Later that night in Hao's base, Hao stood in front of a closed door and slowly opened it. He walked into a white room and saw a young girl with pink hair and long pigtails on both sides of her head sitting in a wooden chair. It looked like she was drawing something in a sketch book. He walked up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder.

The girl jumped and turned to the blue wolf. When she completely turned around, she was not just an ordinary person. She was a human. Her blue eyes glistened with innocence as she said his name, "Hao."

"Hannah, how are you tonight?" He asked.

She frowned and ignored his question, "Are you working on the machine?"

He crossed his arms, "Why do you want to know that?"

She placed her hands together and begged the wolf, "Please Hao, you promised that I could return home if..."

"You worked for me", he finished.

"Yes. How long exactly?" She asked.

He placed a finger to his chin, "Hmm, let me think. Oh, probably for a long ass time."

Her eyes filled with tears, "Hao", she wheezed. "You promised me on the day you found me. You promised."

The evil wolf smiled, "Listen up, babe. I'm the one who decides who goes where and what I decide goes understand?"

She grabbed his silver vest, "But you're not being fair!"

The wolf's eyes lit up in rage as the human touched him. He clenched his fist and punched the girl out of the chair and onto the floor.

Hannah hit the floor hard with some of her blood seeping out of her nose. She placed her hand over her bleeding nose and slowly turned to Hao.

Hao's fist shook in anger, "Don't you dare touch me like that ever again you filthy human!"

Hannah just stared into his furious yellow eyes and watched him turn his back and walk out of the room. She then fell back onto the floor and started to sob loudly.

Hao slammed the door shut behind him and locked it with a lock. "Damn human", he muttered. All of a sudden the alarm had went off and the whole place lit up with red lights. "Huh? What's going on?" He ran into a room full of monitors and started to look for whoever was in the base. He then saw on one of the monitors a fast black blur pass one of the security cameras. "Whoa! Hold up!" He rewound the footage and paused at the black blur. He studied the blur until he finally figured out who it was. "Damn", he muttered. "Damn pest!" He ran over to a big red button protected that was by glass and punched it. "Send all guard robots throughout the area!"

Meanwhile somewhere in the base, a small kid bee was tossing a screwdriver up and down in his hand while he was looking at most of the robots that Hao meant to send lying on the cold floor nonoperational. The bee smirked, "Hao really needs to fix that. Oh well, back to the X-jet. Knowing Shadow, he'll probably Chaos Control the rest back to the Chaotix." The bee then flew down the long narrow hallway.

In another hallway, a black and red hedgehog was running down the hallway looking like he was searching for something. "Where is it? Where?" He was then suddenly stopped by a huge robot that was standing in his way with its gun pointing at him. The hedgehog frowned, "I don't have time for this."

Later somewhere in the base, a green crocodile and purple chameleon were destroying the robots that were in that area of the base.

The chameleon took out a huge shuriken and threw it at one robot and sliced it in half. The weapon also cut through the robot behind the first one, destroying it as well. He picked his shuriken off the floor and faced his boss, "You doing okay, Vec?"

The green crocodile used his powerful punches and destroyed the robot that was in front of him. He watched as every single piece of metal fell to the floor until he turned to the chameleon, "I don't know about you Espio, but I'm having fun."

He smirked, "I'll say. Hey have you seen, Tonya? She was just with us wasn't she?"

"Oh yeah, she said we were being incredibly childish with destroying the robots so she went off with Shadow to find that disk." He shrugged, "At least I think they're still together."

Espio's face turned bright red, "SHE WENT OFF WITH SHADOW!" He shouted. "Together? He and she? It's true she does love him!" He sat on the floor and started to play with his kunai. "I can't believe she ditched me for him. How could she?"

Vector clenched his fist with annoyance and hit Espio in the back of the head, "Will you knock it off!"

In another part of the base, a purple cat was walking down a narrow hallway until she heard sobbing noises coming from a door that had a lock on it. She placed her ear on the door making sure she had heard crying. She took her ear from the door, "Someone must be in there." She took out a fan with an extremely sharp blade on the end of it and cut the lock off of the door. Afterwards she slowly opened the door and saw a human girl with pink hair laying on the floor sobbing. She gasped, "A human?"

The human girl quickly took her face from the floor and faced the purple cat with fright. "Keep away from me", she begged.

The cat put away her fan and held her hand out towards the human, "Don't be afraid, dear. My name's Tonya. I'm apart of a team called the Chaotix Detective Agency. I'm here to help you."

The human wiped her tears away, "You're...not like Hao."

She shook her head, "Of course not. Now take my hand. I'm getting you out of here."

The human made a small smile, "My name is Hannah." She took the cat's hand.

In another part of the base, the black hedgehog defeated three robots and wasn't exhausted at all. Afterwards he crossed his arms, "Humph."

"Shadow!" A familiar voice called from behind him.

The hedgehog looked behind and saw a furious purple chameleon running towards him. "Huh? Espio?"

The chameleon grabbed the hedgehog by his coat, "All right Shad, where is she?"


"Don't play stupid with me. Tonya!"

"Tonya? The hell if I know."

Espio's grip around his coat eased, "You mean...she's not with you?"

He shook his head.

Espio let go of him and sighed, "I guess she really does hate men."

"Well, well, if it isn't the loser detectives", a sinister voice said from behind them.

They turned and faced a blue wolf holding a shiny disk in his hand.

Vector's mouth hung open in shock, "That bastard has the disk!"

Hao looked at the small disk in his hand, "Oh, you mean this?" He placed his free hand on the other side of the disk and then broke the disk in half.

Everyone gasped in horror as they watched the broken disk fall to the floor in pieces.

"No he didn't!" Espio shouted.

Shadow glared at him in anger, "That's it, you crossed the line." He was about to run up to him to hit him, but Vector held him back.

"No Shad, it's not worth it."

"What the hell are you talking about? That bastard is dead!"

"Cool it, Shad. That disk wasn't that important anyway", Vector let go of Shadow, hoping he had completely calmed down. "It only had his permanent record on it."

The chameleon crossed his arms, "We still gotta start all of his information over."

"Screw this. I'm ready to get out of this dump anyway." Vector looked over to Shadow, "Lets go, Shad."

The hedgehog nodded and turned to Hao, "Oh and before we go, the love of my life made a little present for all the trouble we had to come here for a lousy disk just for you." He took out a small blue device that was in the shape of a sphere and threw it towards Hao, "Chaos Control!" Just as they left Hao caught the strange device and had no idea what it was. He started to panic, "What the hell is this thing!" Then a bright white light had appeared from the device and blew up everything in sight. Afterwards Hao was still standing after the blast with a light blue force field around him. He sighed with relief, "Thank god I operated this thing sooner." He cut off the force field that was around him. He gritted his teeth in anger as he looked around his destroyed base. "Those punks almost killed me with their little toy. And they completely destroyed my base!" He punched the ground with his fist, "I'll get them for this", he growled.

Later, Shadow, Espio, and Vector arrive back at the Chaotix with the girls and Charmy waiting for them.

Once Shadow stepped through the door he was tackled to the floor by a little brown squirrel child.

"Detective Hedgehog! You came back!"

He took his hand and stroked through her hair, "Yeah, I missed you too, Kayla."

"Shadow", a female voice called from beside him.

Shadow looked up and saw a female white bat smiling at him. She held her hand out to him, "Looks like you need a hand."

Kayla got off of him and allowed him to get up.

Shadow took her hand and got off the floor, "Thanks, Rouge."

"You'll never guess what Tonya found in Hao's base."

"Well, that'll explain why I didn't see her the whole time. So what did she find?"

Just as Rouge was about to tell him, Espio had shouted out.

"A human!" Espio shouted while he was pointing at a young girl with pink hair.

"An actual human? I don't believe it", Charmy said with disbelief. "None of them are in this world anymore...supposedly."

The human girl spoke, "You mean you all haven't seen a human before?"

"Not a real one", Vector said.

"Her name is Hannah everybody", Tonya said.

"My name's Vector", the green crocodile said.

"Espio", the purple chameleon said.

"Tonya", the purple cat said.

"Charmy", the kid bee said.

"Rouge", a white bat said.

"Kayla", the small squirrel child said.

"Shadow", the black and red hedgehog said coldly.

Hannah studied the hedgehog that had his arms crossed acting like he didn't care. 'I can't believe it, he was right. Animals do exist in another world.'