Hello everyone!

Where to begin, I'm not exactly sure. It's been a while, hasn't it? I can't believe it's been over 6 years since I last updated this story. I can only imagine how put off by this you guys must have been. I know I would've been furious.

One day earlier this year, I had the urge to look at this story again, after so long. As I did, I felt a certain longing as I re-read the chapters and all the wonderful reviews you all left me.

With a newly found sense of inspiration washing over me, I just wanted to let you guys know, as my first fans ever, that I will be picking this story up. In fact, it's already in the works as we speak. I'm going to type up the complete story first and then post a chapter weekly (that's my goal at least).

Which also brings me to say, with my review of the story; I identified major plot holes and unrealistic human interactions that I just couldn't fix without going back and changing it. So, I have re-written the chapters. Overall, it is the same, but I am 6 years older than when I started the story. Therefore, I assume you will see what I consider improvements, and hopefully you as well.

Stay tuned, I hope you all are still here and have faith in me! I will complete this story!

Until then,

Sakura Incognito