All characters are owned by me. The Poke'mon theme belongs to the Poke'mon co. Also Nathan's Vulpix form is based on Naruto's Nine-Tailed Fox form so I need to give credit therel

Blessed with a Curse

"Sigh. Long life is so boring sometimes." A Nine Tails is basking in the sun on a rock inside a clearing. She knows it is dangerous to be so close to a path that is often tread on by humans but she could care less at this point. 20 years she'd lived, 15 after she had evolved from a Vulpix. She wished she had something to do.

"NO! Stop I worked hard to catch those! You can't…" The words end with the unmistakable sound of a physical impact and she could smell the scent of blood. Curious she made her way to the bushes surrounding the path. There she saw a sight that made her blood boil. A young human pup, only level 15, was surrounded by four large teens at level 30 in pokemon time. They were burly and she hated their scent. They smelled of thievery and cruelty. They were in black uniforms with a strange red symbol on their chests. They laughed as they kicked the pup from his fetal position on the ground.

"You're not our boss kid! But we must thank you ever so much for catching these pokemon for us. With this haul we're bound to get some big credit with Team Rocket."

"Yeah," said another "I think we should give him a reward for his hard work don't you?" The tone of the human's voice made her shudder. She watched as he drew an object that all her kind feared. It was a small sphere with red on the top and white on the bottom. Used for imprisoning her kind for their own goals. She flinched walking backward not wanting to see what was going to happen.

"Machoke come out for some fun!" From what she heard a Machoke picked up the pup and battered him, the scent of his blood grew stronger and she could only imagine the pain he was going through. "All right Machoke that's enough. Now you know what to do with him right?" She shuddered as she heard them laugh. How could a species own kind do such wrong to their own species? Suddenly with a yell she saw the pup falling towards her. Not wanting to be crushed she moved out of the way but not in time. With a huge impact the young pup landed on her tails. A Nine Tail's tails is very sensitive and the pain was immense. With a cry she whirled on the pup, prepared to finish the job those thieves had started, and then calmed down. The human pup was bruised horribly and the scent of his blood was overwhelming. By Nine Tail law if their tails were ever defiled they must curse the one responsible. But as she looked at the pup barely breathing she couldn't bring herself to do it.

"Ow." She was startled to hear the pup. If he was a Vulpix he shouldn't even be able to speak after such a beating. She watched as the pup who apparently hadn't noticed her struggled to his knees only to fall backwards. Finally he noticed her and she saw a new expression in his eyes…fear. He looked down to see his leg on her tails and with a cry crawled back to the ledge wall. He was so scared and she couldn't help but feel pity for him. How could she curse someone who had been so ruthlessly beaten? If he was a Vulpix she would have taken him home and nurse him to health. But he was human and he had defiled her tails and by law he must be cursed. With a sigh she sat on her haunches. What was she to do now? The young pup was trying to get away but finally fell to his knees too hurt to continue. "Well? Are you going to curse me or not? I hurt your tails." She was astonished. A human actually excepting Nine Tail law. She supposed she could curse him with bad luck, but from that encounter she believed that was already taken. She could turn him into a young Vulpix but that just didn't seem right. The pup waited expectantly. She just couldn't do it. Oh she wished she could go find those thugs and tear them to pieces, if only she could give this pup the power to fight back…she had it. The perfect curse which would help this pup get back at his wrong doers, but as she watched him the wounds sickened her. Silently she made her way towards him. The pup flinched but then seemed to except what he expected as his fate and relaxed. She couldn't help but admire his bravery, yes, the curse would do this boy good, but first…

I watched the beautiful pokemon before me. A real Nine Tails. I wished I hadn't landed on her tails. I had always heard that if Nine Tail's tails are harmed in anyway. They will curse you for up to 1,000 years. They said that Nine Tails could burn you to a crisp, curse your life, some even said they could change your form. If only I had been strong enough to stand up to those Rocket trainees. As the marvelous creature walked up to me I flinched and closed my eyes prepared for the worst. I felt a strange wet thing on my cuts and scrapes. I opened my eyes to see the Nine Tails lapping up my blood cleaning me up so to speak.

"Why…" Before I could finish one of her tails brought itself to my mouth as though telling me to be quiet. When she finished with my back and side wounds she stopped and rolled her head at me. It took me a while to understand that she wanted me to roll over. She had to look at me and roll over herself for me to finally understand. When I did she reeled back. I didn't blame her. That Machoke had given me the worst wound on my shoulder, bloody and bruised. She seemed to get over it and began cleaning me up again. Her salty tongue stung like heck but in a way also made me feel good. When she was done she stood back. I prepared for the curse, willing to except it as my fate and due.

The boy's courage is so shocking. Not many humans simply except a curse. Its obvious to me now…this will do the boy good. I summoned the power which had been unlocked from the defiling of my tails. I felt my essence rise through my body and prepared to cast the curse.

I watched as the blue flames appeared at the end of her tails. My brain screamed at me to run, but I knew I could not. Suddenly the flames changed into fiery fox heads. Well I guess it's going to be burned to a crisp. The flames flew at me but suddenly spun around. Eight of the fiery foxes slashed marks across the side of my face, four on each side and the last headed straight for me and emblazoned another mark on my fore head. The pain was immense and as I wondered what would happen…I blacked out.

"All right lazy bum. Wake up!" He was stirred awake by the voice it was obviously female and yet was kind of…inhuman. He struggled to open his eyes just in time to see the Nine Tail's face right in his.

"Ahhhhhh!" He leaped backwards onto his feet. Wait a minuet a few seconds ago he was a bloody pulp how could he leap like that.

"So you finally woke up?" He whirled looking for the voice. "I'm right here stupid." He whirled looking at the Nine Tails.

"You…you're talking?"

"No the Oran Berry tree is. Of course it's me!"

"But…I thought I was dead…didn't you…didn't you curse me?"

"Well duh. Nine Tail law forced me to. I just cursed you in a different way."

"Huh?" He could see her nostrils flare in annoyance.

"Man for all the talk about you Humans being so intelligent, you're pretty dumb." The boy felt a little duty to defend the human race.

"Hey! I was just beaten to a bloody pulp, thrown off a ledge, and cursed by you. Now I'm also talking to a Pokemon. It's a little hard to take it all in."

"Humph. If you were a Vulpix I'd nip you in the ear for such a statement. The curse was I technically made you a Pokemon. I just didn't change your form."

"What?! I'm a pokemon now?"

"Duh! Isn't that what I just said?" She sighed and gave him an agitated look. "Look its simple. I cursed you to become a member of my race. Right now you're at a Vulpix stage with only one tail in my species development. However because you were thrown on me I was a little lenient on the transformation."

"Wait! You saw those Rocket wanna-be's attack me? Why didn't you help me?"

"Because of those!" She indicated with her paw at the pokeball on his coat.

"Oh yeah hehe dumb question. So if I'm part Vulpix why am I completely healed? I shouldn't be able to stand up, let alone leap backwards." He watched as she placed her paws on her temples and rubbed.

"Man your dumb. Okay Ethelia don't get mad. The world of pokemon is still new to this pup."

"Wait. Your name is Ethelia?" Instead of answering she sweat dropped and suddenly became extremely huge with a very loud mouth.

"OF COURSE THAT'S MY NAME YOU IDIOT! DANG! USE THOSE EARS I GAVE YOU!" Now that she mentioned it he did notice a change. His hearing was more attuned than ever. He also smelled things he never even noticed. He walked over and got two oran berries. Their scent was delicious. He turned around and nearly gagged at the smell that entered his nostrils. The blood he had shed was still over the ground and the stench was nauseating. Oh man it stunk! He gagged and retreated a few steps with Ethelia following him.

"Yeah! Now you know how I felt getting so close to that putrid human blood!" After they retreated a few steps the boy slumped down a tree the overwhelming stench of his blood finally gone. Seeing he still had the oran berries he peeled them biting into one and offering the other to Ethelia. Startled she accepted the fruit and they ate in silence.

"Nathan." She was only half way through her berry and looked up.

"What?" Instead of answering the boy merely laughed at the image of her muzzle stained blue. Tasting the juice on her face she began to clean herself up the best she could.

"My name is Nathan." He was rather cute in a way, she thought. She returned to her oran berry.

"You know I've never tasted a fresh oran berry before. They're always unripe because they fell off the tree."

"Your welcome." Suddenly he stiffened and she did as well they could both feel it. An alien stench.

"Poke'ball go!" Nathan got in the way to protect Ethelia but she just tackled him to the ground.

"Get down you fool!" And that's when they saw who was attacking them. It was one of the trainees who had beaten him up earlier.

"Well well well. It looks like little Nathan managed to capture another pokemon for Team Rocket. Now hand it over. Its amazing how you survived Darrel's Machoke's beating. I was sent down here to finish you off. Remember me? Greg. But instead if you give me the Nine Tails I'll let you live. Heh! Not that you have a choice!"

"NEVER!" Nathan got up and was prepared to fight himself to protect Ethelia.

"Ahhhh. Someone's trying to be a hero. Well I got news for you kid! Heroes get washed up!" He activated a poke'ball. "Wartortle wash them out!" Nathan reached for his poke'balls but only found the one. And it was empty. "Ha ha ha! Looks like you've got nothing to fight with kid! Wartortle Water Gun!" Wartortle released a fountain of water that stuck Nathan hard. The pain was immense. The water itself was draining him of energy. But why? "Well well well. It looks like someone is allergic to water. Wartortle blast them again!" As the fountain came at him Nathan got ready to fall. No poke'mon, no way to defend himself. It was so wrong! Just the thought of Ethelia working for Team Rocket burned him up. As the blast came at him Ethelia jumped in the way taking the blast full force. As she crumpled to the ground Nathan grew angrier and unnoticed by anyone the first mark on his left side began to burn with energy. Nathan looked at Ethelia. Sure she yelled at him and picked on him but she also cared about him and had given him new life. And this jerk was hurting her! The mark burned hotter and a red aura surrounded Nathan. His ears turned pointed and his eyes turned from green into a brilliant shade of red. The flames enveloped his body orange fur appearing everywhere. His teeth turned sharper and his face was furious. A tail made of flames appeared behind him and the change was complete

"What…WHAT ARE YOU?!" Instead of answering with a tremendous yell Nathan charged. Wartortle began attacking on its own not even hearing Greg's orders. After closing the gap he shoved his palm forward launching a small fireball. The Ember attack harmed Wartortle but not enough to hurt him.

"HA! That attack didn't even faze me kid!"

"Then how about this?!" With a tremendous roar Nathan sent Wartortle flying into Greg sprawling them both out on the ground. "And now I'll finish this!" He charged at an invisible speed and sent them flying into the air where they disappeared with a small glint. With the threat gone Nathan's anger abated, his body returned to normal and he fell down exhausted. "Hey Ethelia I did it." He turned around and saw that Ethelia was hurt. "I got to get you to a pokemon center." He lifted her up, no problem now with his new strength, and ran back to Oldale Town.

"Welcome to the Pokemon Center. I'm Nurse Joy. Would you like us to heal your pokemon?"

"Why do they say that every time I come here?" Yes but it's not my pokemon. I found this Nine Tails being attacked by Team Rocket and saved her."

"Oh well aren't you a little sweet heart. You're lucky you didn't step on her tails. They say a Nine Tails will curse you if you do."

"You have no idea lady." "Listen my pokemon were stolen from me could you please take good care of her while I buy some more pokeballs? I need to catch some new pokemon."

"Of course we'll take good care of her." Nathan leaves and Nurse Joy takes Ethelia into the rehab center.

"Oh! Mom get the name of that Lairon's license plate." Ethelia woke up in a comfortable white bed. The smell of human was everywhere. Nurse Joy walked in and began to groom her.

"Well it looks like the pretty lady has woken up finally."

"Where am I? Where's Nathan? What are you doing?" The yapping from her was simply considered cute by the human.

"A nice boy brought you in here for rehab. You poor thing, getting picked on by those horrible Team Rockets.

"Come on lady go away. She panicked as Nurse Joy almost stepped on her tail.

"Oh almost made it so you had to curse me didn't I sweetie. Here that nice boy Nathan bought this for you. It was Poke'chow specifically for Nine Tails.

"Oh Nathan." She had to admit she was becoming rather fond of her new friend. Maybe she could come along with him. To keep him out of trouble. She did owe him for saving her AND taking care of her. Suddenly Nathan came in and seeing her awake ran over to her.

"Yes pretty girl this is the nice boy who brought you here so we could heal you." They both gave each other a look that said 'Duh'. And then laughed.

They left the Poke'center and began talking.

"That Nurse is 2 tails short of a Tauros!"

"Yeah its kind of embarrassing for me when I go in there."

"So did you catch anything?"

"Only a Poochyena. You want to meet him?"

"No thanks. Listen I'm sure you understand that you can now perform pokemon attacks correct?"

"Yeah and it was awesome!"

"Well don't get too carried away the more you grow the more forms you can obtain and the less human you become."


"It is a curse you know. There was bound to be a set back."

"Great, in other words the more I transform the more Vulpix I become."

"Exactly. Which is why I'm coming with you to make sure you don't overdo it."

"Huh? You want to come with me?"

"Yes. I have to train you to control your pokemon side, not to mention I need something exciting to do. I've also grown a little fond of you."


"A LITTLE fond of you."


"So now where are you headed?"

"To the Devon Corporation in Rustboro City. My brother hired me to deliver a package to Petalburg City."

"Well then what are we waiting for?" And so together the two new friends headed out for the start of their new adventure.

So you like it? I'm going to stop the story here for now. But if you want me to continue it just let me know and I'll try to fit it into my schedule.