A/N: Hey-lo! I know I'm stupid for starting a 4th story on top of my other 3, but this is another essential cliché. By the way, for your knowledge…

Robin Richard "Dick" Grayson

Cyborg Victor "Vic" Stone

Starfire Koriand'r or Kori Anders

BB Garfield "Gar" Logan

And Raven, of course, is Raven Roth.

Incase you didn't know.

She was your average 10th Grader. Well, actually, she wasn't. She lived at the local homeless shelter, had naturally purple hair, some kind of jewel on her forehead, and skin that looked as if she hadn't ever been out in the sun. An outcast by the name of Raven. She had a last name, of course, but not even the teachers knew it. To Jefferson High, she was just… Raven.

Even the outest of the outcasts usually had a friend or two, but not her. Everyone felt horribly sorry for the sixteen year old but not quite enough to befriend her. So she was pretty much alone in the world.

On this particular day, Raven was walking down the street. Her pale hands were hidden from view because they were slipped into the pockets of her ratty black jacket. Her jeans were tight not because she wanted them to be, but rather because they were two years old. They barely even covered her skinny ankles.
It was then that Raven noticed someone that she knew from school. She didn't know his name, but she would know him anywhere. You see, he, like her, was a bit unusual looking. Well, very unusual looking. He had green skin and naturally green hair. No one really knew how this had happened, as they all thought it rude to ask.

She began to walk past him. She was just about past him, believing she was home free, until…

"Hey," the guy said, flashing Raven a handsome, toothy smile.

"Hi," she muttered back, now walking a little faster, trying to escape, afraid of the taunting and teasing that was quite sure to follow the mock friendly greeting.
"Hey, wait!" he called after her. Sighing, she turned around.

"Yes?" she braced herself for the insults she was sure were coming.

"Don't you… err… go to Jefferson?"

The girl gave but a sharp nod. He smiled again.

"Thought so. I'm Garfield-"he shuddered at the name,"Logan. But please call me Gar. Nice to meet ya."

He stuck out his hand which Raven reluctantly shook. She was surprised, to say the very least.

"And you are…?" he asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Oh, right. Raven." At his look to continue, she quickly did. "Um, Raven Roth."

"Hmm, Raven," he said with a sheepish grin, "I like it. Very catchy. Hey, you wanna come over to my house? I'm having some friends over and-"

Raven was a bit too quick to shake her head "No," and he gave a frown."

"Aw, come on, please? I'll be so happy to have you!"

Sighing, she gave him a quick "Fine," to which he grinned excitedly and began running away. Thinking the whole thing had been a prank, Raven sighed and watched him sadly, and couldn't help but be ecstatic when he shouted, "Watcha waiting for?" At that she actually smiled and ran to catch him. But the time Gar stopped both of them were gasping for breath and laughing. Gar gestured to the house, allowing Raven to walk up to it and enter first. There she found 3 other people, each who exclaimed, "Who are you?"

"Oh, hey guys," said Gar as he entered, "This is Raven Roth from school. Raven, this is Vic Stone-" he pointed to the largest one, an African American boy, "Kori Anders-" he pointed to the only other girl, who had sweeping long red hair, "And Dick Grayson." He pointed at the last one, a boy with pin straight black hair.

"Why'd you bring her?" scowled Dick, eyeing the purple-haired girl. Raven frowned and as did Gar.
"Shut up, Dick! Rae's cool."

Raven almost gasped at the compliment and the nickname. No one had ever called her that before and she kinda liked it.

"Yes, Dick. Perhaps Raven is a… fun girl?"

Kori smiled at Raven as she talked. Raven gave her a small smile back to which Kori rushed forward and hugged her. Raven raised her eyebrows at Gar over Kori's shoulders and he laughed.
"Kor's big on hugs," he told Raven as she was finally let go by the redhead, "You'll get used to it."

The four teens, along with their new friend, hung out the rest of the afternoon. Raven really grew on her classmates with her charming personality and wonderful sense of humor. As 5 rolled around, however, the kids all had to leave. Dinner time, they said. Raven watched them sadly, afraid that Gar would want her to leave as well. He looked at her sadly.

"Not leaving for dinner, huh?"

"I will if you… want me to," she replied, looking at her toes.

"'Course not, Rae. My parents will be glad to have you."

Raven smiled at him. "Sure?"

"'Course. Why don't I tell you a little bit about my folks, Kay?"

Raven nodded, smiling. Gar sat on the couch and motioned for her to take the seat next to him. She did.
"My real parents died when I was very little. After I got sick."

"Sick?" asked Raven, regretting asking straight after she did because of the look on Gar's face.

"Well, I was bitten by a weird kinda monkey. Do you think I was born green, Raven?"
He looked around, almost afraid that someone was watching.
"Look, can I trust you with a secret?"

Raven nodded quickly, a little bit excited.
"Not even Kor, Vic, and Dick know this, but…"

He seemed to vanish before her eyes, but looking down she saw that he had really just changed into a small green monkey! Raven gasped as he changed again, this time into a parrot.
He changed back into a human and sat down next to her.
"See? But anyway, my parents died. After a little while I made it to America where these two, my "parents" adopted me."

"Do they know?"

"Yeah, them and you are the only ones though."
Raven looked at his sad eyes. "Why would you trust the old hated homeless girl with such a big secret?"

"'Cause you're awesome. And you're my friend. I trust you, Raven."

He smiled at her and she smiled back. It seemed a great friendship was to blossom between the 2.

A/N: Please review! Hope you enjoyed it!