We walked through London, my hand in my pocket, my arm around her shoulder, and her arm wrapped securely around my waist. It was late, and it was dark, and it was just about time for our nightly skit as we were about to pass the local pub.
"So, ya' ready?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow. She used to get joy out of it, but so many times replayed, she started to get tired of it. She sighed half heartedly and shook her head.
As we came close, I unhooked her arm from around my waist, and spoke to her lowly, in a fake argument. I used wild hand gestured to make it a little more believable. I masked my face with fake pain and anger. She looked down, in a fake guilty manner, like she was trying to hide her face. She kept her hands locked together as we walked next to each other, keeping her lips shut, not uttering a word. Once we were right out front, my voice boomed, turning people's heads. I made my face show complete anger. I urged all my memories of betrayal, hurt, and abandonment to the front of my brain, making me absolutely furious.
"You dirty whore! I knew you were fucking my brother all along!" I was breathing hard; I stopped in my tracks, staring at her. My breathing became thick, as I felt my lips partially pull over my teeth, and my eyes got wide and dark. She looked up, her eyes holding just a hint of a sparkle. Her lips barely containing a small smirk right before she forced her face to completely crumble with pain.
"No, John! I wasn't, I swear!" she pleaded in fake anguish. Her hands were raised to her chest; fingers spear wide, palms up, in a pleading way. "His wife asked me to come over and help prepare supper! She was at the store when you walked in, we weren't intentionally left alone! Nothing happened!" She moved her hands around a lot for more character, I wanted to applaud. Her eyes looked like they would be filled with tears by now. The pain almost looked completely true to me, if I didn't know it was all an act. Her lips began to tremble slightly as her breath started to stutter and jump.
"You're fucking lying to me again, Sarah!" I back handed her. I heard a few guys say there "woah-woahs" in a protest but no one made an advance. I made a quick mind sweep, searching for the best candidate. I looked down at her in disgust, as I pretended to hold most of my anger in.
"No! Please John, no!" she sobbed. Her face twisted with pain, her knees about to buckle as she leaned over. Her English accent completely believable. "I wouldn't! You know I wouldn't. Oh God, just please stop. I'm begging you. Not again. Not again." Her voice faltered at her last plead.
I searched for a second again for just the right guy. I made sure to angle myself just the right way, too. I gripped her hand and tore off her engagement ring, chucking it at her stomach and then I shoved Bella into a middle aged man, slightly drunk, with his friend hanging on next to him. "We're over! I bet that bastard child you're carrying is his too, you stupid slut."
She took her time rising from him, but went quickly enough that it wasn't noticed, as he put his hands on her waist to help her stand back up straight. I felt a small fire in my stomach as his hands paused. "Please John!" she sobbed as I began to walk away. "Please don't leave, I love you!" she shrieked as her body began to convulse. She started to fold in on herself, staring after me, her eyes pleading, completely convincing, for an act we've done plenty of times to be perfect at.
A few men that turned towards her looked pitifully. But she turned towards the man I pushed her into, "I-I don't know what happened. I was preparing supper, and he came in, and-and-" she started to sob again. Her fingers clutched at the front of her dress, her face was broken and crumbled with hidden pain. She started to hyperventilate, making sure to wipe at her face often; a reason as to why there were no tears.
I picked a secure place to hide out and watch from a good distance. He spoke a few consoling words and rubbed her arm a little too affectionately. She fell into him, her body racking with fake sobs. His arms encircled her, as he kissed the top of her head. The man didn't even know her, where did he get off putting his lips on my bride? I felt the familiar bubble of jealousy at the pit of my stomach again.
She talked, mumbled and blubbered a little more. She sniffed, and her voice cracked, but after a half hour or so, after a few of his pathetic little jokes, she began to lighten up. Little blubbers of laughter escaped her lips. She smiled shyly up at him through thick black eye lashes. Her full lips cracked tiny half smiles in the most innocent ways. Her hands became friendly as they rubbed his upper arm, or swatted lightly at his chest in a teasing manner.
She started to play with his fingers a little bit, after talking to him for just a little longer. This was our whole plan. Get into a "fight" outside of a bar that is always sure to have horny older men, pretend she wants a rebound, and well… you'll see what happens next to our dear friend. Though all of this seemed simple, it took longer. We had to make sure they would be good enough to coax her out of her bad mood with a few light, corny jokes, someone that would be overly friendly.
We have to make sure she doesn't come of as a complete. . . how would I put this for my own dear little Bella. . . well, as a slut, though. We wanted her to come off as innocent. It's much more of a turn on if you believe you are corrupting someone, though we didn't want her to come off as completely innocent. Our main idea for her was to be modest about her sexual desires, to put it in the best way.
And the best part about this night, there were two men just hanging onto her bait as of the moment, both sending back eye signals, as she touched this ones hair, and rubbed that ones arm. They finally took a seat at a small green lawn table set out next to the front door after about forty five minutes of leaning against the wall.
As Bella sat, she slid her leather jacket off, to reveal the top part of her tight red halter cocktail dress that flared around the thighs. The edge of the dress that was an arched V right above her cleavage was lined with an inch of a darker red sparkle. She leaned over just enough to get their heart pumping, resting her elbows on the table crossing her arms right under her breasts, making them appear larger. She knew just how to cross her legs to make them appear a mile long, the end of the dress hardly covering six inches past her waist.
She bit the edge of her lip, seeming like it was unconsciously, when they told a story that was supposed to be exciting. She pouted her lips when she knew when she was supposed to fake confusion. She licked her lips right before taking a sip of her beer, each time. She knew all the right things to make a man's blood run.
When she knew she was supposed to laugh, she let it ring out, bearing her teeth in the most inviting way, throwing her head back. She would pull her eyebrows up when she knew she had to be sympathetic, and she stayed quiet mostly the whole time, knowing in time, her voice and hunger would betray herself as her mouth swam with venom, and her mind obviously only became centered on one thing: dinner.
"Well," her voice was smooth, "This beers running right through me," she let out a small ring of a laugh, "would either of you boys mind walking me to the bathroom?" Both stood quickly. That was my cue. I made sure to slip through the front door with out being noticed. I jammed the Woman's bathroom easily, by breaking the door frame, making it so I knew neither would be able to pull it open with out having something to break the hollow door.
I looked over and I saw them entering the bar. "Shit," I muttered. I half ran into the men's bathroom, and slipped into a stall. For effect I pulled my pants down to my ankles and sat down on the toilet after shutting and locking the stall door.
"Oh dear," I heard her half heartedly joke. "The doors stuck." I just imagined her tug lightly at the handle. She tried to laugh lightly, but it came out as more of a malicious little chuckle. This is how I knew it was almost time, this is how I knew my Lovely Bella was as hungry as I.
I heard one of the huff, and then I heard the other one grunt. I imagined them both, in such a cartoon postures, poised with both hands gripping the handle, feet held up on the wall for better support as their faces turned red with strain. Then one would get down, and let the other one have a try. I chuckled at my own imagination.
Damn it. I heard the one think, right before voicing it. Oh, how I love it. Get them to little less of their masculinity by embarrassing them with a test of strength. There faces a delicious red, and their hearts pumping much fasted out of humiliation. My mouth watered at just the shock.
A moment later, I heard Bella squeal, "Oh, my favorite song!" just another part of the plan. Her heals clapped against the floor quickly as she ran to the bartender. "Please, turn this up." she requested. It went up, and she knew just how much control she had on this man. "Just a little louder please?" It went so high that I heard a ringing in my ears and I knew no other human could hear anything else that was farther then six inches away from their face. Perfect.
"Thanks so much!" I heard her purr, and it must have been said in his ear, or else no one would be able to hear with her speaking that light. I'll give you something to thank me about. Damn, I'd fuck that so… I tuned him out, because I knew that if I listened any further I'd have to tear his throat out any moment. I gripped the toilet seat to try and restrain myself, but it only broke of in the palm of my hand, leaving finger holes. I felt my lip unconsciously roll over my teeth as I suppressed a growl.
It was a good thing that no one else was in here, or else they would have already been out of here, running and screaming. Though I doubt anyone else could hear it. But even if, it would just mean more for me and Bella.
"Man," I heard Bella croak, "I really got to pee," she slurred her words and belted out the usual drunk typical girl laugh, but still with the most beautiful airy rhythm. Damn. I'm going to tear her up. What he thought didn't even get me angry, it made me laugh hysterically. What a cliché old white man line, well, it didn't get me mad until I heard such an insult come from his greasy mind, And what a cheap slut she is, only four beers, and she can't even stand up straight. This is going to be easier then we thought. But no way am I going second. No sloppy seconds for me, nope. No way.
I contained myself, and then I chuckled at the thought of what I was going to do. Look at her ass hang out of that little dress. No wonder why he thought she was a whore. The other man thought. Then I laughed louder, to contain my rage. I would have fun with these two.
"How about the men's bathroom? I've seen no one go in, and I've seen no one come out." The one suggested.
"Oh, but what if while I'm in there, someone walks in?" she asked meekly.
"Well lock the door, and if it doesn't lock, we'll stand guard and make sure no one walks in. We'll hold the door closed," the other suggested.
Bella giggled, "Well, I guess. But you two HAVE to come in, to protect me from any strange men. And maybe a little more." I imagined her winking.
"Of course." I could just imagine the wide stupid grin on his face.
I heard the door open, and Bella's shoes kit the hard ceramic floor. "This is so easy," the one whispered nudging his buddy, thinking she couldn't hear him, and ass I peered through the crack of the stall, I saw Bella's wide grin as she winked.
"Do you know that Bella means pretty woman in Italian?" the one remarked as he pushed the door open for himself a few seconds after Bella made her entrance.
"No, amico. Tu uomini sono stupido. Bella e' beautiful in Italiano,"(no friend[masculine]. You men are stupid. Bella is beautiful in Italian.) she laughed as she turned too them, putting her hand on her hip. Her Italian was beautiful with a perfect accent.
They stared at her dumbfounded, but she just laughed and said, "Sorry, the beer's just getting to me. I really got to pee." She closed her legs together tighter to emphasize. They both laughed it off like nothing.
"Alright," the one said. But then he looked down "Hey, man!" he yelled to me. "A lady's trying to use this bathroom. I hope it's no problem, but we'd really appreciate it if you'd get the fuck out of here." he laughed, and I heard him slap hands with his buddy.
I chuckled to myself, as I reached down and pulled my pants up to my waist. I took my time to buckle my belt, letting what he said sink in a little. "Yeah," I made my voice deeper, "No problem." I opened the stall door and leaned on the frame, "No problem at all." I gave them my award winning half smile. Both of them stepped in front of Bella, thinking that she would be the one needing the protecting.
"Hey! You're the prick that left your lady out in the street!" the other one shouted. I flashed them a quick toothy smile.
Bella spun her way around both of them, walking swiftly over my way, flashing me her own toothy smile. "Hey, baby." she wrapped her arms around my neck, and kissed me lightly but lingered.
"What is this?" the one asked in a preposterous manner as Bella turned towards them as I wrapped my arm around her waist. "This is fucking ridiculous! he leaves you here and then you just go running right back into his arms like the little bitch you are." and that was the worse thing you could ever call my sweet little Bella, she hated it.
"No," the other man said, "this was a set up or something. To rob us." he turned to his friend and laughed, "It's written all over their faces. But it's two of us, men. Two of them, a boy and a girl. Give me a break." he started cracking up, thinking of himself to be so funny.
"Well, it kind of was a set up," I mussed.
"But you shouldn't be worrying about that I'm a woman and he's a man." Bella added in. "You should be worrying about more then that."
"What? Do you have a gun? Please. Everyone would here the gun shots, and there's no way to get out, no windows idiots." the other one rolled his eyes.
"Listen to the music. Do you think anyone would be able to hear a gunshot with music this loud? And plus, no. No gun." I smiled at them.
He rolled his eyes again and turned towards the door, but he was too slow, Bella was already there. "What the fuck? What the fuck's wrong with you?"
"Oh, baby, you're not going anywhere," she said cupping his cheek, forcing him back into the wall. She buried her face in the crock of his neck, "Mm-mm, he smells better up close," she said into his neck. She pulled her long red finger nail down his cheek, producing blood, making her moan in the most fascinating way.
I heard his breathing hitch, as his other friend turned towards the door to try and run and he realized we weren't ordinary. But I was there before he could get anywhere. I broke the door frame to prevent any type of worth while attempt to escape.
I looked back at Bella. She licked her lips slowly as she pulled back from his neck. She licked his cheek slowly and let out another excited moan. She grabbed his face, digging her nails deep into his cheeks, and turned him head roughly to the side. She broke his neck, but not bad enough to kill him, just bad enough to make him suffer.
"Oh, sweety, you really shouldn't have called me that nasty little name." she purred into his ear as he let out an ear shattering scream.
"I'd hate to cut it short, but we have to do this fast, not long till someone is bound to hear something." I said, as I grabbed the other one by the neck as he tried to run. "You're the one with the most revolting thoughts about my Bella," I smiled half heartedly at him. I took my other hand and pulled it back as far as I could. I let it go like letting go of a rubber band. Speed so quick you can't see it. I shoved my hand right into his beer belly, where some form of an abdomen once was. He doubled over as blood ran out of his mouth, and his eyes were wide like a deer caught in head lights. It was beautiful; the sight of blood pooling on the floor, covering some part of your body. Always like an aphrodisiac for me.
"I'm so sorry I can't make this last any longer, it's just that I'm in kind of a rush," I said with a sorrowful tone.
I bit deep into his neck, and both Bella and I were finished quickly. The only time I noticed his wedding ring was when we were walking out of the bathroom casually. The only time I noticed it was right before we landed right in front of Alice and Carlisle while we were walking out of the bathroom casually, hand in hand.