair -.

'He's not greasy haired. His hair is as soft as silk I bet. How it would feel sliding against my fingers, brushing along my thigh….' Harry shuddered and inhaled sharply as Snape turned his head at Neville to take away more house points. He looked so fierce. So breathtaking. So damn hot…

"Mr. Potter. Please enlighten me as to why you haven't even attempted to do your assignment."

That snapped Harry out of his sexual thoughts.

'Because I was thinking of how you would look when you'd come in my mouth.'

Giant blush. Ok Maybe not.

Harry wracked his brain for a good plausible excuse. He couldn't very well tell his teacher – "Why yes of course Professor. I have a perfect excuse as to why I'm sitting way back here in the dark deep recesses of your room not doing a damn thing. I was just fantasizing on how your dark and oh so silky hair would feel trailing across my inner thighs. And how your face would look as I trailed my fingers down the small of your back. How amazing the sounds your gonna make as you come would be. That's why I haven't done anything."

IT was just NOT going to happen.

So he did the only thing he was good at during times like this.

"Um….er…I mean I-I was…."

"50 points from Gryffindor. You will see me after dinner so that you may redo this potion. Or you will fail. Do I make myself clear?"

"Inescapably sir." Harry gulped.

Good thing he perfected the art of stuttering.

But damn it all to hell if he wasn't more turned on now then he had been a few mintes ago. 'It must be his silent anger.' Harry thought as he gathered his things to get ready for the next class. He didn't notice the weird looks being sent his way from his fellow classmates. As Snape was once again yelling at Neville and dismissing class, he felt his erection brush up against the inside of his thigh. He slammed back down into his seat and took deep heaving breaths as if he had just ran around Hogwarts. He knew that everyone was still looking at him and he thanked whatever gods were listening for not putting them with Slytherin this quarter. He would never live it down if they were.

"Is there a reason as to why you seem to be holding up that table Mr. Potter?" Snape's silky voice washed over him and Harry took a moment to just bask in it before he shook it off and blinked stupidly.

"Yeah I just realized I have a hard on because of you. Mind taking care of it for me?"

Snape smirked and spoke in that low dangerous voiceo f his. "Is that what you want Potter?"

"Oh god yes."

And then Snape would drag him off into his room despite the protests coming from Harry's friends and classmates and proceed to fuck him senseless right there.

But alas this is not a perfect world. Harry's life practically proved that point. So instead he said,

"Sorry Professor. My scar started to sting. That was all."

He hoped and prayed that that would be enough to placate him. As the rest of the Gryffindors were leaving Snape seemed to except that excuse. "Then leave. And do not forget our appointment after dinner or you WILL have detentions with me for the rest of the year. This is a very important grade if you expect to pass." Then him and his billowed robes – 'Does he charm them to do that I wonder?' Harry thought. – glided back into his back office and slammed the door closed. Harry used this time to take several claming breaths.

"Harry are you sure you're all right?" Hermione asked from the doorway. Harry once again grabbed his things and ran towards the door. "I'm fine Mione. Where's Ron?"

"He went ahead of us in attempt to make it to class on time. I doubt he will though."

Harry nodded, half paying attention to what she was saying. 'Yes!! It's gong down!!' He almost cried tears of joy but decided against it. "Let's get to class Mione before we're late."

She looked down at her watch and gasped. "Oh bugger!! We're two minutes late!! Run Harry!!" she half shouted as she started off into a sprint. Harry just rolled his eyes and ran off after her towards Ancient Runes.

"As if we needed to be early to THAT class!!"


A.N…… . Like it? If y'all got any ideas you want me to add in this story by all means let me know by clicking the purple button. Purple buttons are my friends. And don't forget to say hi to Chibi Draco!!

Chibi Draco: -waves shyly and hides behind me-

Awwwwwwwwwww cuteness man. Wel see ya!!