Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon.

Chapter 9

Usagi stood on her balcony and gazed at the Earth on the horizon line, the breeze tossing her hair and long gauzy veil behind her. Silver embroidery set with tiny diamonds encompassed the square neckline and hem of her pure white wedding and coronation gown, the tiny cap sleeves barely covering her shoulders. The gown tapered down to her hips in an A-line, then cascaded to the floor in a beautiful waterfall of glimmering Moonsilk, the long train fanning out behind her. A delicate belt woven of the finest silver and set with diamonds hung around her waist, tapering into silvery tassels that trailed long down the skirt as even more diamonds winked on her elegant silver jewelry. Usagi smiled as she scanned the skyline. Never had she dreamed of a dress this beautiful.

On this warm day in mid-July, after more than a thousand years, Usagi was finally marrying her prince and together they would be crowned King and Queen of the Moon Kingdom. It didn't quite seem like it had been eight months since Sailor Pluto brought them all to the Moon Palace. Usagi let her thoughts drift back to the days each of the royal families returned to their respective planets. They had been greeted with cheering crowds, grand celebrations, and the overwhelming joy of their subjects and Usagi laughed as she remembered her friends' reactions on those days.

"Are you ready?"

Usagi pushed those thoughts aside and turned to see Princess Rayne and Naru, her maid of honor, standing in the doorway. Rayne was dressed in a new crimson satin gown trimmed in gold with gold and ruby jewelry, Naru in a matching silver ensemble. Usagi nodded, then turned back to gaze at the Earth. Rayne and Naru walked over and leaned their arms on the railing on either side of Usagi, following her gaze.

After a few moments, Naru turned to her friend. "You're nervous, aren't you? You'll be fine. If I know you, and I do, you won't let anything ruin this day, especially something as small as a few butterflies in your stomach," she said.

"I know. I am going to miss my semi-normal life, though."

Rayne glanced at Usagi with a wry expression on her face. "Semi-normal, huh? Well would you please explain to me exactly which part you considered 'normal'? Because as I recall, our lives were anything but normal. Even 'semi-normal' is pushing it."

After a few moments of silence, the former Shinto priestess placed a sympathetic hand on her friend's arm. "I will miss it as well," she said, switching to the more royal form of speech. "Nevertheless, we have been born to privilege, and with that comes specific obligations. We were born to rule, and rule we must." After a slight pause she said, "We came to tell you that everyone awaits us. Awaits you."

Usagi took a deep breath, then let it out again and nodded. "Yes. I am ready."

Rayne and Naru grinned at their friend and they walked down to the ceremony together.


High overhead, the ceilings soared up and met in a peak, supported by majestic white marble columns. Massive, gleaming windows overlooked the royal gardens on one side, the thick greenery of healthy plants creating a beautiful view; to the other side, the majestic Black Swan Mountains rose in the distance. On a cloudless day such as this, filled with the light of the sun, the throne room radiated brilliance as the warm, golden light danced on the delicate chandeliers above them. Smooth, polished white marble lay underfoot and the simple feeling of purity filled the room with a quiet dignity. The room was adorned completely in white, silver and gold, with heralds proudly displaying the banner of the Moon Kingdom. Gorgeous tapestries hung from the walls and a lush golden carpet had been rolled down the grand staircase, ending upon a large, white marble dais at the front of the room, an altar set up in front of it. Endymion and Motoki stood before the altar, waiting for the ceremony to start.

"You're nervous."

"I am not."

"Uh huh...you're nervous."

"I am not."

"Yes, you are."

"Why would you believe that I am nervous?"

"Because you just plucked a flower from that vase and shredded it. I think it was a Moonflower, even."

Endymion glanced down at the pieces of the white flower in his hands. "Oh." He handed the shredded petals to a harried-looking servant who shot a pleading glance at Motoki before disappearing again.

Motoki laughed. He had never seen his friend this nervous before.

Endymion shot a murderous glare at Motoki, then whirled around. "Do you have them?"

"Yes, yes, I have the rings. Both of the rings. The right rings," Motoki replied.

Endymion nodded. "Just checking," he said, gazing back down the aisle again and adjusting the tie on his tuxedo. This particular tux, minus the hat and mask, had become a second skin for him over the last six years, rescuing Sailor Moon from an evil monster almost every night, so it was only right that the suit should be a part of their special day.

"Still not nervous, huh?" Motoki grinned.

Endymion straightened and shot his best man a dirty look. "Why do you have any reason to believe that I am nervous?"

"Because that vase is going to be empty soon if you keep this up; you just shredded a rose."

Endymion sheepishly handed the pieces of the flower to yet another servant as Naru walked in a side door and took her place by the altar. The prince's focus immediately turned to the far end of the room as the large double doors at the top of the staircase swept open and music began to play. Analise, the first of the bridesmaids, entered on Zoicite's arm, followed by Melania and Kunzite. One by one, the princesses swept down the aisle dressed in the color of their planets, each escorted by a Knight. Following them, Hyaline approached, holding her three-year-old sister's hand and helping the little girl to scatter flower petals on the red carpet.

Once the bridesmaids had all reached their places, the music changed and Usagi descended the stairs escorted by both Kenji and King Alexander. The princess was concentrating so hard on not falling that she almost forgot about the ceremony completely. Without her fathers there to support her, she knew she would collapse in a boneless heap on the ground. She lifted her eyes, and through the veil she saw two orbs of deep blue gazing at her, warmth and love shining through the gauze to bathe her face. Her nervousness fled, and Usagi smiled confidently. Her dream was finally coming true. After more than a thousand years, she was marrying her prince. She had no reason to be nervous. He was busy enough being nervous for the both of them. She had seen that the moment Endymion looked up, then plucked the rose out of the vase and started shredding it.

Kenji and King Alexander led Usagi up the aisle, and handed her to Endymion, then sat down next to their wives in the front row.

The wedding proceeded like a dream, each person performing their part in the intricate ceremony perfectly. Before Usagi knew it, the minister was announcing them man and wife, and telling Endymion that he may now kiss the bride.

After Endymion lifted the veil and pressed his lips gently against Usagi's, Queen Serenity and King Alexander stepped up to take the minister's place and crown the new couple King and Queen of the Moon Kingdom.

The crowd erupted into cheers as the crowns were placed on Usagi and Mamoru's heads and they turned to face their subjects. The new king slipped his queen's hand into the crook of his arm and together they led their guests to the ballroom to begin the celebrations. Each of the royal families came to congratulate the new couple in turn, and wish them good fortune in their marriage and reign.

"Usagi! We may still call you by that name, correct?" Melania asked, as soon as she could get near enough to her friend.

"Of course! Why would you not?"

"Perhaps because you are now the Queen of the Moon, and not just Usagi Tsukino," Listelle retorted as she walked up, followed by Rayne, Hyaline, and Analise. "By the by, we five wish to tell you a rather interesting piece of news," she continued in a quiet voice.

"We are engaged!" they chorused as they stuck out their left hands and giggled.

"Oh, I am so happy for you!" Usagi squealed. "When did this happen?"

"Last night," Hyaline answered for all of them.

"And you hast kept it a secret from me all this time?" Usagi feigned hurt for a moment, then smiled broadly.

They shared a group hug and started planning the weddings and showing off their rings.

Endymion walked up to the giggling group and put an arm around his wife's waist. "Greetings. Kunzite has just informed me of the engagements. Congratulations."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," the Knights and Samuel chorused, each wrapping an arm around their respective fiancée.

"I hope you know just how very fortunate you are," Endymion teased his guards. "Who would have imagined that the four of you would marry the princesses of the Inner Solar System? Especially since each of you attempted to kill them multiple times."

"Ha ha ha. Very amusing, Endymion. We have been reawakened, and de-brainwashed. And let us not forget that you attempted to kill them as well, and almost succeeded with your own bride," Jedite shot back.

"Point taken," Endymion conceded. "I was merely teasing."

The eavesdropping former Lunar Queen smiled and called for silence, the room quieting immediately. "Friends, I have an announcement to make. I have just learned that we have five new engagements to celebrate. Princess Analise and Lord Zoicite of Mercury; Princess Rayne and Lord Jedite of Mars; Princess Listelle and Lord Nephlite of Jupiter; Princess Melania and Lord Kunzite of Venus; and Princess Hyaline of Saturn and Prince Samuel of the Moon." As soon as the applause died down, people began to crowd around and congratulate the five new couples.

Endymion hugged Usagi around the waist and watched his four friends and new brother-in-law with their fiancées. Each and every one of them knew deep in their hearts that this was destiny.

The emerald-haired Guardian of Time watched the party in her magic mirror from her post at the Time Gates.

"You have done well, my daughter."

Pluto whirled around, and knelt in respect before the God of Time. "Thank you, Father. I am happy to have pleased you."

Chronos lifted her to her feet and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her forehead. "I am very proud of you, Talia. No one could do this job better. I love you, sweetheart," he said before disappearing once more.

Pluto turned back to her mirror and whispered, "I love you too, Father." She smiled. The Silver Millennium was restored and destiny had been fulfilled. Her job, for now, was done.

The End