(Author's Note: This story was started and never finished due to my muse's defection. Now, I think it's time to dust it off and give it a go, once again. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. Although this story is told from multiple viewpoints, it is NOT a script, just a narrative story with a slightly different styling.)

Rated T for language and some adult humor.

A Life Rekindled

By: Alchemystik32

Overview: What If?

Cole Turner. Belthazor. Two names that bring with them a myriad of emotions for many different beings. One of the most powerful demon mercenaries, feared and loathed by a multitude of those who dwelled in the Underground.

For the Charmed Ones, Cole Turner had been more than just another demon; he had once been part of their family, a nemesis, a brother, a husband, a friend. In the end, they made the only decision they could...

They vanquished him.

But...what if?

What if a power greater than any other has deemed Cole Turner worthy of a " Rekindling? " A chance to escape the eternal horrors of hell by helping those he had once hurt. Would he do it?

Could he do it?

The Charmed Ones are foundering, their bond weakened, their magical destiny in danger. Their salvation lies in the hands of one of their worst enemies.

Cole Turner.

Come and journey into the mind and the self, if you dare. Share the learning and healing. Cole would like you to come along and keep him company.

All you have to do is BELIEVE...


In a millisecond, everything changed. I was floating along, minding my own business, somewhere in Limbo I suppose, and now I'm here.

Where here is, I'm not quite sure. It's formless, a uniform gray in color. No sounds, yet an underlying hum can be perceived.

I am, yet I'm not. Cryptic you say? Try experiencing it.

All my senses are awake again, yet I am not. I'm still dead, yet something has been happening over the course of time. You do understand that time is different here, don't you? I believe a year has passed in Earth time, but here? Time is endless. You have nothing but time here, and you are alone. So totally alone that you either make friends with yourself rather quickly, or risk losing what mind you have left.

A voice has been guiding me along for quite awhile now. A calm voice, pleasant and unobtrusive. It's told me many things; about myself and my mission, so to speak. You see, I did some terrible things in my former existence, left destruction in my wake. I have a chance, albeit a slim one, to make some kind of restitution.

My former family, the Halliwells, need a bit of guidance. You might recall them as The Charmed Ones. Piper, Paige...

And, Phoebe.

My wife. Well, ex-wife. I don't know if we were ever actually divorced, but my death certainly severed whatever bonds we had on Earth. To me, she'll always be my wife.

My love. Even now, even after...everything. Still my love.

They're in danger. Grave danger. They've lost touch with each other, with their magic, with themselves. My mission, should I choose to accept it; pardon the bad pun, but I DO have a choice; Is to guide them back on the right path.

It will be a long, tiring journey, fraught with dangers, not all of them physical.

I must strip them bare, take away those walls of doubt and denial they've been hiding behind, and show them the right way. Put them on the final road to their Destiny. God help us all...

Along the way, there will be people from their pasts who need a little reaffirmation. By helping others, they will heal themselves.

In the end, their healing will be mankind's salvation, for the danger that looms is unlike any other they have ever faced.

So come...take my hand and walk beside me. We'll talk and I'll tell you about my plan. How to win them over, make them realize that this has to be done.

You see, the greater power talked to the lesser power, and it's been decreed. Unless they follow where I lead, Learn what I have to teach...

Their powers will be revoked.

The Charmed Ones will be no more.

So. How do I do it? How to get three women who loath me, themselves and life in general to follow me into the unknown?

I haven't a clue,

But I Believe.

Hey. It's a start.

Chapter One: The Road To Forever...

By: Alchemystik32


I don't expect anything to really change for me once this is over. I deserve to be punished for what I did, the damage I wrought. The sad thing is, I was born with a soul, a conscience. I knew right from wrong, and as much as one can argue that my demonic half overpowered the human part of me, I know that isn't the case. A nice cop-out, but untrue.
I could have stopped at any time, and believe me, I tried. I really did try to live my life without using my powers for anything but good; we all know how well that worked out, don't we?

My point is simple; I don't expect any kind of reprieve if I'm successful. I'm not looking for a stay of execution so to speak, nor am I trying to trivialize my faults.

I had a choice, plain and simple. Sit by and watch these women self-destruct; hope that they got their proverbial shit together in time, and passed my time in relative comfort. Silly me.

At no time in my life has anything ever gone the way I had hoped. Not that I'm complaining, mind you, I'm not. It was an interesting life, filled with many interesting people. I travelled, learned to appreciate the finer things in life, fell in love, got married and tried to destroy the world with my evil meglomania.

Piece of cake.

How many of us sit there in our golden years and say; " If Only? "

If only I had married A instead of B. Taken this job instead of that one, took that one chance? Any human that says never is a liar, and I'd call him or her that to their face. We've all done it, it's human nature to second guess oneself. I'm just as guilty.

But spend some time alone with yourself, isolated for anyone or anything, and something amazing happens. You learn what your real strengths and weaknesses are. You see everything clearly for the first time.

With no distractions of any kind, you are free to wander through your life, your mind your heart, and your soul. I was surprised at what lay within these vaults...

I realized that the fact that I loved one woman to the best of my ability was my crowning acheivement. I had risked all, gained nothing yet still felt content.

I now know that power is a myth, and wealth is a fancy. Neither will stand the test of time, nor will the hold your hand and close your eyes at the end of the days.

I realized that four women had changed my life for the better, and I could not stand by and watch all they worked for fall apart. I owed them. Big time.

It won't be easy, my name is not synonomous with glad tidings and great joy, but...

I think I can help. No...

I Believe that my experiences in life and in my contemplations since my vanquish will benfit them.

If I can just think of a way to approach them. A non-threatening way. A safe way...

What better way to approach a witch than through her whitelighter?

I've been informed, though, that Leo was promoted to Elder and is unavailable. Therefore, I need to court an unknown entity by the name of Chris Perry. I need to win his cooperation, or my chances of even getting my foot in the door of the Halliwell Manor is nil. Or less.

There are people out there that need the Power Of Three, but you must heal yourself before you can heal others; and an evil unlike any other looms on the horizon. Watching...waiting.

We don't have much time...


I don't believe this! I get called up stairs by the Elders and have two things dropped on me. Leo, Piper's husband, the savior of Elderland is missing. Great. How do I break that one to the sisters?

And number two? You're going to love this. Cole Turner has been appointed Personal Guru to the Charmed Ones. Yeah, I almost asked them what they've been smoking myself. I mean, c'mon! Cole Turner? Please.

Oh, I know all about him. Mention his name and give Phoebe a wide berth. She can do an hour of damage before you can calm her down again. Not to mention Paige. That was ugly. I remember being foolish enough to say something like " He couldn't of been THAT bad. " Wow.

The woman knows words I've never even heard of and I've been around the block a few times.

Piper doesn't have much to say these days. She's kinda..lost. Without Leo that is. They beat the Titans, saved the world and for what?

She lost the only thing in her life that was worth fighting for. Her husband. She dotes on little Wyatt, but that kid's gonna need a father figure pretty damn quick. Trust me, I know these things.

Ok. I have to let him talk, then I need to explain reality to him.

I'd rather be in a snake pit with live cobras than tell my charges that their arch enemy has been resurrected to straighten them out.

I'm going to bet that being blown up by a witch hurts like hell. In fact, I can almost guarantee that I'll be finding that out very soon.

I have to agree with the decision, though; Something needs to be done. They're drifting apart, ignoring their magic for a taste of the normal life, and we all know what happens when their bond weakens.

It's the event evil waits for.

I've been learning about these women...

Piper is the mother of the house, usually calm, but when she stresses, take cover. Fast. She's beautiful, feisty, caring and implacable. Quite a combination.

Phoebe is more easy going, but look out for her temper, too. Incredibly fun, bubbly, flirtatious, attractive...you name it, she's got it. Except...

Phoebe has a small problem with owning her consequences. She can find an excuse for just about everything, and she can make it pretty damn believable. Problem is, she isn't learning anything from her screw-ups. No one calls her on it. I have a feeling that's about to change.

Paige still suffers from only child syndrome. She tends to make snap decisions and deals with the fall out later. She's also got a temper, but she tends to withdraw rather than confront. She feels alot of pressure to measure up to Prue, the deceased sister. I guess in her eyes Prue was a super-witch, super-sister...super everything. A hard act to follow.

Piper and Phoebe tend to stick together, and at times forget that Paige is an independent thinker. Try and make her conform and she balks. Big time balks.

These are three of the most stubborn women I've ever met. I wish him alot of luck...

He's going to need it.