A/N Ah, finally i can make another chapter! Sorry about the very long month waits. (I say that way too much i know) I wont bore you with excuses and of the such, just wishing you a happy 2008 now onwards to the chapter!

Harry Potter and the Discovery of Power

Chapter 10 Snape's Challenge

Harry walked out of the wizegamot with an upset stomach. He could not bring himself to the realization that he had just brought the most powerful man in Great Britain to his knees in less than two hours. A man of esteem power. Power unmatched by anyone.

Harry stopped at the floo in the ministry building and waited for his ride. Moody had told Harry if he ever needed anything to come to him and that is exactly what he did. Harry and Moody discussed all of the night before about Moody becoming his personal guide and guard. Moody, loving being able to dish whatever he had at his arsenal to his opponets flew at the idea of being a guard for a three time Lord, celebrity, and not to mention Harry Potter. Someone of that status you could easily kill people with the killing curse and noone would turn around and arrest you.

Moody apparated right next to Harry. pop.

"Alright there Potter?"

"Yea Professor Moody, I was just waiting here for you as you instructed. So, how are we transporting today?"

"Aye! I was considering a broom ride, or are you to rusty right now on your broom?"

"Well...I dont exactly have my broom on me though Professor Moody."

Moody just gaped at Harry like he was some stupid trainee in the Auror Corps.

"Son, you are the richest and most well known person around here! You could just simply ask for one of your elves to retreive it for you. And, what did we talk about!? Stop calling me Professor!"

"Sorry Pro-erm Alastor, it's just that your like five times my age and also you was my teacher."

"I was never your teacher! I was stuck in my own trunk all year remember?"

"Oh...ok you got me there Pro-Alastor. Erm how do I call my house elf?"


"Boy, even if you were muggle raised you really need to read at least good Lord. Just make a bloody demand when you imagine a house elf. "

Harry scrunches up his face like he has constipation really bad or something and imagines a house elf appearing. What Harry did not consider was a more specific house elf, because everyone started to turn their heads when they heard all of these loud pops everywhere. POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP(ok im bored typing POP lol so just alot) and house elf after house elf appeared afront of Harry Potter and bowed their heads in servitude.


"Sorry Alastor, can one of ya'll get me my broom please?"

All of the elves disappeared, and then less than a blink of an eye later a bunch of elves reappeared again all fighting to hand their master the broom. You could litterally hear some of the things the elves were saying to each other.

"I am the head of the great and noble Gryffindor Line of Broom Elves! Let go I shall hand it to him!"
"I am dobby a free elf who loves Master Harry Potter Sir with everything let me!"

"As the boy is a Potter by blood let me as the head of the Potter's elves!"

"I want to give it to him, I was vowed the boy as a child!"

(And the above remarks were just to name the niceer ones))

Harry in a panicked motion stooped down and snatched the broom out of the hands of the little creeters and said, " Thank you for my broom ya'll may leave now."

The elves obediently poped away and left Moody and Harry trying to hide in the ministry alcove to not be seen by the watching and still growing crowd of people.

"Potter just wait til we get to wherever you said we were going! I will rip you limb from limb!"

"Relax Alastor, we are going to probably a place safer than Hogwarts, Grimmuald, and your place all put together."
"Impossible, Hogwarts has some of the strongest charms and wards on the castle since the founders made the blasted school, my eye wont even work in the damm school."

Harry just smirked and grabbed hold of Alastor's hand and led him to the fireplace. He took out a bag that looked like would normally contain galleons in it. However, when Harry untied it and reached in golden ashes came out? Moody was about to open his mouth to question what substance the ashes were when Harry threw the ashes in the fireplace and the fireplace became aflame with a roar unheard of by anyone. Harry then stepped into the fireplace still holding the old Auror like a little child and they just vanished.


"Alastor, I said relax, first off please take off your cloak and shoes in this antechamber, oh and by the way; welcome to Potter Castle. "

Alastor just stood there for a minute still processing what he had just been heard. He looked around the chamber and sure enough, he was back in a place he had only been once before. Once, when he was just a little boy himself.

"It-It can't be. This house was supoosably destroyed during Grimmuald's reign. Your grandfather...he died Harry lets leave-I don't want these memoires, I don't want -"

"Alastor turn around..."

"It has been a long time my friend. How are you?"

Moody not noticing another person had been in the room swings around with his wand out just to fine his wand not even in it's holster.

"It can't be...I saw you die-"

"No my friend whom you saw die was me but it was not me. I died yes, but I barely survived. Thanks to one of my ancestors, I believe it was Thomas Thorne Potter "The Warder" who I should really thank. He was the one who warded this house last that I know of. One of the Potter's most powerful and most secretive wards was the half-ghost ward. Which basically says, that as long as I am a Potter and have not been removed if I am to die in this house by another wizard then instead of me dieing my body will turn into a ghost form until I have recovered enough to return to a solid form, then it just hurts like hell. "

"I must be dead, there just is no way that you could be alive-"

Harry just laughs at the stupidy of the ex-auror and walks over to his grandfather.

"Perhaps this will help you believe"

Harry hugged his grandfather, he hugged him as long as he could, letting all of his emotions, all of his hardships to fall out, to finally know that family lived on, to know that the Potter's were not totally gone.

"But-your wife, she died here to? Where is she?"

"Unfortunately, she is not a blood Potter , she was married into , so the ward did not work. But let's not talk about such depressing matters Alastor, come, I shall show you around. Harry I dd get your owl by the way, I have set up some ingredients for your little project in Dungeon 4, Potions lab 2. Do try not to drop the giant's blood. It was hard enough to get most of the ingredients.

"Thank you grandfather.-"

"You would not believe how long I have waited for you to call me that my boy now run along Alastor and us must talk, it has been too long, yell for Toby, if you need anything. "

(Dungeon 4 Potions Lab2)

Harry walked into a very large room that had one table set to the side of an onyx covered wall of marble. The floors were pure stone that seemed to have a magical glow about them. The table was longer than the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall at Hogwarts itself. Huge vials of various liquids and items he had never seen before were on the table.

Harry finally reached the table and just marvelled at everything that was there. Harry knowing that just a tenth of this stuff afront of him would probably make him a handful richer than the Malfoy's or even Hogwarts for that matter.

Harry pulls out an old red book, with a picture of a young lady with red hair on it smiling up at him and sets the book on the table.

"Ok, Cassandra lets see what I can do with all of this stuff. "

If a person was to walk by they could only guess their worst nightmare. The noises that sounded

like were coming from the room could be described as akward and scary to enter into.

Harry Potter dropped the giants blood for the third time into the green liquid that was supposed

to be orange mind you for the fifth time(and the fifth cauldron)

"Hmm, what am I doing wrong it says to directly add the blood into the cauldron then counter stir

until the liquid starts to fizz, but everytime I add this blasted giants blood it just explodes! Gosh, I need

Snape worse than I thought I would for this. Pshh yea right, I am not even about to let him near some of

this stuff. The banes from the ancient is rare enough. "

In frustration Harry stits down pondering still how to fix the problem with the directions. Should

he another potion while he figured this one out? Or should he finish the potion to counter the bone ritual?

"Wait a minute, giants blood is the strongest dormant of blood known to man. A drop of it can

refuse a human, so if you wanted to reverse strong density of bones you would not use it. Then why in the

douse do have it here Cassandra? Wait...that's it...douse, giants blood is not affected by normal gases in

the air unlike other bloods such as vampire blood affected to CO2( which is the real reason for their

sun sensivity) Of course, gases would harden the blood so I should keep the fire off while I add it,

then I reput it on the burner. So that way it would be the total opposite it wont harden, but get thicker."

--------------------------------------------During Harry's Potion's making--------------------------------------

(Potter Castle, Second Floor Lesser Study)

"So, how is my good friend been doing all of these years?"

"Aye! It's been a hell for me I will tell you that much, but that's not the subject at hand I want to

hear! How the hell is all of this even as it is!?"

"Ah, yes, the wonders of magic at its finest. Would you believe me Alastor if I told you that

this castle wasn't even harmed in the slightest? Even after Voldermont had all five of his top warders

making the wards crashing down on us? The death eaters were, I believe more scared of their own doings

then of you and me."

"Life has always been damm good to you. I still hardly believe this is you and all of this is real,

but this is all real, damm eye doesn't work in here either."

"How did that eye come to be Alastor?"

"Long story, let's just say Voldermont got a good shot on me finally, made me retire and

everything else. However, I can't argue Harry has been the sweet lad to refill my pockets with gold so to


"Yes, I am actually quite angry at that bafoon of a headmaster for not allowing my grandson to...

spurge good life so to speak."

"I would have to say Albus got what was coming to him a little while ago. Do you know of yet

what happened?"

"Now Alastor as long as you have known me you would you would know that I am much more

clver than most people would give me credit for. Of course I know the full story, just like I was there."

"Ha! Only you would somehow get away with that old man."

"Watch who you are calling an old man, you are the youngest person in England either anymore."

-----------------------------------------------Two hours later-------------------------------------------------------

(Back at the Potions lab)



"Yes master Harry Potter sir?"

"I have finished making my potions now will you please clear the area of the ingredients that were

not used, restore the cupboard, then inform my grandfather that I have finished and that I am in my


"Of course master Harry Potter sir, also dinner shall be served at seven please be on time. "

"Thank you Toby and good day"



"I can't believe that Albus would do that to me still though. I mean we were mentor/apprentice

at one point."

"It is hard to believe that he would do that to anyone after all he has done for the wizarding world

Minerva, but the fact is that he let what he feared most overtake him, and he accepted it at that. Dark Arts

can destory anyone, that's that, he received power and glory for being a sign of power. However, the power

and glory even took him on the broad side of greed. All we can do is get past it and start over, I would

stay here with you dear but Mr. Potter has informed me to start brewing alot of various healing potions

for when He-who-must-not-be-named hears of Hogwarts not having the headmaster."

"Yes, I understand I need to go finish some tests anyway good day. "

"Good day"

----------------------------------------Back at Slytherin Common Room----------------------------------------

"Father says that now the bumbling bee is out of the picture we can start our reign of terror

without worry of interference. Nott, go get everyone else it's time to show those stupid Lions what a true

snakes bite is like. And Parkinson(lol, I can't remember her first name but it should be there instead of her

last) stay with me I need you for a future purpose, can't let my heir's sons mother get hurt now can we?"

Theodore Nott ran up the boys staircase doing the proper knock on certain doors alarming the

snakes that the battle of their life was coming up and to prepare for full battle. He then ran back

downstairs to the common room with his broom and flew up the girls doing the same thing of alarming the

snakes. He then thrust his broom to the side after he returned to the common room and rushed out of the

room to go tell Slughorn to stay in his office at all costs and he may survive.

--------------------------------------------------Chamber of Secrets-----------------------------------------

"How are you today Sitra?"


Yess it will be sssoon we can take over teh school as your massster wissshed. What'sss wrong?"


That cat isss annoying you know what to do go and finally kill!"

----------------------------Second Floor of Hogwarts Cooridor near Women Toilets-------------------------

Mrs. Norris the black cat that will get you into trouble at every corner was snooping by hoping to

help his master get another unfortunate student into trouble. Mrs. Norris stopped walking when she heard

the pipes just to the right of her make noise. The cat being a rather well curiously stupid but yet adoriable

cat walked over to where a puddle of water already stood and sniffed the water as such it was a disease or

lethal in some way. She took one more step and looked up while meowing just to be stopped from moving

when she saw two large yellow eyes reflect off of the metal of the pipes hanging from the ceiling.

Ginny Weasley had just left the Chamber and closed it, after Tom commanded Sitra to attack

Filch's stupid cat. "Good riddens" she muttered under her breath. She looked and noticed that the cat did

not fall to the ground afront of her but just stood still with terrified eyes gauging out.

Ginny not knowing what to do closed her eyes and went "Tom, are you there?"

"Yes child what is it?"

"Um, well...dont get mad...pleaase...um...well...that cat...it's just standing here..."

"Ah, yes it would seem the cat did not directly see our pet. She has been petrified."

"Which means?"

"Which means she is unable to move, think, or do anything else, she is per se the best shield you

could have hehe, I am joking ...somewhat at least, but the cat is unable to do anything she cannot even

breathe, but magic keeps her alive. I believe muggles calls it paralyze, but it is a magical thing of that. "

" Should I hide this thing?"

An evil idea came to Tom Riddle.

"No my dear use your silver dagger I gave you the other week and slice your wrist. Write the

exact words I tell you to on the wall next to the spot she was petrified at as a memorial so to speak. Then,

magically nail her to the wall in her erm...unfortunate status."


"As a sign to all of those who get in the way of your love of course."

"Oh, um ok."


(Harry Potter's Master Quaters, Potter Castle, Unplottable)

Harry Potter was mad, he wasn't mad at his grandfather, why heck he wasn't even mad at the old

fool right now. He was mad at hisself. He was mad for not being more precautious. He was mad that he did

not follow the motto of CONSTANT VIGILANCE. He was mad that he could not get a response out of his

unknowing friend. He had been trying every since he came to his quarters. He had even tried to welcome

the whatever it is that was related to his scar to answer. He had even done a few spells he had learned on

himself hoping to get the thing to speak to him. (Idiot i swear...)

" Are you there?" "Cmon I know your in here!" " Please, I just want to talk for a second."

"Did you not want to speak to me or not?" " Hello?...come on out you stupid little son of a ..." " Ok, this is

yoru final warning!"

Then Harry finally heard the voice he had been wanting to speak to him for such a long time to

finally answer him.


" I am in a Castle of one of my relatives, but that is no importance, I wanted to know if you

could tell me some stuff about my parents. After all you did do them in, I mean I suppose you would

have to know them quite well, or had to have to study their movies or something if it was planned."

The spirit just sighed in annoyance. He had knew that working with mere twelve year olds would

be bothersome and tiresome. He knew that he would have to put up with alot of shit. He even knew that

there would be times he just would want to kill the damm kid, but he never suspected the kid to want a

bedtime story!


"I am not asking for a stupid bedtime story, I am asking for information about my parents, since

you so kindly made it difficult for me to talk to them myself. " sneered Harry to himself

" Fine, your mother, she was...a beauty unheard of. She could charm the most witting of boys. She

had this talen of getting what she wanted when she wanted from anyone. For a muggleborn all I could say

is I was impressed. Her grades when she was school were out of this world. Even I was below her. She was

the most miraculous thing since Merlin himself to me and to most of the male population. "

"So, if you felt this way toward her why did you kill her. Please tell me, I need to know, I need to

know if I can truly trust you or anyone for that matter. I need to if I am going to be able to live down the

factor that when I die my parents may be disappointed in me or mad at me for what I would be doing in the


" I did what I had to, not out of hate, not out of anger. But, out of neccesity. Your parents were

too much troiuble for me at that time. Your parents and also the parents of the longbottom kid. Both

of your parents lead a very powerful quadrant of Aurors that I could barely fight. They would drop dead

afront of me not even affected, they would just keep coming at me like they were robots or as if feelings

were not inside of them. They were hardstruck to end my reign of terror. To end all that I had fought for. I

was so close! I loved your mother with all of my heart I would never kill her on purpose. Then one day a

Seer came to the old man and had a prophecy. The prophecy was about me and my downfall somehow. My

spy could never get the full saying, but it was enough. I had to after your mother. I am not sorry for what I

did, but I am also not proud of it. Just know, that she did not die uselessly like most female witches would.

She fought to the end a couragous and very heartfelt battle. But, in the end I surpassed her. She crawled to

you hollering, " No, not my Harry please, take me not him!" She would not accept my offer of her life

for you. She just loved you that damm much! I started the incantation to kill her she aimed her wand at you

and said words that even I did not understand. Words that had me afraid to do anything. There was a white

glow to you. She died for some odd reason before that fateful curse hit her. I stared at that ground

dumbstruck, hurt, and confused. I knew what I had to finish. I turned to you, I was a fool, I underestimated

you, I underestimated your mother. She did ancient sacrificial magic that I had no knowledge of. She gave

you her soul in exchange for the demise of mine when I tried to take yours. "

"And, my father?"

"Your father. He was a man who attacked first and asked questions later. At school, he was

viscious to all and demanded respect and order. He was a born leader, but his hot head screwed him up. He

was a master at transfiguration, if he had stayed and studied instead of fighting with the old man he could

had easily surpassed Dumbledore in transfiguration and become a legend in it. But, his courage and

bravery got in the way and he went after me. I did the same to him, I gave him an option, give up his son

and live or die fighting and watch in the afterlife of his son dying. He fought for you. LIke any father

would. He fought, and lost. The battle lasted longer than I had imagined it would. I sent in Regulus Black

to take care of him, but ten minutes later I heard a deaf defying screech of his from outside. I sent in two

more death eaters after him, none came back out. I marched in then with Peter at my side. I protected my

little rat from dying that night. Your father sent every light spell he knew at me. But I was far over him in

the dark arts. My shield didn't even break once. The idiot actually tried an exorcism spell on me. I just

tsked tsked. I offered him the option as I said before. He refused spit on the ground and said he would

die first. I said very well. The fateful curse came out of my wand and he dodged of course. It's sad really

I didn't kill him, Peter Petigrew in excitement cast the killing curse and it suprisingly killed the man. I

looked down at the toothless rat and just growled. "

" So my dad and mom died for me, but they could have left me there to die and live?"

"Yes, love will do that to any person unfortanetly."

"Then it is there own fault. They dug their own grave, I thank my mother for saving me but survival

of the fittest is what keeps the world moving. If you can't win joing them. They couldn't win, but they didn't

want to join, so they paid the consequence. "

" I am proud you see it like that Harry, most people would not. Is there anything else ?"

" Just one."

"Then ask."

"Where do I sign up at?"



"Master Harry Potter Sir, it would be time for you to go eat now. "

" Thank you Toby I will be right down. "

" Yes sir, Harry Potter Sir!"


Harry exited the room deep in thought knowing that life would be changing very soon. Not

knowing what to expect, but knowing that whatever it was he would like alot and that is putting it nicely.

A/N Ok I know Ya'll deserve much more, but I thought this would be a good spot to end with writers block and all. and with a cliffy(you can hang me later )