Hey everyone it's about 2 months till I wrote another story again Hoo! I miss all of you… I want you to like this story again just like my last one!

Chapter one: When Boy meets Girl

It was a dark and stormy night when a 15 years old boy with raven colored hair and had crimson eyes was being chased by a lots of man and end up bumping on a little girl who is also 15 years old of age has hazel eyes and chestnut hair…

"I'm sorry" the boy said

"No it's okay… it was an accident" The girl said looking who the boy was but because of the dark she didn't notice anything that she could remember when they meet again.

"I must go now" the boy said but before he go he gave something in the girl's hand… before the girl even realize it he can't see anything but only his shadow… immidiately she stood up, all wet and cold when she saw many men passed at her looking at the strange boy who she bumped "What was that?" she said heading way to home.

At her Room

She was just after her evening bath and was already drying her hair when she notices the amulet that the boy gave her

"Who was that??" Looking at the amulet that shapes like a fire and having flashes about it then suddenly out of the blue someone pops at her front, it was a little boy about 6 of age quite small has blackish hair and quite cute I supposed

"MIIKKKAAAANN" he shouted then mikan suddenly shrieked

"Hahahahahah" the boy laughed and ran away going downstairs

"Why you! Youchi come back here and I'll give you a good spank!" she said being pissed with his younger brother

"Mikan it's already time for dinner" a maid said shouting then she immediately went downstairs

Mikan, Mikan Sakura to be exact 2nd richest family known in the country as the successful duo being his father a successful business man and her mother an everlasting beauty in the media a complete pack of acting, hosting, singing, modeling etc. mikan's family is sure known not only in the country but probably the whole world… but for mikan having a rich family without time for their children is no sense at all.

Well, let's talk about mikan except for being rich, just like her mother she is beautiful too… but in the family she is a complete disgraced for her father because he didn't raced her child to became dumb so her father is always angry with her stupid actions that's why she always struggle to be good in his father's eyes for her to be praised one's in a while but no matter what she do… her father seem no interest in her not like her brother a complete genius. She is kind, dumb sometimes… oh! Let's face it not sometimes I guess always… but even though like that she has many friend because of her good humors.

At the dinner table

Just like always the atmosphere during meal is some what awkward but mikan is used to it by now I guess… she is already half way in finishing her meal when her father open up a topic that involves her future.

"Mikan… The Sakura's and the Hyuuga's just talk about the future and that conclusion concerns you… we've decided that we will make you the fiancé of their son" he said unhesitately

"What!!!" mikan yelled

"Yes!!! It's already been decided and you can never change it" her father said straightly so she just kept her mouth shut avoiding the possibility what his father might do to her

After some time she is about to leave for having no appetite but yet again his father speak and said

"Before I forgot they will visit us for dinner tomorrow so you must be ready" he said

"Okay" Is the only word she replied and immediately went to her room

She cried and cried, but she can't do anything… his father decided again something that she has not dreamt to have…

Sometimes I wish to be a lily

A flower that could grow freely

A grasshopper perhaps

An insect that always hops

She sat on her bed when suddenly she saw someone looking at her door… it was youichi looking pretty sad just staring at her sister's face

"Come here! Little youichi" she said extending her hands as if giving him a hug

But no matter what I do I'm still just a stone

A hard useless stone or maybe a stupid dog's bone

I wish on the first star I see that someone could love me

But no matter what happens that wish will never be

She cries and cries in her brother's back and after few hours she fell asleep… youichi covered her sister with a blanket

"Maybe a good cry is really the best medicine" then he runs off like an airplane singing lalalala


"YYAAAAWWWNN!" mikan stretched her hands and looked at the clock; it was already 7:30. 30 minutes more and she'll be late so she dressed up immediately but when she looked at the mirror she saw her eyes reddened and flashes of yesterday pops in her mind…

"I guess I should thank little youichi for it! Yeah! Because of him I feel better" she said humming in the bathroom

She immediately went to the chauffer and skipped breakfast

At the school

"Yes I was not late! Thank goodness" she said

"Ohayoo mikan" A blonde boy said

"OhayoO Ruka- pyon" she greeted

Ruka Nogi, 7th from the richest family in the country… well, he is kind, respectful, and well what can I say… rich.

"How's vacation?" ruka asks

"Not much… we just visited some of our cousins in America, Philippines, and Paris you?" she ask

"We went to America too to visit my auntie" he said

"Is that so!" she said the a raven haired girl pops out of no where

"Hey! What are you 2 love birds bubbling about it's already 2 minutes before time and you still hangout like idiots there" she said

"Oh! Hotaru I really miss you" giving her a good hug at the back but hotaru evaded it that's why mikan's face lay flatly

"What's the big idea??" mikan asks

"You never change do you?" she said then walks out

Hotaru Imaii, probably 4th or 5th richest family in the country owning a big campany, inventing technologies…

Mikan studies at the school where rich family hang out… mikan spends most of her time at school because being in the house is boring any way.

Many people like mikan most especially guys because of her good looks and kindness but mikan never knew that because she is not an observant person

Nothing change much at the school there's still her friends like Anna, Nonoko, Koko, Yuu etc. and her teachers

After school she immediately went home not forgetting what her father said

And there she saw her father talking to the Hyuuga's but definitely she can't see a boy that would make her nervous

After looking at the living room she decided to go first to her room so she went at the back of the house where her room was located and there he saw little youichi reading a manga under a really big tree

"Youichi!" she shouted running through him

Then youichi looked "Hi mikan!" he shouted looking and waving at her

"Thanks for last night" she said and sat beside him

"For what?" he asks… while their talking someone seems to be overhearing it

"uhmm… for everything" she said and gave him a little hug "I bought something for you… you can find it under your pillow" she continued

"What is it?" he asks

"It's a se- c- re- t! you must find it for your self" she said

"Okay" he said running to his room

Then mikan stood up and picked something from her pocket… it looks like a button and she pushed it then suddenly a ladder appeared… she immediately climb upstairs then suddenly a strong wind blew revealing her polka doted panties

"Nice view!" Someone said out of no where

Then mikan looked everywhere, where the sound could came from then suddenly someone jumped from the tree and appeared a boy with a raven hair and red orbs

"Waaaaaaa!!! She shrieked and descended down the ladder "You pervert" she said

"Who you calling pervert, stupid girl" he said "It's not my fault you show your undies" he said "and I'm not gonna look any way" he ended

"Why You! Get out of here you pervert" she said

"Hmph!" he said

Then mikan continued climbing to her room and dress up to go downstairs

End of chapter

Who do you think is that boy?? Well, I guess you know who… but I know that you don't know what will happened next so stay tuned

I'm sorry if the start is not really that good but I promise to make it better.
