"Whisked Back"

By: lookinthestars

A/N: I read a "Twilight" Fan Fiction about what happens to vampires when they die.It was an amazing idea and story. But, the writer has stopped updating (the last time she updated was 4 moths ago). I decided to incorporate her idea into my story. (Most of this story will be my idea. I'll tell you what part is hers when it's unveiled!

This is my first "Twilight" Fan Fiction, so please read & review!!! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns the rights to the books "Twilight" and "New Moon". I don't own anything except this story plot. (Also, Read above if you feel like you want to sue.)

Prologue: Bella's Diary


Four months, nine days, and 17 hours since I have been married.

Four months, nine days, and 17 hours since Edward has yet to fulfill our agreement.

Five months since we've last heard or seen Victoria.

I was married to Edward on March 3, 2006.

I was supposed to be a vampire on March 3, as well.

Victoria, we hope, is dead. But deep down inside, I know that my hope is a lie.

Latest Entry:

An hour since I have been in Chicago, in the year, 1918.

Chapter 1 coming tonight. Review…please:.. (