AN: Hey, hey readers! lol this is going to be an all humor collection of conversations between me and my favorite anime characters! Beware of serious OOCness and possible character bashing. This time it's for my all-time favorite anime…Naruto! lol no one will review this except to say it sucked. Well, all of you that do write stories will know how much reviews are appreciated, so please do review. You can say "lol" and that's it, but it would be nice if it was more than 3 letters. Well, here is conversation one!


Teacher: Alright, so for tonight's homework I would like you all to write a 2 page essay on the similarities and differences between ancient Greece and Rome. It is due next class.

Class: groans

Me: (sigh) I bet the ninjas don't have to write this stuff. Right, Naruto?

Naruto: What's an essay?

Me: O.o Idiot! (wacks him over the head)

Later At My House

Ino: You got an essay assignment on the first day back? Harsh.

Me: Yeah, what a drag…

Ino: No! Not another one! (runs around hysterically)

Shika: What's that supposed to mean?!

Ino: (still running around)

Me and Shika: O.o (sigh) Troublesome.

Me: Wanna go watch the clouds?

Shika: Whatever.

2 Hours Later

Ino: (still running around)

Me: (walks back in room with Shika behind me) We're back!

Me and Shika: (looking at Ino) O.o

Ino: (collapses on ground)

Me: You gonna take care of (points at Ino) that problem.

Shika: (picks Ino up) What a drag.

Me: Bye Shikamaru! See you later!

Shika: (walking out the door still carrying Ino) Troublesome.

AN: Alright, so that is it. I did this while I was listening to a teacher go on and on about the same thing for a half an hour. I just added a little bit more. Well, this may be updated tomorrow. It is more of a humor thing rather than a serious thing. It's all for my fun and your reading pleasure! lol reviews would be helpful. Oh, and this may not contain the same characters every time. I will probably use Shikamaru a lot because he is my favorite character and I am so obsessed with messing with him! lol please review and tell me what you thought. Remember, this is a humor thing! So be kind! Ideas for another conversation are encouraged. Leave it in a review, the PMing isn't working on fanfiction and I can check the reviews from my login.