St. Petersburg Nights

Chapter 28: Bad Publicity

by Natasha Shaitanova

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. I do own this story though, so no plagiarism, got it?

"Ms. Cox, this is an outrage! I thought the whole point the negotiations was to keep the squirt quiet?" Montgomery was back to his usual temper as he paced his office and gestured furiously at the TV screen. Meanwhile, BBC continued the reportage.

"Mr. Malfoy Junior refuses to comment on the case, referring the reporters instead to his attorney, a Mr. Dolokhov of Wolfram and Hart. The latter has brought case in Malfoy's name against Liam Montgomery and Rosalind Cox, claiming conspiracy and governmental abuse of power. Field reporter Catherine Pratt is with Mr. Dolokhov, outside the offices of Wolfram and Hart, where a large crowd of protestors, supporters, and curious passer-bys has already assembled. Over to you, Catherine."

The somberly dressed, middle-aged blonde woman kept a strict face as she nodded to the camera and turned to the attorney.

"Mr. Dolokhov, could you provide the BBC with any particulars as to what this case is about? It has clearly caused quite a stir in the wizarding community."

"Of course, Ms. Pratt. Here at Wolfram and Hart we appreciate the value of an independent press telling the people what is really going on. Mr. Malfoy has suffered significant material and psychological damages from our Minister's cover up of the MagiComp scandal, as well as from MIA intervention in the matter. Indeed, the plaintiff will be calling on Agent Harry Potter as our witness in this unsavory affair."

"Excuse me, but could you please confirm this again for our viewers, Mr. Dolokhov – Harry Potter of the MIA will be a prosecution witness in the case against the Minister and the MIA itself?"

"It is our intention to call Agent Potter to the stand, something we strongly suspect he will oblige."

"Oho, do tell, what is your boy up to now, Cox?" Montgomery looked over at Rosalind, who was staring with a nearly bewildered expression at the screen.

"Hell knows, nothing I authorized." Rosalind took out her cell phone and called her secretary. "Angela, I want multiple trackers put after Agent Potter, effective immediately. Any unusual movement gets reported directly to me."

"Well look at that, your attack dog got loose!" undeniably gleeful, Montgomery rubbed his hands and shook his head at the TV. "Merlin, now I just can't remember... who was it that warned everyone against setting the Malfoys free? Oh that's right, I told you your deals were idiotic!"

"This could not have been anticipated."

"Who are you kidding? Malfoy running to Wolfram and Hart? That's like a kid to his favorite playground! And Potter? He's been showing signs of Stockholm Syndrome since he got back to England."

"Stop being so verbose, Mr. Montgomery. Don't you have a lawsuit to prepare for?" Rosalind stood up from the armchair and headed for the door. "It will be dealt with."

"Harry! Have you completely gone out of your mind?" Hermione screeched at her cellphone while slapping Ron's hand away from skillet of sizzling potatoes. "No, Ron! Are you trying to burn your fingers off? Harry, answer me!"

"For whatever reason you think that, Hermione, you are probably right," Harry replied quietly, still sober and brooding.

"Rosalind Cox is going to bury you alive."

"Also very likely." Harry paused for a moment. "I lost her a top ranking agent, didn't I?"

"Top ranking... Oh Merlin, I'm not talking about Dean, how could she possibly blame you for that? Turn on the TV this instant!"

"Give me a second," Harry fell sideways on his couch to reach the remote, clicking the screen alive. "What am I looking at?"

"You are looking at Dolokhov pronouncing to all the world that you are going to speak for the prosecution in Malfoy's case against that MIA. Christ, Ron will you stop that?"

"What the bleeding fuck are you talking about? And you found Ron?"

"Yes, I found him and he is far from sane, he is acting like a depressed toddler. Honestly. But explain to me first why you went to Wolfram and Hart behind your boss's back!"

"I didn't," Harry ground the words out as the meaning began to sink in.


He jammed the phone in his pocket and grabbed his wand, disapparating.

He surveyed the study, from the scattered papers on the floor to the blood splatters on the beige wallpaper. She took out a metal probe and scraped some of the red flakes into a plastic zip-lock bag. They went through the desk, but most of the documents were mundane bureaucratic nonsense. The safe was empty save for a yellow sticky note.

"Read it."

"I will gladly give you his body if you piss off. Shaitanov."


She dialed a memorized number. "Kavitz is gone. Signs of struggle, severe blood loss, and robbery. Also found a note signed 'Shaitanov', claiming he has the body." Pause. "Understood."

"Put the note in a bag and let's go. New assignment."


"Find Shaitanov and the body, bring both in."

They walked carefully out of the apartment, being sure not to leave a sign of their presence.

"Well that was easy."

"Didn't I tell you my idea was better?"

Draco and Dolokhov observed on a security monitor as Harry marched through the front doors of Wolfram and Hart and immediately accosted the first secretary he found.

"Have pity on him already, before the security throws him out."

"Oh alright," Dolokhov tore himself from the screen and texted instructions to the secretary to let Harry know the location of his office.

"Should we, you know, bring a couple of thugs in here for insurance?" Draco gestured vaguely around the room. "Might get rowdy..."

"He's not that stupid," upon stating that, Dolokhov frowned. "I'll have a team on backup, just in case."

"And three, two, one..."

Almost on cue, the doors of the office flew open to reveal an enraged agent, marching in with his wand pointed in the occupants' general direction.

"What kind of game are we playing now Malfoy?"

"No game, just following up on our earlier conversation. I told you about the lawsuit." Draco stayed unflappable while Harry raged on in front of him.

"My partner is dead! I helped you, tried to let you save your worthless father, and you send fucking Zabini to ambush us!"

Draco sincerely frowned. "I didn't know about Thomas. What went wrong?"

"What went wrong is that that piece of shit put a bullet through Dean's chest! I had to watch him die as I was telling him that it was all my goddamn fault."

Draco exchanged a worried look with Dolokhov, before speaking, "I'm sorry, I have no idea what Zabini was playing at. He was supposed to get in, tip my father off, and get out before you even had the chance to get to the place. Potter you have to understand that I was in no way involved in what happened."

Harry pocketed his wand, but would not be placated. "You fuck up my mission but that's not enough. Now you fuck up my entire career by broadcast on national television that I will be witnessing against my boss in your damn trial! Do you have a death wish, Malfoy?"

"We had the conversation about the trial already. I thought you saw my point about your boss being a corrupt bitch." Draco crossed his hands and put on the most obstinate expression. Clearly, there was a strict time limit on his capacity to be apologetic. "Besides, you're stuck with us now, aren't you?"

Collapsing into an empty armchair, Harry sighed deeply and shook his head. "So many years since school and you still make me hate my existence. I feel like a pet project."

"You give yourself too much credit, Boy Wonder," Dolokhov finally interjected and made his way over to the office phone. "Why don't we call in Granger and put out a more delicate cover on this matter?"

Harry reached for the flask of cognac on the coffee table, not bothering to look up as he answered, "There is no way she'll agree to work with you people. She hates Wolfram and Hart almost as much as she hated Voldemort."

"Convince her."

Rosalind Cox marched through the halls of MIA Headquarters in a cold fury, sending workers scattering away from her path. She came to an abrupt halt in the vestibule of her office.

"Angela, any word from the trackers?"

Angela North cringed somewhat at the prospect of delivering the news. "They were stationed outside of his apartment and followed when he disapparated."

"Disapparated to where?"

"Wolfram and Hart headquarters, Ms. Cox. The trackers were unable to infiltrate the building."

Rosalind threw up her hands in a mix of fury and exasperation. "By Merlin, what is that stupid boy up to? Organize an extraction team. How hard can it be to break into a law firm?"

"Time frame, Ms. Cox?"

"Now, Angela, right now!" Rosalind proceeded into her office as she spoke. "I want him in the chair across my desk in a half hour, tops."

Dolokhov checked the screen of his cell phone, skimming through a new message. He turned to Draco. "Get him," he pointed to Harry, "On the phone with Granger. I have another client to take care of."

Draco scowled in response, "And what are we supposed to do while you make nice with some oligarch? We can't very well get her into the building."

"I'll leave instructions with the secretary downstairs. And expect me back shortly."

Dolokhov walked speedily out of the office and to the elevator, dialing in yet another sequence of numbers. At the cheery tone of opening doors, he closed his eyes and breathed deep as though gathering his patience. Upon arriving at the second office, he was greeted by a clap on the back and a toothy smile from the other client.

"Two down, tovarish!" Shaitanov positively glowed as he delivered the news. Gorozin smiled indulgently from his seat behind the conference table and went back to shuffling schematics.

Dolokhov subtly pushed Shaitanov off and straightened his suit. "Who is down?"

"Malfoy senior and Kavitz, by the Russians and Arbatiev, respectively."

"Don't forget the Thomas character as well," Gorozin threw in, distractedly.

Shaitanov clapped his hands once and nodded sharply, "That's right! That fucker, Zabini, did a pretty job on the agent. So that just leaves..."

"Cox, Potter, and Malfoy at the very least." Gorozin rubbed his forehead and leaned back. "So, the easy part is done anyhow."

"Exactly. Dolokhov," the latter barely raised his eyes as Shaitanov turned to him, "Any idea on where we can find those three?"

With a straight face and a nonchalant tone, Dolokhov answered, "Haven't a clue as to Potter and Malfoy. I imagine witness protection housing is likely. As for Cox, where else would she be but her ivory tower?"

"Not so much ivory as layers of fortified steel, concrete, and the best of wards." Gorozin waved the schematics he was holding. "If we find a way in...and make it out alive, we will undoubtedly deserve an award for the topmost breaking and entering job in history."

"Better get to it, detail man. We haven't a lifetime."


A/N: Thanks Emz, for being the sole reviewer for Chapter 27 xD Well, it got me to write this anyhow. But of course, please review for more sexy lawyer-talk and blazing guns!

-Shaity out.