Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar: the Last Airbender

This is called "A New Start"

Italics are Zuko thoughts

AU , set in nowaday times


Zuko stared idly out the car window. "A new school, a new town, this is the fourth time in six years, we've had to move. It seems whenever I get accustomed to a place, whenever I make friends, and whenever I feel like I'm actually wanted, I have to leave."

"Uncle, where exactly are we going?"

"We are going to Lapeer, Michigan. It's a small town and you are going to the local high school, so there won't be as many kids there as there was at your last school," Iroh chimed in.

"Oh great another town where everyone knows each other and everyone knows what you do and everything about you."

"Although," Iroh said, "I hear they have a good soccer team and you'll be in time for tryouts. The first day of school is in about a week and tryouts are in two days. I already contacted the school and told them you were a soccer player."

"I hate new schools. Everyone asks questions and tries to poke their noses in your own business."

"Zuko, don't be so negative. Think of it as a fresh start. At you new school you can be anything you want," Iroh said chuckling, "I think this might be our last move too. I hear this is a charming little town and I think you and I will both like it here."

"Oh look," Iroh exclaimed, "There is our exit. Were only about ten minutes away from our new home."

Sure enough, ten minutes later they arrived at their new home on Brown Street. It was a small two story brick house with a shed in the back yard.

"Oh," Iroh said pulling into the driveway, "Isn't it lovely."

"I wish I was as excited as you," Zuko muttered under his breath. "Personally I think it's a dump."

They didn't have much. In the back of their truck. They carried two suitcases full of clothes, a microwave, a TV, a chair, and a couch.

"I think we may need some more furniture," Iroh said as he was examining their things, "We can go pick up some new things later."

Zuko carried in all the items and set them down in the living room. It was a small room that smelled kind of musty with red peeling wallpaper on the walls.

"We can patch these walls right up, and make them even better than before," Iroh said in his carefree tone.

Zuko just grumbled as he arranged the furniture around the room. Zuko would be sleeping on the couch and Iroh would be sleeping in the recliner until they could get beds.

That night Iroh made canned chicken noodle soup that he warmed in the microwave. Zuko didn't talk much, but instead listened to Iroh's constant rambling.

He didn't sleep well that night, but when he did, he was plagued by nightmares.

The next day passed by slowly. They spent the whole day cleaning the house and only stopped to eat and go to the bathroom.

Soccer tryouts were soon and Zuko was excited for that, but he wasn't excited to meet anyone new.

The next day Zuko walked to the school because it was only a block from his house, and you could see the old painted sign saying LAPEER HIGH from a mile away.

The school didn't look like the nicest school he'd ever seen. There were a couple of shattered windows and the ones that weren't broken had bars over them. It looked very unwelcoming.

He walked towards the school field with his muddy soccer shoes, gear, and old ball stuffed in his black gym bag.

When he walked through the gates a bald kid came running up to him, "Hi, you must be Zuko. My name is Aang."

"Hello," Zuko said quietly, "Is this where the soccer tryouts are?"

"Yep," Aang replied happily, "But, they are not really tryouts because everyone who shows up makes the team. We don't have a girl's team, so we have two girls that play with us."

Zuko did not reply so Aang continued, "Follow me, and I will introduce you to your new teammates."

Aang led him over to a group of kids. "This is everyone who plays on the team."

Aang started introducing him to all the players. "This is Toph and Ty Lee, the two girls who play on our team. Toph is a forward and Ty Lee plays midfielder. Sokka is our goalie and by the way, I play defense." He started rambling on about all the other players on the team and finished up by saying, "And last, but not least is Haru, who is our left defensive man."

They all mumbled hello, but Zuko was the most interested in the two girls who played on the team. Toph was fierce and hard looking, but Ty Lee looked bubbly and happy.

"So, you must be my team," the coach said to them as he came walking towards them, "I believe you all know each other and our only new player is Zuko."

First chapter is done and I don't exactly know where I am going with this. I Had fun writing it though and i hope you like it so far, so please tell me what you think.