A/N: I am not a writer so if you find any errors please let me know and I will fix them at once.

Summary: We all know Vlad is a FruitLoop, not literally of course. Well not until Jack and Maddie invent a device capable of turning a ghost into an inanimate object. Watch as the cereal fly.

Note: transmiglifier is pronounced TRANCE-MIGG-LEE-FIRE

Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom or any of its affiliated characters. I do however own the Fenton Transmiglifier.

Now on with the show

The FruitLoop

Chapter One

Our story begins at Castle FruitLoop, ah I mean, Vlad's mansion in Wisconsin. We watch as our imaginary camera (A/N: because this is a written story and not a visual one) floats thru the floors, passing way too much Packer's memorabilia to belong to a sane person.

We come across a huffed and scheming Vlad. He is working the kinks out of his latest dastardly evil plot.

"Right, now as soon as I blast a hole thru Jack's thick skull, my beloved Maddie will come running into my comforting embrace. SHE WILL BE MINE!"

Vlad got overly exited about the last part. So much so that the subsequent bouncing resulted in him hitting his head on the ceiling fan.

"AHH! Butternut snickadoodles!" Vlad was now resolved on destroying all ceiling fans. "But first, to kill Jack Fenton." He said, dashing out the door.


Said Fenton was unaware of his impending doom as he was much more interested in the device that was being completed by his wife Maddie and himself. In their own lab I might add.

"Just a little more tweaking and it's finished." Maddie murmured.

"What, the Fenton Transmiglifier is finished?" Jack was ecstatic as he grabbed the contraption from his sighing wife. "Lets go show Danny and blather on about ghosts to him." Jack ran up the stairs followed closely by Maddie.

"Wait, Jack, it's not finished," she called after him. But Jack was to excited to hear her.

After running round the house for a few minuets he finely found Danny heading out the door for school.

"Hold on son" Danny sighed and turned to face his parents. "I need to show you my…" Jack caught a glance from his wife, "oh, I mean our new toy."

Danny was now resigned to the fact that his parents would keep inventing things that would only make his life more difficult.

"Fine, what is it?" He was still curious to know what his crazy parents had made. Evan if it was so that he knew how to avoid the possibly life threatening, if not annoying, gizmo.

Obviously the older Fentons had missed the sarcasm in their son's voice. "Why it's the Fenton Transmiglifier sweetie," his mum explained. "It turns ghosts into an inanimate object with only the push of a button."

"And look," his farther interjected, "I've set it so that the ghost turns into fudge, then I can eat them." Jack missed the looks of disgust on Maddie and Danny's faces in all his ranting.

"Is that so?" Danny mused. "Well I've got to get to school." Running out the door, when he realised that his dad could eat him at the push of a button.

Jack and Maddie merely shrugged in confusion (A/N: completely confused by my ghostly allusion. – I just had to do it) then went to have a late breakfast.


As Danny was running late for school he failed to notice the wisp of blue breath that signified a nearby ghost. In fact he ran strait past an invisible Vlad.

Vlad on his part was too caught up in his thoughts about what he had just overheard to give Danny more than a fleeting glance.

"Hmmm … This Transmiglifier could make things much more interesting. Time to change the dastardly evil plot to be more evil and dastardly."

A/N: what did you think? I need to know. Send in your Reviews (I know that you read this), because if you don't I'll set my evil cat Co-Co on you -> she is all about the teath and nails.