Dear Loyal Readers,

… so many ways to say it, but none of them adequately do. So right to the point then.

I am abandoning fanfiction(dot)net (Fanfiction if those stupid fuckers edit the name on me again). I've had it, I've had it with the way they fuck up my stories whenever I post, if they even let me post. I've had it with a lot of the people. I've had it with the steady degradation of the fics on this site. I've taken my fill, so here's my list of grievances.

The way they mess up my stories-

I have these nicely written and well spaced out chapters to post, they look nice, they're edited, they're easy to read and follow, and then I begin the pain in the ass process of posting. And every time I pray it comes out the same, but it never does, lines are missing, spaceing's deleted, characters (symbols, not the people in the fic) disappear, sometimes even my font is changed, making my stories a pain in the ass to read. I have tried everything I could think of, I tried editing it after I post, I tried saveing it different ways, nothing works.

The People-

It's not everybody on here, in fact I seriously like having other authors to chat with and I love getting reviews, I actually like the ones that tell me I need to fix things, because it helps me as a writer grow, I especially like the authors who take their time to write decent fics, with such, apparently, unheard of things called plots and details and pacing. Oh who also write characters IN-FUCKING-CHARACTER to a understandable point, I mean this is fanfiction after all, all of our stories are out of character and alternate reality/universe, and don't ruin any chance at a plot within five lines, trust me there are authors on this site who managed that. Another peeve of mine is the pairings, you have the rite to like whomever pairing you do, and if you don't like the pairing, simply Don't read it's not brain surgery people, but since most of the categories on here don't have filters, please put the pairing in the description, or at least make it obvious, I'm not a yaoi fan, I already have to sift through thousands of fics for one that isn't slash. Oh, and to the majority (note I said majority, not all) of authors who write in The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, one, for the love of God TAKE A FUCKING WRITEING COURSE! And two, if you're that sad that you fantasize about two twelve year old boys, who happen to be brothers, making out seek counseling immediately. That's a serious mental issue, it's call pedophilia, and you can be arrested for it.

The Rules They Never Enforce-

I have seen fics, which belong lodged in the deepest recesses of Adultfanfiction's servers, posted loud and proud on this site. I have nothing against those types of fics; in fact, a well-written sex scene is a dieing art. And obviously nothing happens to them, while great fics, must suffer huge gaps in them because the author fears being kicked off the site for x-amount of time. And they are usually the ones that are checked, and that's sad because a swell of bad fics are riding on the site managers short-sightedness, getting away with things they should while people who do it tastefully as part of their art, get reprimanded.

So without further ado, I here-by retire from this site. I am no-longer posting or updating here, I will still receive your reviews, and reply to them like usual, and I will still receive PMs, but this is the last thing I will upload onto the site.

Sorrowfully yours,
