R_S: A little blurb of a chappy that's been sitting on my computer for the longest time. Enjoy!
Chapter 13
Endless Flirtation
It had been a week since the incident with Lash, where he'd been a perfect– albeit overtly flirtatious and too forward– gentleman. He no longer came around solely for the purpose of tormenting her and her friends, opting instead to blow kisses from across the hall. Magenta responded the same way each time, rolling her eyes while mouthing 'you wish', but she couldn't hide her blushing all the time.
A quiet sigh escaped Maj's mouth as she stuffed a few of her books into the locker before her. It had been a long day. Pop quiz in Mad Science, a ton of homework assigned in sidekick training, Coach Boomer had made them run laps… she felt a little stress-relief was in order. Perhaps she'd order a pizza for dinner, and then she could curl up in front of the TV with a pint of ice-cream. She nearly licked her lips at the thought- it sounded absolutely divine.
Grabbing her final notes and shoving them into her pack, she zipped up her book bag. A light gasp escaped her lips as her head shot up; a hand had snapped her locker door shut. A long arm stretched to the male figure only a few steps away. He didn't need to utilize his stretching ability, close enough that his naturally long limbs closed the distance effortlessly. A cocky smirk played on his features as she quirked her brow, shock racing out of her system to leave a vague annoyance in its wake.
"Can I help you?" she inquired, tone bored.
He chuckled, throwing his hair out of his eyes, "I don't know, can you?" his eyes slipped over her small figure suggestively, prompting her to roll her eyes and grunt in disgust.
"Get a life, pervert."
"Hey babe, you made the suggestion… I just went along with it."
"It wasn't a suggestion, it was merely a question." She really didn't know what it was, but something made her play herself up. Her speech morphed itself to a more formal lull than her usual harsh tongue and cheek. Somehow being herself, the simple shape shifter, didn't seem good enough.
"An offer…" His persistence irked her, elegance be screwed.
"No, a question. No more, no less. Now whadda ya want?"
"There are a lot of possible answers to that question…"
"Lash…" her voice was a dangerous warning, inside praying her blush would not betray the intense feeling of flattery.
"Jeez, alright. Chill babe."
"Why are you bothering me?"
"I 'merely' have a 'simple question'."
"If you're only her to mock me, than I suggest you leave." The flush deepened with her huff.
"Only if you leave with me at, oh let's say, 7:00 Friday night."
"… What?"
"You heard what I said: me, you, seven, Friday. See ya then."
"Hold on a minute," she caught his collar as he turned to leave, "I don't remember agreeing to that."
"Well I don't remember you disagreeing either."
"Then so sorry to disappoint but no."
"Because it's never happening!" She was freaking out, guys didn't ask her out. Zach… didn't count. They never happened.
"Why not?" he was pushy.
"Because I refuse to go out with you."
"How come?"
"Because you're you."
"Good." Head held high, she turned on her heel and left, traipsing down the hall with faux confidence.
"… Are you sure you don't want to go out with me?"
"Positive." She paused to call back over her shoulder.
"Really really. Now go away." On that final note, she sauntered off with an evident blush on her face and a shy smile gracing her pink lips. Sure he was kind of an ass, but it was still flattering as hell. And she was pretty sure she could feel his eyes boring holes into her ass.
End Flashback
Such exchanges continued everyday, becoming habitual to them both. Lash would approach her, throw some pick up lines her way and flirt. Confidently leaning against something, as that seemed to be his favorite position; he'd throw her a crooked smile and a suave compliment. Magenta would flirt back sometimes, but mostly she just downright rejected him. Of course he never got his way, only sometimes tasting the desire as it ghosted across his lips, only to be torn from his mouth as he leaned in to take a bite. Oh yes, she tortured him. She really, truly did. Maj would never admit it, of course, but she had grown to enjoy those exchanges. They were undeniably fun and he was a fairly good flirt, not to mention the incredible ego-stroke.
Though they'd been making brief contact, it wasn't until today that he actually went out of his way to approach her en group. She was sitting with her friends, laughing brightly as Zach wildly recounted some eccentric tale, his arms waving excitedly as he spoke while a bright glowing grin lit up his features. When he entered the cafeteria, no one had really taken any notice. He had sauntered over to their table, regarding their actions lazily, and stopped in front of them. It took a few seconds before any of them even noticed his presence. But it was a problem when they finally did.
"… So then he goes 'what-"
"Zach." Ethan interrupted.
Maj glanced down at her feet, the floor suddenly becoming a topic of extreme interest, as the group turned to look at the newcomer, distrust evident in all their eyes. He looked innocent enough, holding his lunch tray just like anyone else would and even seemed slightly nervous. Speed appeared behind him with his own tray, expression less than enthusiastic.
The taller of the two sauntered over to Magenta, "Is this seat taken?" She hadn't meant to look up, let alone right into his deep dark pools, but she couldn't help it. Once she did, there was no turning back. He gazed intently into her eyes as he spoke, hypnotizing her into silence. Her mouth was suddenly lined with cotton and her tongue had gone numb, flopping around uselessly as she moved her jaw down, desperate to form some sort of word. No sound came out.
"Yeah," Warren hissed from her side, taking the initiative to reply, "it is."
"By who?" Speed spat back obnoxiously, moving into the chair across from the one in question. Layla tensed slightly beside him, calming only when Will placed his arm around her and gave her shoulder a tight squeeze. Warren remained silent at the older boy's question, occupying himself with a glaring contest against the super-stretcher instead. He won when his opponent looked away, glancing down in order to take his seat. The pyrokinetic took note of the fact that Lash had inconspicuously pulled the chair closer to Magenta's and balled his hands into fists.
Turning to Zach and Ethan, Layla put on a smile. She'd decided to act normal, as if they didn't have any unwanted guests. Perhaps if they felt that they weren't bothering anyone they'd go away and find someone else to torture. Taking a deep breath, she tentatively broke the awkward silence.
"So, what time do you guys have to get to the mad science lab? I heard you were going to help Medulla clean some of the equipment."
Zach nodded, "Yeah, we gotta get down there at-"
"Now. C'mon man, we're gonna be late." Ethan interrupted, standing with his tray. His friend followed in suit. "We'll see you guys later."
"Alright, bye." Various calls farewell were emitted by the group of teens, earning some curious looks from the two newcomers. They'd never been that close with each other, let alone an entire group of people. How did they manage to be so friendly all the time? Theirs was more of a convenient partnership.
Silence once again filled the table. Rolling his eyes, Lash decided to break it. He couldn't help but wonder why they could possibly be so unhappy and discomforted around him. Well, other than the fact that he'd made the most recent past months of their lives a living hell, but that's beside the point here. Honestly, weren't they supposed to be the ones who were all 'good will and grace towards all'? Sappy freaks…
Turning to his right, he popped Magenta the question, "So Maj… wanna go out some time, babe?"
And all hell broke loose.
End of Chapter
R_S: tada!