Trinity Blood: Wire In The Blood

Chapter Forty Three: In My Life; The Vatican


Katiya and Kirkja landed on their feet and struck each other with their weapons. Kirkja impaled his mother through the belly with his sickle chain-staff. The female Super Krusnik gagged and spat up black blood in her child's face before impaling him with her triton and hurling him into a wall which collapsed it and caused a domino effect with several half-crumbled buildings.

The S.K fell to her knees and regurgitated some of her blood up before turning to one of her snake-like familiars, "heal me…" she mumbled.

The creature began to glow red and flew down its master's throat…

The omnipotent Krusnik of Hell groaned as her wound was healed completely and as her familiar flew out of her throat. It whimpered and rubbed itself against her cheek. She kissed it, "thank you sweetie…" she told it before getting to her feet and walking toward her son, who was slowly bleeding to death in the debris, she lifted him off the ground by the throat.

"M-m-mama I-I love you…I love you mommy…" the male S.K whimpered stiffly.

Kaitya sighed, "Oh…I know sweetie…I love you too," she whispered sweetly as she reached into his chest and grabbed onto his soul.

The boy gagged as he took human form, "m-m-mommy…please…don't…" he sniffled.

"Why not?" she hissed lovingly as she began to slowly inch his soul out of chest in order for him to suffer a slow and painful death, "I love you too much to let you live," she added kindly as she inched his soul a little more out of his chest.

The twelve year old boy trembled with the very last vestiges of his strength and cried in pain with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Shhh-shhh it won't hurt sweetie…after all I died once," his mother told him kindly as she pulled the last of his soul from his chest and absorbed it before letting his corpse fall to the ground with a 'thud.'

The Super Krusnik took a deep breath before kneeling and kissing her son on the cheek, "Now you can rest…you didn't deserve the life that you had this time but may God grant you a better one upon your reincarnation five hundred years from now…" she kissed his cheek again, "that is when we can be together…five hundred years from now…you will be my…best friend then…Aden."

Abel's daughter rose to her feet and turned to the ruins and devastation of the once Holy city. A smile of remorse crossed her features before looking down at her hands and elongated black nails, "I've carelessly killed again…my pride and sins have caught up to me once again in the name of killing the Anti-Christ…but unlike others…I will fix what has been destroyed…"

She grazed her wrist and what formed from her blood was a black violin, she took it in her hands, "I may be a destroyer but I'm also a creator and a fixer…" the Super Krusnik began to play a beautiful almost-heavenly song from her instrument which carried onto the wind as the creature began to sing in a beautiful angelic voice; a song of sorrow and rebirth….

(Note: Katiya sounds like Tarja Turunen; the lead singer of the popular Finnish metal band, 'Nightwish').

Back at the Vatican:

The pope looked up when he began to hear the beautiful violin music and angelic voice, "what is that?" he asked as a feeling of comfort rushed over him.

The Vatican members all stood in awe as they too were overcome by comfort and a sense of peace…

Tears flowed from Esther's eyes as she was overcome with emotion…

At Abel and Zilla's location:

Syair took a breath, "I guess that we're going to have a happy ending after all…" she mumbled before slashing her wrists and forming a white, crystallized, small piano.

Her uncle, over come with comfort, looked at his niece who placed herself at her piano, "I will help you re-create this great city Asenath…" she whispered lovingly before playing her piano in the same melody as Katiya's violin and singing the same song as her cousin in an equally beautiful and angelic voice...

Abel watched in complete amazement as the melody began to pick up and rebuild the city from head to toe and as the clouds broke up, revealing a beautiful night sky and full moon.

At the Vatican:

"My goodness…I've never seen anything like this before," Lady Caterina breath as the Vatican City was LITERALLY rebuild by this heavenly song.

Finally after everything was fully restored to its original luster and beauty Katiya reunited with her cousin and her father before they all returned to the Vatican.

Everyone gasped when they saw the Super Krusniks' of Heaven and Hell in their full form, coming up behind Father Abel; in forty percent Krusnik form.

The creatures landed and took human form.

"Oh my goodness! Praise God that you're all alright!" Hannah cried as she embraced her fiancé lovingly before turning to her daughter and hugging her too.

The silver haired girl backed out of her mother's embrace and held her head in shame, "I'm sorry for everything…I let the sinner get out…" she laughed remorsefully.

"It was YOU!" Cardinal Francesco di Medici snapped angrily.

"Well are you blind?! I could be seen all the way from Byzantium…my wings at least," she told him before taking a beautiful ring from her pocket and slipping it onto her ring finger.

Abel glanced down at it and realized that Cain gave that to her centuries ago, a feeling of rage began to build within him.

His daughter looked at him with dull eyes before she hugged him and kissed his lips, "I love you father…please remember that. I'll visit again," the youth told him before turning away, "But I've decided that I should go back and live with my husband…we may hate each other but we also love each other…" the youth chuckled with sorrow before turning away.

Talitha gasped, "Mommy! Please don't go back there…I'll miss you."

Kati smiled, "I've caused a lot of problems here…and I think that it'd be best if I left…for awhile."

She turned away again before Syair grabbed her shoulder, "Give him my regards of misfortune…"

He cousin laughed sadly, "I will…I'm sorry."

"Return to us someday…" the remaining Krusniks and the AX member told her.

She took a bow, "perhaps I'll be back before you know it…"

The daughter of Abel took the form of forty percent normal Krusnik before spreading her black wings and taking flight over the Vatican City toward Germanicus...

Even if she chose to return to Cain, Asenath, would always lover her father, Abel, Krusnik 02…and she vowed to return to him someday…

That is the story…


(Note: well…that's it. I hope that this wasn't a cliff hanger…I have less than a week and a half or so before I graduate from High School and due to not having a computer at home…I had to finish the story even if I had to ,possibly, rush the plot. Anyways I apologies if I disappointed anyone or didn't make up to your expectation but yes the story is finished…GOOD LUCK IN LIFE REGARDLESS and thank you so much for the comments; your comments made my day and drove me to write more!