A/N: Muwha ha ha ha. I'm alive. But I guess you all knew that and after much deliberation I present to you the final chapter of "THE FRUITLOOP".

You're probably wondering why this took so long to get up and I'm not going to lie to you (much). After I had posted the last chappie I actually wrote a fair bit of this before school started again. But then it did and so did preparation for exams and the exams themselves. But that was about 5 or 6 weeks ago.

The point is that I'm lazy and I'm more than willing to admit so. But when I checked the stats for this story a week ago, I noticed that it had hit exactly 1000 hits. So I said to myself, "Self," I said, "Get your butt into gear and finish that story." So I did, tonight, and it's not that flash. It has ended how I always planned from the start (yes this story was fully planned out, each chappie in detail. I just might of deviated from it at times. But not at the end.).

Enough of that ramble. I wish to thank each and every one of you for reading and especially those of you who reviewed, it means a lot to me. As an extra special treat to all that leave a signed review get to see how this would have ended if my little sister (who is actually taller than me) wrote the end.

Also I am looking for voice actors. If you think that you sound any thing like Danny, Mr Lancer or Paullina, or even if you don't, send me an e-mail or PM and attach a recording of yourself. I'm working on an animation of "Final Exam" for Cordia (go read it and 'Pits' after this or I will set my cat on you) and I need your help.

Also should you be wondering there will be no sequel, no eppilog. This is it. The end. Fineeto. Don't bug me about the what happens at the end, remember I posses the Transmiglifier and have modified it to work on fanfic readers as well.

Now enough of my rabbiting:


The FruitLoop

"Gahh! I can't stand that FruitLoop," ranted Danny after class. Tucker, Sam and he were on their way to the cafeteria for lunch, Vlad was a short way behind them, listening to every word and thinking up more ways to toucher Danny.

"Ah get over it dude," replied Tucker. "I mean there isn't much you can do about it 'till after school."

"And you did promise to help him," reminded Sam.

"Well things have changed after that stunt he pulled in class." Glancing back Danny noticed Vlad paying close attention to what was being said, so he pulled his friends closer and started to whisper.

All Vlad could make out was the odd word which included ones like; munch, stomach and cat. This did not sound good.

"Now wait just a minuet," he interjected, flying into the fray of things.

"No! You listen to me," Danny growled. He picked up the cavity cruncher, holding at eye level. Vlad could feel the hate emanating off the young halver, so much so that that he could swear that should Danny put a little more loathing his gaze it would turn into a true death-stare: making Vlad a full ghost.

"That test you just made me fail was the last thing stopping my parents from strapping me into one of their new contraptions. It is theoretically meant to fill my head with knowledge while spinning me round in circles."

"I remember you telling me about that," said Tucker shivering. "120 rotations per minuet is not my idea of learning."

"That would just make me want to hurl," squirmed Vlad.

"Precisely," said Danny abruptly turning back down the corridor from were they came from.

"Uh, Danny, food is that-a-way," Sam said pointing in the opposite direction.

"I know," he replied. He still had not put Vlad down. "I just have to put something away. See you in a few minuets."

With that he turned and walked away. Tucker and Sam shrugged and struck up their old argument on the benefits of certain eating habits.

Danny stopped shortly after he had rounded the corner, Making sure that no one was watching, he brought Vlad back up to eye level.

"Now listen up FruitLoop." Danny paused and then before Vlad could interrupt he continued. "You are going to stay were I put you for the rest of the day 'till I come get you. You are not going to leave and you are going to be quiet. Got that?"

"Um, yes?"

"Good." And then without any further adieu Danny unceremoniously phased his hand and Vlad into the nearest locker and dumped him there.

When Danny started to go join his friends for lunch he bumped into something solid. Staying where he was, he brought up his right hand to just above his head. Pushing forward, he felt a slightly smushy point and above that, to each side, two furry bitts of skin.

Smiling as he looked up to where his hand rested on the person's face, Danny sourly wheezed out, "Uh, hi Dash."

Dash growled.

"I'll be going now," Danny started to say, but before he could run, Dash had picked Danny up by the scruff of the neck and was giving the 'you're-so-dead-now' look.

"Now listen up Fen-toad," began Dash, yet all Danny could think was; Whoa, dá ja vu." Dash noticed the glint of amusement in Danny's eye and decided to make his punishment worse.

"You are going to stay out of my way for the rest of the day and then I'm gonna come get you. Got that?"

"Uhh… Yes?" Yet it came out as more of a question than what Danny had intended.

"Right then," huffed Dash, somewhat dazed by Danny's ability to talk. He then realized who was theoretically meant to be in charge, glowered at Danny then opened the nearest locker and shoved Danny in. "And stay away from my stuff!" Dash shouted, slamming the door and storming off to his lunch.

Danny felt saddened that his threats to Vlad had been so similar to Dash's and resolved to think his terrorization through more carefully. His thoughts of self-flagellation were quickly interrupted however when he felt something squirm under him with muffled shouts of what sounded like, "Gee ooff mee."

Danny grinned, all thoughts of Dash purged from his mind, as he thought of the best was to have his revenge on Vlad. He then lifted up his right butt-cheek, no mean feet in such small confines, and let loose.

The resulting shock wave blasted the locker door off its hinges and across the hall, nearly connecting with Paullina's face. When she inadvertently breathed in, her gag reflex went into overdrive as she fainted.

Danny fell out of the locker, followed closely by the FruitLoop. Both were on the floor, dry heaving their stomachs onto the clean floor.

It was then the sudden slamming of a door got Danny's attention and Vlad had enough sense to turn invisible. Looking up, Danny was caught in yet another death stare from Mr. Lancer, holding up a cloth to his face. It was not quite as bad as the one Danny had given Vlad, but it was good enough to strike fear in his heart.

"Out. Now!" Lancer pointed angrily in the direction of the front door. Danny took his que and went home.


Maddie and Jack were waiting for him when he got home, having already received a call from Lancer about the incident. Maddie was not at all pleased, yet Jack couldn't stifle his glee and wouldn't stop giggling.

"Now young man," began Maddie, "what were you thinking, evacuating the school like that?"

"Uhh. There was a ghost," and while Danny wasn't lying for once, he wasn't telling the whole truth either.

"Ingenious!" Shouted Jack, who bounced out of his seat. "I've got to try that.

"NOOO!" Maddie and Danny yelled together. Normally they wouldn't of so aggressive but Jack had eaten a bake bean and onion curry for lunch, quite possibly creating the most volatile smell imaginable.

Jack began to sulk, "Fine then. I can tell when I'm not wanted. I will be in the opp center fixing the Transmiglifier if you need me." With that he stuck his nose in the air and walked off.

Danny and Maddie were relieved when Jack left, a silence descending between them. In short time however, the calm was broken by the sound of something heavy, crashing above them. Rolling her eyes, Maddie said, "I better go and see what he broke." When she was round the corner she stuck her head back. "And don't think you're off the hook yet. We are going to have words later."

He just smiled sheepishly at her and she frowned as she disappeared back round the corner.


It was a few hours later and Danny was asleep on the couch, he had decided that he was too lazy to bother going up to his room and he was comfortable enough were he was. That is until a shiver went up his spine and a blue mist escaped his lips.


Immediately brought into full conciseness, Danny bolted upright, looking hatefully at the creature who had dared to disturb his slumber. "Not you again. I thought I had placed you in a thermos, inside a ghost shield."

"AH HA! Your cylindrical container and hemispherical shield cannot hold me! For I am the Cubed, the Cardboard, the …"

Danny cut him off after already transforming into his alter-ego. "Yadda, yadda, yadda. Quit your yapping." In saying so, Danny blasted him out the front door and into the street.

The Box Ghost started to mouth off on his usual rant of doom when Danny decided to hell with ecto blasts, he hadn't dealt out a good ghost pummel in a log time and it was just the Box Ghost after all.

Danny lifted up his right fist and clocked the annoying ghost strait on the nose. The force of which sent him flying into a nearby tree and the resulting loud crash brought the attention of Jack and Maddie, who were still up in the Opp center, sticking their heads out the window.

"Oi, ghost kid," Jack shouted out. "Prepare to become ghostly fudge! I've worked the kinks out." He ducked back inside and appeared shortly after carrying the Fenton Transmiglifier. His wild shots scattered the wraithlike combatants.

As Danny was whizzing past the front door, Vlad came causally walking out of the house. "Where have you been?" Danny bellowed turning back. Taking his eyes off where he was going.

"Not saying, my boy. That would impede my future evil plans. By the way you may want to watch out for that tree."

"What tr… Ouch!" Danny picked himself up off the ground, only to come face to face with the barrel of the Transmiglifier; his farther had obviously managed to dart down the stairs in record time to get a better shot.

"Become fudge, ghost scum." Yelled Jack as he fired; even he couldn't miss at point blank range.

"Oh crud," said Danny as he started to shrink and turn brown. Vlad just stood there, laughing his head off at Daniel's misfortune.

Once Danny had finished transforming into his spongy, fudgey state, Jack reached down and picked him up. He started a muffled song, Whinnie the Pooh style, "Yummy fudgey, for my tummy."