Disclaimer: Naruto and none of the Naruto characters are mine expect the characters I made which are the grass ream and their sensi and the clan of the main character which is Tatshi…..The eight tailed hell dragon bijuu.

Chapter 1: Beginnings.

Nine years ago there was an attack on the hidden leaf as well as the hidden grass villages. The hidden grass was weak, but had strong shinobi as well as some strong clans. The hidden leaf also known as Konoha, was one of the great five shinobi villages. Konoha was most likely the strongest of the five. On this night, both villages were under attack by two different tailed demonic animals. The hidden grass was under attack by the eight tailed Hell Dragon, which his name couldn't be spoken in human tongue. While Konoha was under attack by the nine tailed fox, he was known as the Kyuubi no Kitsu. As both villages tried their best to hold off the demonic beasts, many died on this night only to be saved by two fearless people. One was the Yodaime Hokage, which sealed the Kyuubi no Kitsu inside a new born child, which was born just hours before the attack. At the same time a man, who was the head of the Hudan clan. He sealed the eight tailed Hell Dragon inside his child that was born three days before hand. After the sealing, they gave their lives to save their villages. They only had one request to both of their villages, to make these children as heroes.

Skip to Nine years later in the hidden grass.

A gennin by the name of Hudan Tatshi, was sharpening his two katana swords. When, he noticed two kunai and many shurinkin coming at him from a tree above him. He dodged them, by rolling backward away from them. I guess another villager wants to die. He thought as the weapons were thrown without much aim and power. His thoughts were correct as the person was a simple farmer. Tatshi just shook his head at the person. "You know, you'll never kill me……. Just another…… Stupid villager. To fill my bloodlust." He said as he let off a massive wave of killer intent. The villager was stuck with fear, as he just shook in place. Tatshi just looked at him and laughed with a sadistic smile.

"Y-you d-d-d-d-demon!" The villager screamed as Tatshi just let out some of the jade green eight tailed chalkra.

Tatshi was had a great sadistic grim on his face at the moment, as he looked at the villager. "I don't like to kill people who aren't ninja, but I'll make an exception this time." He said as he picked up a katana and ran toward the villager, in a spilt second the villager's head came off. "Man, that was annoying." He said to himself as he walked off to the Grouzukage's office.

At the same time in Konoha.

A kid by the name of Uzumaki Naruto was coming out off a class. He had just failed the gennin test for the first time, so he was a little sad. His only father figure next to the hokage was Iruka. So Iruka tried to cheer Naruto up by treating him to his favorite food…….raman.

"Naruto I know you will get to be a gennin soon." Iruka said as he and Naruto walked down the street.

"I know Iruka-sensi, but I really really wanted to get to be a gennin." He said with his head down looking at the ground.

"Yeah, just work on your ninjutsus and your taijutsu, and you'll pass next year." Iruka said as he patted Naruto on the back, as they walked into the raman stand.

Back to the hidden grass village.

Tatshi was now in the Grouzukage's office. He looked around for a brief half a minute before taking a seat in front of the Grouzukage. They both just looked at each other before Tatshi spoke up about what happened. "Grouzukage-sama, another villager tried to kill me…….again." He said as he rubbed his eyes, due to the fact that he hasn't had any sleep for the past two days.

"Tatshi, you know I'm not officially a kage yet. Hmmmmm. I do see where you're going with this though……..if you do want to have a law that'll say anyone who tries to harm you, they will have no choice but to face you're wrath on the spot if you don't start the situation that is." The Grouzukage said as he readied a scroll to write the law. Tatshi just nodded and walked out of the office and toward his clan house compound. The Grouzukage wrote the law and handed it to a high ranking ninja, who went to spread the word about the law. Mesho, what you did to your son may have saved the village and wanted to be seen as a hero, but they only see him as a demon. I wish they would see else wise before the boy snaps completely. The Grouzukage thought as he went back to fill out paper.

Tatshi arrived back home at the Hudan clan compound to see his brother Hanishi, training with his sword in a special type of clan kenjutsu. Hanishi seen him and stopped training to talk to him for a while. "Yo bro, how was your training?"

"Good until I finished and was sharpening my katanas, then this stupid villager tried to kill me…….again. Seriously why don't these people just leave me the hell alone? It's really annoying, I have to put up with this every couple of months or so. I think this is the eleventh or so time this has happened." Tatshi explained as he didn't mention the part about killing him, even though he knows his brother already knew.

"Man, did you go to the Grouzukage about it? You know he'll do something about it. Since, he was a close friend of our father and looked out for us until I was old enough to take over the clan." Hanishi said as he sat down and took a sip of tea, a member of the clan left for him as she saw him honing his skills.

"I know brother, that's why I went to see him afterward. He even made a law to show people that if they want a death wish……..not to piss me the hell off." He said as his brother gave him a stern look. Tatshi just gave a aw-you-know-I-don't-like-to-kill look.

"You have a sick mind sometimes you know that? Well anyways did you unlock the Hidsugon yet?" Hanishi said as he got up and shook his head at his younger brother.

"Nope……..and you try to have three people in your head then come talk to me." He said as he heard the eight tails laugh a bit in the back of his thoughts. He can remember the first time he heard the eight tails and felt his chalkra.


He was about to join the ninja academy to train and learn the basics. He was about three blocks away from the academy, when he was stopped by a group of drunks………it was unlucky for him that it was three days after his birthday and the day the eight tails attacked. "Hey, if it isn't our luck……it's the demon child." One man said slurring his words. "Lets get rid of the demon child right now." Another man said from the crowd.

Tatshi was scared for his life. As the men walked toward him, making him back into a wall, he had never been so scared. He usually had either the Grouzukage or his older brother to help him, when people wanted to kill him on October tenth. Damn, his luck for his brother was out of town visiting a friend from Konoha, and the Grouzukage was busy giving out missions and having meetings. So, he was beaten almost to death by the group of men, then he heard a voice from inside of him………it felt evil, but also knew his pain.

"Hey, you want to live. Mon." The voice said from his mind. It echoed so loud he could hear it for about thirty seconds.

"Yes, I want to live……save me please I'm begging you!" He thought the voice heard this and laughed.

"Very well then, I will give you my chalkra and strength when ever you need it……..and do you know why you hear me?" The voice said making Tatshi confused.

"Okay, but why am I able to hear you?" Tatshi asked the voice making it laugh.

"You're really a dumbass, first you repeat what I just said. Then you just talk to me with that fucking emotional mask of yours. Well anyways my name is unable to say in your tongue……but your people called me the eight tailed Hell Dragon. I am one of the great nine bijuu of this world." This defiantly made Tatshi confused because he never knew what a bijuu was, but he now knew why almost everyone called him a demon child or a demon spawn as he walked by.

"Was I born like this?" That was all he could think about at the time.

"No you fucking dumbass, I was sealed inside of you……by a fucking human, I think it was someone by the name……Hudan Mesho." This made Tatshi's eyes go wide in shock.

"You m-m-mean my f-f-father s-sealed you in-inside of me?" He thought and saying it to the eight tails.

"Yeah shit for brains, that means you have the Hidsugon ability locked inside of you. Hmm. This may be useful, do you want me to unlock it for you?" The eight tails said as he was hoping to unlock the ability and see how much he can improve it.

"No, I want to earn it like a real Hudan clan member would. Hey, can you lend me what you call chalkra?" This time when he spoke he had confidence in his voice. Doing this, only made the eight tails laugh.

"Very well, I will lend you my chalkra and also lend you my intelligence." After saying this, Tatshi felt his body fill up with a huge boost of strength. The group of men started to walk away from the bloodied beat up boy, that's when all hell broke out loose. Tatshi was now on his feet as a jade green bright aura surrounded him. All his wounds were healing at an unbelievable rate, and he started to float a foot in the air. This not only scared the group of men, but made them stand in place like they were bounded by fear.

"Yo, shit heads……you wanted to see a demon child and now you got ONE!" He said making every man fall on their ass. He rushed toward the group and grabbed two men by the throat and snapped it. They fell to the ground lifeless, as the other men tried to get away they were only killed as screams were heard marking them as dead.

Later, he made it to the academy and went to his first class shocked at what he just done. He killed a bunch of men at his age……he soon had a smile and a dark attitude toward people he didn't already knew.

End of flash back.

He soon snapped out of the memory when he brother said something, which he didn't hear and went to his room. His brother just shook his head and just went on training.

A/N: Yes this is the first chapter right now. I will have another in a couple of hours and please R&R.

"Someone saying something"

Someone thinking something

"Tailed demon or Summon boss saying something"

Tailed demon or Summon boss thinking something

All stage screens will have a bold name and all flashbacks will be italicized.