The next day, Hannah was sitting in a field full of white flowers. She picked one of the flowers from the ground and sniffed it along with the cooling breeze that filled the warm air. "This one smells so pure...and full of life." She stood from the ground while she was still holding the flower in her hand. "This is perfect."

"Hannah", a voice called across from her.

She spun around and turned to a black hedgehog that made a small smile at her. She looked at the flower in her hand and walked over to the hedgehog. She held the flower up at him, "I picked the purest of them all for you, Shadow."

He took the flower and smiled at the human, "Thank you."

Afterwards Hannah had made a slight blush in embarrassment. "That was just a thank you present...from yesterday. I wanted to thank you for saving me and saying all those things about me. They're true aren't they?"

He made a nod, "Of course they are. You're not meaningless to me. You never will be."

Her smile grew wider as he took her hand.

"We have to get to the Chaotix, Charmy has a surprise for you."

"I wonder what it is."

"Hmm, you'll see." He then led her out of the field of flowers.

Later, Shadow and Hannah finally got to the Chaotix and met up with everybody in the garage. They even saw everyone facing Hannah with a sad expression.

Hannah got curious and wondered why everyone was so full of sadness. "What's wrong? Why do all of you seem so sad?"

Charmy flew up to her and tried to look into her eyes without shedding tears. "I'm finished with the machine, Hannah."


"You can go home now", Tonya said.

Hannah just stood there with her mouth hung open full of shock and happiness. "I...can go home." She looked back at Shadow, "I can see my grandfather again and once I go back, I'll tell him. I'll tell him I found the other world and that the machine works. Then we could both come here to visit you all. It'll all be so exciting." She then felt a hand touch her shoulder. Her head quickly turned and saw Shadow.

"Hannah", he spoke. "You can never come back here."

"What? Why? This is about us isn't it?" Tears began to appear in her eyes. "No, Shadow! I don't care what happens anymore. I want to be with you no matter what. I want to see you again."

The ebony hedgehog saw the human's tears run down her cheeks and onto the floor. "I'm sorry but this is just the way things are meant to be. It's just too dangerous for you here and you know that. Once you return, I'll destroy the machine connecting to this world and yours. I'm sorry."

Hannah continued to sob more as she clenched both of her fists. "Shadow!" She screamed with sadness. "No!" She kneeled to the floor and continued to sob. "No..."

The hedgehog shook his head slowly and looked down at her. "Hannah, get up and go through the machine."

"No, I..." She then watched as Shadow kneeled down to the floor and pulled her body into his. She just stood there frozen and amazed at what he was doing.

"I'm not going to lose you and if you care too, you'll do as I say and go through that machine."

Hannah couldn't help but to hold him close to her and cry. "I'll miss you Shadow", she sniffed.

Shadow had then helped her off the floor, "Come on. It's time."

She nodded and walked towards the machine.

Charmy flew towards the machine and activated it.

Everyone watched as a bright white light appeared from the center of the machine.

Charmy looked over to Hannah, "Okay Hannah, all you have to do now is walk on through. Well, goodbye."

Before she walked through it, she looked back at Charmy. "Goodbye, Charmy."

The bee made a small smile.

She then looked back at the rest of the group, "Goodbye, everyone. Thank you for everything."

"Goodbye, Hannah", Espio said.

"We'll miss you", Rouge added.

"I-I don't want you to go!" Kayla shouted while sobbing. She was then pulled into a hug by Rouge and continued to cry on her.

"She has to go", Rouge whispered to the child.

She looked back at Shadow and smiled. 'Maybe we'll see each other again...maybe.' She then turned her back and walked into the light. Afterwards the light and Hannah was no longer in sight.

"She's gone", Vector said.

Charmy had his back turned to the group and started to sob. 'I'll miss you Hannah.'

Rouge had her head tilted towards the floor in sadness until she saw Shadow walking towards the machine. She knew he was about to destroy it. She quickly lifted her head up, "Shadow!"

The hedgehog faced her with an emotionless expression.

"Before you destroy that machine, do you think Hannah ever made it back home?"

"Yeah...I think she did and she's very happy."

The bat made a small smile, "Yeah, I think she is too."

A/N: The final chapter is done! This fic is finally completed! Yes! happyhappyjoyjoy

Now I can start on my next fic, 'Every Rose Has its Thorns.' Sadly Rouge won't be in that one. R&R please!