Disclaimer: I don't own Eragon

(Audience clapping)

"Hello and welcome to my talk show." Cyberwolf waved at the crowd enthusiastically. "If you haven't already guessed, I'm your host. Alright let's got to our first victim, opps, I mean guest. Everybody give it up for Galbatorix!"

(Audience boos)

"Come take a seat Galbatorix, I'm sure the audience would love to hear what you have to say."

(Audience starts throwing trash and rotten tomatoes)

"You insolent fools! Do you know who I am?" Galbatorix raged as he dodged the flying objects. "I am Galbatorix, the evil dictator king!"

"You bring up a good point Galbatorix." Cyberwolf watched as he dodged some of the larger objects such as office chairs. "Why are you evil? We all know that you lost your first dragon, but was there something else? Could it be that you had a bad childhood or maybe someone important to you died when you were a kid? If there was anything of that sort could you tell us now, it may stop the audience from throwing things at you."

"Well…" Galbatorix sat down. "It all started when I was three-"

We interrupt this program to bring you a test of the emergency broadcast system.

"- And mommy never loved me again!" The show was back and Galbatorix was sobbing on the floor.

"Okay…" Cyberwolf pulled out a two way radio. "Could we get a therapist up here? Yeah, uh-huh…Thanks." Turns off two way radio. "Okay now that Galbatorix is…err… being taken care off, let's bring out our next two guests. Everybody give a warm welcome to everyone's favorite never going to happen couple, Arya and Eragon!"

"You mean to say that people actually want me to be with Eragon?" A look of disgust had fallen on Arya's face.

"Why wouldn't you want to be with me, I'm the main character, the first book is named after me, and I saved your life!" Eragon listed off the reasons why Arya should be with him.

"This is the time that I'm going to tell what my opinions of you are." Cyberwolf had moved to stand in front of the arguing pair. "Arya, I don't like you, your personality is ice cold and you're too perfect. Eragon, you can do much better than Arya…"

"You…you…you bitch!" Arya's face had turned bright red with anger.

"Yeah, I'm a bitch, and I'm damn proud of it too!" Cyberwolf though giving Arya a death glare, found it very hard to intimidating because Arya was about a foot taller than her. (AN/ in real life I'm a bitch and proud of it, and I'm also short)

Suddenly a large mass of people began making their way through the crowd towards the stage.

"Is it Galbatorix's army?" Eragon looked wildly around for a sword, because he no longer had Zar'roc.

Cyberwolf looked over the crowd and gasped. "It's worse Eragon, much worse, it's your fanclub."

(Dramatic theme music)

End of Chapter

Cyberwolf: Please tell me if you liked it so I can write more. Well, until my next chapter, review, review, review!!!