Ronin Naruto

I don't own Naruto, Kishimoto does.

Sup yal, this may seem much unexpected, but I decided to start this story while doing Demon 9. Don't worry; I'll keep doing Demon 9.

Well the pairings for this story will be Naruto/Ten Ten, because in Demon 9 I said whoever one second place would be the pairing for my next story, and since Ten Ten's in that place, or until another pairing takes its place.

This story starts out when Naruto is 12, and beginning the Genin Graduation Exam. Yes, there is a back story but I won't tell you what happened until much later.



Now, onward with the Story.


The wind whistled, the leaves blew across, and all was beautiful in the village hidden in the leaves. The village hidden in the leaves, Konohagakure, or Konoha for short was one of the 5 Great Shinobi Villages. It was a beautiful Friday. Not just any old Friday but a special Friday. Today there would be a new batch of young ninjas hoping to graduate because it was the Academy Graduation Exam where simple academy students would become full fledged ninja, a low ranked ninja but a ninja nonetheless.

Many of them hailed from famous clans like: The Uchiha, Hyuuga, Aburame, Inuzuka, Yamanaka, Akimichi, and Nara. Some came from ordinary families yet had made it big in the academy. These included Ms. Sakura Haruno, she was a young kunoichi, she may need to stop worrying about boys and start worrying about her studies; however, she was ranked the smartest girl in the whole academy. Of course this was based on the grades. The real smartest would have to go to one Shikamaru Nara.

Another hopeful was one young man by the name of Uzumaki, Naruto. He was currently sleeping on his desk. It may have been a way of waiting patiently for his name to be called. On his head was a mop of blonde hair that was very unruly and spiky. Naruto wore baggy crimson shorts, yellow shoes, a white shirt, and a blue with red lace and hood over-shirt. He had 3 belts on. One was normally placed while the other 2 were placed in a diagonal position. These belts held his 3 katanas. They were by far his most precious possessions. They were given to him by a precious person of his, which sadly isn't in this world anymore.

Oh yes, Naruto wasn't your average ninja. You might say he was more of a samurai kind of guy. In fact that was what Naruto was. Now isn't it strange that there's a boy who wants to be a samurai in a ninja country. After all, both samurai and ninja have a looooong history together; not a very good one, I might add.

"Uchiha, Sasuke," said Iruka; he was the resident head teacher here at the academy, and besides the 3rd Hokage, one of the only people that truly cared about Naruto in this village. Now why would a village hate such a young boy, was it family, bad behavior, or something else.

The said Sasuke walked down. He was the Rookie of the Year at the academy. He hailed from the Uchiha clan one of Konoha's most prestigious clans, which was now almost completely extinct, save for him and another man, Sasuke hardly, speaks of.

"Make 3 clones," said Iruka. Sasuke made a hand seal and his chakra flared, then 3 perfect clones of himself were standing right beside him. Iruka inspected the clones and nodded. Sasuke went and grabbed a forehead protector. The forehead protector was a blue cloth with a metal part in the middle that held the insignia of the Hidden Leaf village. It was a sign that he was a ninja and which village he came from. As he went back to his seat, many of the female classmates cheered and stared at him with googoly eyes except for Ms. Hyuuga who was staring at Mr. Uzumaki

Iruka looked at his list; there was one last name left. He sighed, it was Naruto. Naruto was a good boy, yet he had so many problems. One of which can't be spoken because of a law made by the 3rd Hokage.

Iruka called out, "Uzumaki, Naruto." The said boy woke up with a start. He had heard his name called and deduced that it was his time for the exam. The exam had actually been separated into many parts; each was designed to test a would be genin's basic skills. These include things like kunai and shuriken throwing, basic stealth, knowledge of simple jutsus, and chakra generating exercises. All of which he had passed with perfect colors.

It was the last part that really ticked him off, the clone jutsu. He already knew the problem; he had way too much chakra to be used on child's play techniques, and he couldn't really divide his chakra into the amount needed. Also he was a swordsman and swordsman had no need for such techniques.

He got up and walked toward the test area. Many people snickered at him, obviously thinking he'd fail the exam. He quickly reached the area. Iruka looked at him and gave him an encouraging smile.

"Naruto, please make 3 clones," Iruka said. Naruto made the needed hand seals, gathered his chakra, molded it, and "Bunshin no Jutsu (Clone Technique). It seemed perfect; however lying on the ground was a retarded drooling Naruto. It wasn't worthy of being called a clone, it was so obvious.

Iruka stared at the clone, "Naruto…………, you FAIL!!! You'd think after 3 years of this you would have gotten this." Naruto only shrugged, he didn't really care about graduating or not. He started walking back to his seat, and as suspected, the little monkeys (his name for his classmates, save a few like the Aburame, Nara, and Hyuuga) laughed except Sasuke. Sasuke was always too busy being a pretty boy, an asshole, and thinking he was superior to everyone, to laugh at such "beneath him" things. Naruto didn't give a damn, after all, if they actually tried to fight him, he'd kill them all in a few deca-seconds (tenths of a second), save a few, who he'd kill in a few seconds.

Iruka sighed again, "Class dismissed, you'll be getting your team placements tomorrow." He had really been hoping that Naruto would pass this year, oh well, there's always next year. He looked for Naruto, however he was already gone.

He didn't notice the gears in his fellow teacher's, Mizuki, mind start ticking.


Naruto was walking home, if you could call it that. When he felt something aimed at his head, he slowly tilted his head to the side so that it missed. He turned around to see that it was resident class bully, Baku. He was very tall for his age, and for this reason felt it was his duty to pick on the smaller kids, mainly Naruto as he was one of the shortest; no the shortest. On his side, were his 2 cronies, Dori, and Gale.

"Eh, baka-Baku," Naruto said, using his little nickname for Baku, "don't you have good aim, you missed my head completely."

"Retard, I'm a ninja, and I can throw kunai and shuriken easily, I missed because you managed to dodge. It's about the only thing you can do right in the academy," said Baku with a smirk. He obviously thought he was real cool; however Naruto had already fallen asleep, while standing.

"Hey, pay attention to people that are better than you are talking!" yelled Baku.

"Yeah!" said Dori and Gale simultaneously.

Naruto woke with a start and turned to look at them and laughed, "You think you're hot shit because you passed some silly test. I really don't care about being a ninja, I'm a samurai. And I'm going to become the Greatest Swordsman in the World one day."

Baku snorted, "Oh really now, you're a swordsman with those little play swords. You stupid little freak, you're a failure get over it, no wonder my parents are always calling you a monster along with all the other adults here. You'll never become the greatest at anything."

Naruto had already begun ignoring him and was walking away, he had training to do and every second could be used for more productive measures.

"STOP IGNORING ME YOU LITTLE PUNK!" yelled Baku. He grabbed a set of shuriken and threw them at Naruto. Naruto simply sighed and unsheathed one of his blades. This one had a black hilt with red designs and rubies and red circular gems on it. The blade was very long and slim. He simply brought it up to face and deflected the shuriken. "A weakling like you shouldn't mess with those above your level," Naruto simply stated.

"WHY YOU LITTLE-" Baku yelled, however he didn't finish his sentence because Naruto was already in front of him and his katana was aimed directly at his throat. One tiny little push and it'd puncture his throat.

"As I said a weakling shouldn't mess with those above their level."

Baku started to sweat, what if Naruto was crazy enough; he could kill him right then and there.

"That's enough of that, Naruto put away your weapon and Baku run along home, you don't want to be too tired to be placed in your genin team on Monday do ya?" said Mizuki.

Baku started slowly edging away from Naruto and ran for it. Dori and Gale followed quickly behind him. Naruto sheathed his katana and began walking away.

"Hey Naruto, stick around, I wanna talk to ya," said Mizuki, "You're no ordinary genin; the speed you put on just now was at least mid-chunin level. So that gets me thinking, you should have passed the genin exam easily. Now Iruka isn't trying to be hard on you or anything but he wants you prepared for anything; however you do deserve to pass; and I know just the way to do it. Would ya like to find out about it?"

"HEY PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT I'M TELLING YOU!!!" Mizuki shouted, for Naruto had fallen asleep again. Mizuki bonked him on the head to wake him up. As he was rubbing his lump, Mizuki repeated his question.

"I have no interest in being a genin, especially a genin for this village. So take your offer and go somewhere else," Naruto stated.

Mizuki grinned, "Really now, so what do you wish to be then, a samurai? It's fun and all but you don't get access to all the ninja places like the training ground, in fact it's illegal for civilians to go near such places because of the danger they possess. Also, if you're a ninja you can get to leave the village on missions, fight other people, gain experience, and learn many new things."

Naruto's ears perked up, a chance to leave the village and learn many new things, what a great opportunity. All this just for being a ninja? This didn't seem like a chance to miss, however, Naruto knew from the very beginning that Mizuki was a treacherous snake, and absolutely didn't trust him.

"Nah, you're just a lousy second-rate academy teacher, what could you know that would be beneficial to me," said Naruto. Mizuki's vein popped, 'lousy, second-rate am I, you little demon, just you wait,'

"But it's true; you just got to give it a try."

Naruto knew this wasn't a good idea, but his curiosity made him accept, and Mizuki told him the time, place, and what he was supposed to be doing.


"You called me Lord Hokage?" Iruka said.

The academy teacher was in the Hokage's office. He had received news from the Hokage's messengers that he'd been called. The Hokage's office was just like any other office, except that it was filled with many unorthodox things. For instance there was a locked door, which held many dangerous things that the Hokage or previous Hokage's had banned, for instance the Forbidden Scroll of Seals (not sure this is what it's called, I forgot the name).

The Hokage beckoned for Iruka to take a seat; which he promptly did. How he managed to do this behind that huge stack of papers was beyond Iruka, it may have come from experience.

"Ah Iruka, as a matter of fact I did, I wanted to talk to you about Naruto," said the Hokage.

Iruka began, "I must say, I'm worried about him. Back then, Naruto was always sad, I don't think there was a time when he actually smiled and meant it. He practically screamed emo, and yet I didn't know what to think. Part of me said that he was just a sad misunderstood boy, and yet another part constantly reminded me that it was the Kyuubi that killed my parents, and it was that same monster resided inside Naruto. I was conflicted on what to do. Then that person came, I even remember the day. It was unusually stormy, and it seemed like that person was a simmering storm in itself and would bring a great change."

He continued, "That person took Naruto in and almost immediately I noticed the change. Gone was the sad Naruto, he began actively participating in the school. His grades went up to their highest peak. He was so happy, it seemed like nothing could slow him down, especially after hearing that was going to adopt him, and he'd finally have a family."

Iruka started again, "That person was the only person that cared about him at the time. Then those guys in the blue and white cloaks came. I remember hearing about them; that they wanted to speak to Naruto's guardian."

"I know there was a big battle, and they were killed by until the final one came, he had that giant black blade. He captured and brought back to Samurai country, where it's common news that was publicly executed. The next I had heard that we're talking about how they should handle 's death. For the crimes had committed and the huge bounty on 's head, they obviously didn't want that person back," stated Iruka, "I later heard some disturbing things, some of the people were even saying that it was Naruto's fault that that person had died and said it to his face, or others just mocked him. After was killed, he had no one, and had resorted to silly pranks to gain attention and maybe someone else to care for him. When no one did, he continued and he began to do more and more stuff; some even dangerous, to get some sort of attention; whether or not it be plain mockery."

Iruka continued, "Then I came along, it was at that time that I truly saw that he wasn't that thing," Iruka said it with pure disgust, "just a boy. It was hard at first to talk to him, but as time grew, we started to understand each other. But even then, he just doesn't care anymore. Not about himself, or this village, only his dream. It truly does pain me that he failed the genin exam for a third time, and didn't care about it. I even wanted to pass him but that would seem like favoritism."

The Hokage listened to Iruka's tale, "It was a sad fate; Naruto was supposed to be a hero to the village not the scapegoat for all their sadness and anger, it wasn't what my predecessor, the 4th Hokage wanted. I can understand why the village hates the boy, but I would have thought they'd comply and realize Naruto was their savior, and now it seems I've failed him. I just may be an old fool after all."

"Hokage-sama, you're no fool, it's just that we're human and sometimes it's true, 'Humans are far from the word perfect as possible'."

The Hokage gave a sad smile, "Well, Iruka maybe you should visit Naruto later on tonight, maybe a simple gesture of kindness will cheer him up a little."

"Yes, I'll do that Hokage-sama," Iruka said.


Naruto threw down his dumbbell. It was huge, weighed a lot, and caused a slight shake in the ground. It was time, 9:00 pm. Mizuki had told him if he can steal the Forbidden Scroll of Seals and learn one technique in there, then he'd be made a genin and his life of free training and leaving Konoha was assured. He changed into an all black outfit. It was one of those movie ninja gear. He then put on a mask, it was a Halloween mask shaped like a raccoon's face. He grabbed his 3 Katanas and placed them on his back, locked his door, and leapt out of his floor.

It was a cool, silent night at Konoha. So silent, he could hear the crickets chirping (or doing whatever they do). The stars couldn't be seen as a full moon was out there in the sky, and it was mostly cloudy, which was very good cover. Of course he'd have to watch out for the moonlight.

According to his scope out of the Hokage tower, it'd take a good 10 minutes if he hurried. He began his quest to steal the scroll. He jumped from rooftop to rooftop, making as little to no noise. As a samurai you had to be good at these things, coincidently you had to be good at stealth as a ninja also.

Along the way he saw Iruka heading toward his house. 'Now, what could he want with me at this hour' thought Naruto, 'Oh well, no time to worry about that.' He jumped down another building, carefully avoiding any detection, 'man, this village needs way better security.' He quickly jumped back a little, one more step and he could've been exposed by the moonlight.

He kept jumping from building to building. He stopped at last, he was finally here: The Hokage Tower. It was really just that a tower, it had the designs for fire and other things synonymous with Fire Country. At this hour most people were in their homes, relaxing, or training, or whatever. However, practically no one was here, or the people here were lazy and had gone elsewhere.

He gathered his chakra and walked up the side of the building. According to the info Mizuki gave him, the scroll should be at the very top floor. Naruto easily got to the second top floor of the building in seconds, and unsheathed one of his blades and cut out the window of the floor. He then jumped in, placed the window back, and used a fire jutsu to meld the sides of the window back in place.

He had gone to the second top floor, because barging into the top floor which also happened to be the Hokage's personal office was a bad idea, there could be hidden traps, ninja, etc… all waiting for him. He snuck around and went to the stairs. He slowly walked up the steps, and in about a minute, he made it to the top floor. The door was a type of slide door, and he pulled to open it. The room was vast, full of paper work, other doors, windows, furniture, the list goes on.

He creped inside the room; the scroll should be on the left through a black door with a yellow doorknob. Naruto found the door; it was right next to the Hokage's desk. He opened it, inside was a room entirely full of scrolls. He sauntered around the room; there were scrolls of jutsu, history, strategy, treaties. So many scrolls were loitered the room. Naruto sighed, 'damn, I might as well start looking.'

It took Naruto 20 minutes to find what he was looking for. The scroll was huge, chalk full of forbidden secrets of the village, he had a mind to open it and look through it, however; this wasn't a very safe location. He grabbed the scroll and tied it around his back. He got out of the scroll room and was heading toward the door, when it opened and in came the Hokage himself.

Thy stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity but was really only a few seconds.

'DAMMIT, the Hokage, even if he's an old geezer I still don't stand a chance against him,' thought Naruto.

The Hokage got out of his stupor, "NARUTO, what in devil's name are you-…"

He didn't get to finish his sentence as Naruto shouted, "Oiroike no Jutsu! (Sexy Jutsu!).

A cloud appeared and when it started to clear, Naruto was gone and in his place was a young, naked buxom blonde with twinkling cerulean eyes, her curves were incredible and in all the right places, and they gave her the perfect hourglass figure. She had creamy skin, long shaved legs, a firm ass in need of a spanking, her breasts were hard yet soft and squishy and ready for squeezing. And don't get me started on that pussy, it was dripping wet, and looked like it was a tight one. She had her index finger slightly in her mouth, giving her a shy and innocent look.

The poor old man's eyes bulged and he gushed out a massive rocket of a nosebleed all the way till his head slammed against the wall. He lay there twitching.

Naruto smirked, 'My god; the men in this village are too perverted for their own good, hehehe.'

Naruto got serious again; he took a few steps back, ran, and jumped out the window. There was no need for secrecy when the Hokage had found him out, even if he was perverted, he wasn't going to stay unconscious forever. He landed safely and started heading toward the woods.

-----------------------------1 hour later----------------------------

The Hokage had 2 giant rolls of tissue stuffed up his nose, and began to raise his chakra, and soon many of the village ninja arrived.

"Hokage-sama, what is wrong," asked one of the shinobi.

"Naruto has stolen the Forbidden Scroll of Seals," replied the Hokage.

Many of the ninja gasped, cries of outrage were heard. Some even said it was time to finally kill the demon brat.

However, the Hokage silenced them with some high placed killer intent, and a glare that sent chills through their spines.

"Naruto must be found, and by found I mean ALIVE! I don't want to hear bullshit about accidents and having no other choice," with that the Hokage sent them off.


Naruto was sitting cross legged in the woods; he had managed to learn 7 techniques in there. He wondered why, they were all powerful jutsu, just had a high chakra cost. The first one he learned was the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Jutsu). He specifically liked this one based on the implications of the jutsu. He was about to start trying to learn the 8th technique on the list; that is until he was stopped by someone running at him.

Naruto pretended that he didn't notice them but secretly was thinking up an attack plan. He stopped as he recognized the voice that was calling out to him; it was Iruka.

"Oh hello Iruka-sensei, I guess I pass the genin exam now, right?"

"Naruto, what the hell are you talking about? Do you realize what you've done? What would make you go off and steal that scroll, Naruto?"

Naruto had a look of puzzlement, something wasn't right here, if what Mizuki said was true, then Iruka shouldn't be acting like this, like he was surprised, and then it dawned on him.


"Iruka-sensei, Mizuki told me that if I stole the Forbidden Scroll of Seals and learned one of the jutsu in the scroll, I would get to become a genin. That's what made me take the scroll."

Iruka was in shock. What in the world was Mizuki thinking? Was this some kind of set up to get Naruto in trouble or something else? He was about to ask Naruto more questions when he saw Naruto looking at a tree and pointing, and he looked up.

As if on cue to answer his questions, Mizuki arrived. He was standing on a tree and had 2 huge shuriken on his back.

"Naruto! Hand over the scroll," said Mizuki.

"No, Naruto don't do it. I don't know his reasoning behind this but I know one thing; his intentions aren't good."

"Naruto, don't listen to him, he doesn't want you to become a genin at all. In fact he truly despises you."

Naruto besides his better judgment looked at Iruka as if scrutinizing him. Iruka, hate him? It was highly unlikely but in the world of ninja, a ninja could be your drinking buddy in the morning, and by evening have stabbed you in the back with a kunai.

Mizuki noticed the doubt, "That's right, Iruka has always hated you. He hates you because you killed his parents and made him an orphan."

Now Naruto looked at Mizuki with puzzlement, "No I didn't!"

"MWEHAHAHA!, that's because you don't remember, you killed his parents 12 years ago on your birthday as Naruto."

"Are you fucking retarded you hack of a teacher, you can't count. How could I kill his parents as a newborn?"

Mizuki laughed again, Iruka finally caught on what was going on.

"Naruto, don't listen to him, he's-"

"You see what I mean; he's trying to change what you are. On your birthday, the demon the Kyuubi no Yoko came and nearly wiped out our village. Our beloved 4th Hokage risked his life to kill the demon and that's why we celebrate that festival every year. THAT'S ALL A LOAD OF BULLSHIT!!!."

"Stop it Mizuki, stop this madness right now."

Mizuki ignored Iruka and continued, "The truth is, the 4th couldn't kill the demon so he sealed it up in a little baby. The demon's spirit overtook the boy's body and soul effectively killing it. But instead of the demon being killed, the 3rd allowed it to live as if it were human. That damned demon from the 9th level of hell that came here and killed many people, family friends, lovers, of those people, that death toll included Iruka's parents. Aaand do you know who that baby was Naruto?"

Naruto had a look of complete horror and shock; it practically pained Iruka to see Naruto like this.

"That's right, you are that baby that was killed and was overtaken by the Kyuubi. The seals however made you forget who you really were—huh, WHAT THE FUCK!!! NARUTO WAKE UP DAMMIT!!!"

00000000000000000In Hokage's Office00000000000000

The 3rd sat watching the whole scene through his crystal ball. "Damn, Mizuki sure has a big mouth."

00000000000000000Back in Forest0000000000000000000

As Mizuki said it, Naruto was currently in dream land. That is until Mizuki threw a rock (it was in his pocket) and hit him on the head. Naruto wake up with a start.

"You dammed demon, how dare you go to sleep while I'm talking-"

"Do you ever shut up? I've been listening to your cock and bull story for too long. I've already known for a long time now that the Kyuubi was sealed inside me. And Iruka, before you ask how I found out about it, told me."

Mizuki was surprised, Naruto already knew about this, and who was .

"And another thing, retard, I'm not the Kyuubi just it's jailor. I find it ironic that this village hails the 4th as their strongest Hokage yet they can't even trust his skills to make a proper seal to hold a demon. Just comes to show you how hypocritical this village is. And you are annoying, you second-rate lousy teacher. I wonder if you're so mad because you haven't been properly laid in a very loong time, has the blue balls been tormenting ya?"

A temple popped in Mizuki's head, how dare that little demon say such things. He'd gotten laid plenty of times….just not recently. Dammit, he's right I haven't been laid in a very long time. Mizuki grabbed one of the shuriken on his back and threw it with all his might at Naruto and Iruka

Naruto was getting ready to start fighting when he was pushed onto the ground by Iruka. He was surprised that Iruka would do such a thing. He was then given another shock to see that Iruka was crying and it was not from the fact that the huge shuriken was buried in his back.

"Naruto, I'm so sorry. All those times when you were alone, and I didn't do anything about it. I was still grieving the death of my parents, and I didn't know what to think. I didn't believe you were the Kyuubi; however, I hated that same demon that resided in you. And for that I failed to be there for you. I could have stopped the abuse, the name-calling, I could have helped. I know wounds heal with time but mine is one that didn't want to heal, but let me tell you, I'll never doubt you again, I'll NEVER even think of you as anything other than Naruto Uzumaki, the future "Greatest Swordsman in the World."

Naruto looked at Iruka, and sighed. He gently pushed Iruka gently off of him. Mizuki pulled back some chakra strings on the shuriken and threw it at them again. This time however, the shuriken was cut cleanly in half by Naruto with one sword.

"So, you've got some skills dead last. I wonder what was the point of carrying 3 swords around."

"Well baka-Mizuki, it's because I'm a Santoryu user."

"Santo what?"

Naruto's eye twitched, "SANTORYU, it means I'm a 3 swords style swordsman."

Naruto unsheathed his blades. The first had a black hilt with red line designs on the sides of the hilt, stopping at the cross-guard. The hilt was systematically on in the middle of the hilt if a diamond shape filled with rubies. The sheath was all black though. He placed that in his right hand.

The second blade was the blue one. It had the same design as the black one except the hilt and sheath were blue. The hilt had yellow line designs, and the gems were .

He placed that one in his left hand.

The third one was white. It had orange line designs and the sheath was all white. The gems on the hilt were .

He placed this one in his mouth with the blade side pointing to the left.

The blades of the sword were a magnificent silver and gleamed in the moonlight. They were very long, at least 6 ft. These three blades, the black one was known as , the white one was , and the blue one was . These 3 blades were said to be sisters.

Naruto smirked at Mizuki, daring him to attack. Mizuki jumped down and threw the second shuriken, and just like the first, they were cut down within seconds.

Naruto smirked at Mizuki, and then charged.

"You think you, a drop out genin, can beat me a chunin? Fine, bring it on!"

Mizuki began making seals, "Bunshin no Jutsu! (Clone Jutsu). The area was covered with 10 Mizuki. They were all laughing at Naruto.

"You fool! You can't tell which one of us is the real one, can you?"

Naruto quickly ran straight past them. He then reappeared behind a tree and kicked a surprised Mizuki in the face.

"Such childish jutsu won't work on me."

'Hmm, let me try something, this'll be my little experiment with the Kage Bunshin,' thought Naruto.

Naruto performed the needed hand seals, "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu! (Shadow Clone Jutsu!)."

Instantly instead of 1 Naruto there were now 100. 1 of which was the real Naruto, and another was hiding.

Iruka gasped, 'those aren't just illusions like the normal bunshins but these are real living clones. Incredible! For a mere genin to pull that off is just…'

Mizuki swore; that demon managed to learn a technique inside from the scroll, and not just any technique but the shadow clone. He smirked; it was a good thing that he was preparing for the Jonin exam. He began to make hand seals.

Naruto dispelled the clone he had sent into hiding. He felt the flood of memories the clone had. So his experiment was a success. If he could use the shadow clones like this during training it would make life ten times easier. He could get years of training in months, weeks, hell maybe even days if he went nuts and became an insomniac.

Mizuki smirked, "KATON: KARYUENDAN NO JUTSU! (Fire Style: Fire Dragon Missile Jutsu!). This was an A-rank jutsu. Damn thing took all of his chakra though. When the demon died, he'd have to kill Iruka also so that Iruka couldn't testify.

Naruto looked up; a huge dragon of fire was coming straight at him. It was too fast to dodge, and too powerful to try and do something to block it. He had only one choice. Long time ago, his former sensei taught him that sometimes you've got to use your enemy's strengths against them. He was going to repulse the flames.

Naruto began reciting his mantra, you have to have a calm state of mind when doing things and not let fear, or strong emotions cloud your judgment. The dragon was now on him.

Mizuki cackled, "There goes the demon, I'll be hailed as a hero in this village then backstab them later. MWEHAHA!!!"

He stopped short when he saw a figure in the fire. Naruto was standing there, twirling his katanas in circular direction and the flames followed it, as if the wind were telling them which way to go.

"Mizuki, you called me a demon yet you lust for power at the expense of family, friends, and your own village. You are a demon in your own right. You tricked me, betrayed this village, nearly killed Iruka-sensei, and now have tried to kill me…," Naruto paused to glare at Mizuki, his cerulean eyes were hard and showed something akin to fury, "I won't let you get away with that."

Naruto gathered his chakra, and the wind; his own natural element. He charged straight at Mizuki.


And just like the name, Naruto sped so fast, Mizuki couldn't see him and before he knew it, he felt the katanas and the wind cutting his body. It created instant wounds all of which shred even more and the blood spurted out of his body like a fountain. He turned and stared at Naruto. The wound shred again, even more blood flowed out, and his body crumpled, dead before he hit the ground.

"Like I said, second-rate academy teacher," Naruto said passively.

Iruka looked at Naruto in shock; Naruto had beaten a chunin easily and killed him, which was even in the law that traitors were to be killed on sight. He smiled at Naruto but quickly grew tense. He could sense them; they were completely surrounded by the Anbu Black Ops.

Naruto was busy wiping the blood off his katanas with a cloth, but he had obviously sensed them also. One of them came down; he was wearing an owl mask.

"Hand over the scroll, immediately."

Naruto sweat dropped, he quickly made a shadow clone and made it get the scroll and handed it over. The anbu inspected the scroll then nodded and was about to leave.

"Hey wait; don't you want info on the traitor, Mizuki?" Naruto asked.

"No thanks, we've already got the info we need and good work Uzumaki on capturing him…err….killing him."

Naruto and Iruka sweat dropped, 'those bastards, they were here this whole time and could've stopped this yet were hoping Naruto (I in Naruto's mind) would get killed by Mizuki and just watched.'

The forest was now empty except for Naruto and Iruka. Mizuki's body was already gone, and there was no real proof there was a battle here.

'Gotta hand it to those anbu, they do their job well (well when not being prejudiced on people)' thought Iruka.

"Hey Naruto come over here for a-" a temple popped, Naruto was sleeping again. His katanas were sheathed and he was standing there like an idiot sleeping. 'Does that boy ever get any sleep, he always does this. Oh well, I'll tell him in the morning. I can't move right now so I might as well sleep here too, saves me the trouble of grading school papers."

000000000000000000In the Morning00000000000000000

Naruto woke up thanks to the damn sun. It was burning brightly in his face. He looked around and wondered where he was, then the memories of last night all came back.

"Hey Naruto, come over here for a second."

Naruto turned to the voice. It was Iruka. He quickly ran up to Iruka.

"Close your eyes Naruto; I have something very important for you."

Naruto did as he was told, he felt something shuffling on his head, he opened his eyes; it was a forehead protector.

He stared at Iruka who had a smile on his face, with shock.

Iruka was still smiling with his eyes closed, "Congratulations Naruto; you graduate!" Iruka suddenly became serious, "Naruto, I want you to know that no matter what anyone says, you aren't the Kyuubi, you are just Naruto Uzumaki, the jailor of Kyuubi maybe, but still Naruto. And I truly believe in you, so, believe in yourself and your abilities, you'll eventually become the Greatest Swordsman. So make me proud."

Iruka opened his eyes and they bulged out in irritation, "WAKE THE HELL UP NARUTO!!!" He quickly began shaking him to wake up.

Author's Notes:

Well that's the end of the 1st chapter.

I really wanna thank one of the best people in the world and one of my personal best friends, Lok or Lok-hime as I like to call her, for beta'ing this chapter and giving the translation for the attack Naruto used.

If your wondering why Naruto keeps going to sleep like that, well he's a narcoleptic and it has to do with his family line, also Naruto's mysterious sensei and other things and subjects I made black on purpose won't be revealed till much later so keep reading.

Naruto is a lot smarter and more aware of things in this story. He also already knows nature manipulation and others things because his sensei taught it to him.


All 3 sword style techniques of Naruto's will be in Chinese except for the word Santoryu

2 swords shall be Italian

1 sword style in Spanish

Combo attacks will be in Japanese

Hehe as you can see I'm putting a lot of language in this story.

1) Santoryu (Japanese): Mo Qiang (Chinese) (3 sword Style: Demon Pistol) - (thanks to Lok-hime for the translation)-Naruto's most common attack. Naruto gathers his chakra and charges with super fast speeds that are hard to see, well unless you're like a Jonin or so, and cuts the opponent with the chakra and wind.

Now folks press that little submit button on the bottom left hand corner of the screen and review and tell me what you think. Oh ya, this story will only have 26 chapters so the chapters will be very long, usually about 6 k words and above. Now worries each chapter won't be some novella in itself. Oh and don't worry I'll update Demon 9 soon probably like a few days after this one cuz I'm redoing the chapter.

Good-bye now and wait for the next chapter.