A/N: Oh no! My computer is totally crapped up now!

Sorry for the LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG delay in an update, I was hoping for my computer to be fixed so I can use the already existing beginning to the next chapter and finish it off. But it appears I'll need to seek professional help with my virus problem.

My brother's computer is slow, and takes forever to load. So I'm going to have to make this chapter short and sweet? Maybe?

I'd like to thank all of my reviewers.

Archangel Rhapsody
Person Of A Stranger Origin
Sesshy Lover xD
misstress of the flames
S. T. Nickolian
I love Shesshoumaru aka FLUFFY
Bankotsu's girl 101
Dark Angel
Liady Tigra
mischievous female
goddess on earth

Thank you all, I loved all of your reviews, I read every single one of them, and they surely make writing this story a lot sweeter because you all appreciate it.

Spoiler Alert: SPOILER ALERT!! I use a reference to a scene from the second movie.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.


She cooed softly, running her fingers through her damp hair, her favorite pink fluffy towel draped over her shoulders. 'Aah. Finally, clean hair!' she thought to herself before sitting up.

She was dressed in a simple light blue summer dress. She didn't plan on going anywhere other than her house, so it was perfect for lounging and relaxing. She looked at the ground, she knew that in a few days, Inuyasha will become impatient and will come to get her. But she won't go back, not until she's ready.

She laid back on her bed, nuzzling her face into her pillow. Her eyes were half-shut as she began to think to herself once more. "Sesshoumaru… is plainly making himself vulnerable…willingly jeopardizing himself… as if not having a small human girl follow him was a tint of weakness… showing an emotion to a human?" she shook her head from her conversation with herself.

"Kagome!" the rough high-pitched voice of her brother found her ears. "Kagome! Dinner! Your favorite, beef stew!"

"Coming!" she shouted in response to her brother's announcement, she crawled from the comfort of her bed and walked to the door. "Oh well… I'll leave the feudal times behind for now, and focus on my time here! No school for two weeks and my favorite meal, it's going to be good." She finished the conversation with herself and raced downstairs to enjoy one of the rare meals she got to have with her loved ones.


'Leave the feudal times behind, yeah right!' She thought to herself as she walked amongst her three friends and Houjyou. Her friends from her time decided that this would be the vacation, this would be the day, they make her fall in-love with Houjyou.

It was nice, having a cute breakfast at a small diner, walking the morning through the park, stopping at the swings, and talking, taking pictures in the photo booth, and now wandering the largest mall in Tokyo. She feared by the end of the day, Houjyou and her friend's wallets would all be empty. She sighed as her mind traveled back to Sesshoumaru.

"Kagome-chan." Houjyou said in a concerned look, "Kagome-chan, are you alright? Maybe we should stop and rest, oh my if you're feeling ill, I think we over worked you, forgive me Kagome-chan!" he grabbed her hands and ushered her to the small bench in the food court.

Her eye twitched as Houjyou's usual over-bearing personne attempted to feed her and fan her at the same time. She smiled and laughed half-heartedly at the people who stared at the small scene he was causing. She shot a glare in the direction of her three giggling friends at a table across the food court.

"Houjyou-kun, I'd like to go home now." Kagome said softly as she once more found herself thinking about Sesshoumaru. She sighed and looked at Houjyou's endlessly happy appearance.

"Yes Kagome-chan!" he once again grabbed her hands and rushed her out of the mall to his vehicle. He opened her door and still held onto her hand, she sweat dropped as he ran to the other side.


"Gyah… I'm sorry… He just kind of ran off, call him and complain to him for ditching you three! Anyway, I'm going to bed, goodnight!" she quickly hung up the phone and sighed as she stared at her computer screen, she flicked it off and crawled into her bed.

"Hm. Day two, and no sign of Inuyasha, must've had a lot to do with Kikyou." She said, grabbing her romance novel and reading it. She laid back and snuggled under her blankets, loosing herself in all the words of the bittersweet romance novel.


"Kagome." He said softly, his deep voice sent chills up her spine, but warmed her heart to a boiling point at the same time. She turned to face the deep gold eyes of the person who owned that voice. And in an instant, they were falling, falling backwards, his pure white silky hair engulfed her body.

"Sesshoumaru…" she said softly, gripping onto the pure white tuxedo he had worn. They laid in a large empty field, nothing but lavender as far as the eye can see to the east, north, and south, and to the west, a small beach to a lake, perfectly positioned in the center of the field.

"He will never hurt you again, my love. We are bound together by your new western ways, and soon we will be bound together forever." He laid his hands on her shoulders his lips meeting with hers in a soft sensual way. She melted, right there, she melted into his kiss… the kiss from what used to be her enemy.


"Unf…" she turned over and yawned, she felt a soft breeze enter through her window. She breathed in a deep breath of air, enjoying the fresh breath of air before shooting out of bed and looking around franticly. "What the… my window was closed last night…" she said and met the cold stare of Inuyasha.

"Inu… Inuyasha. Why are you here?!" she said to him with a shocked look on her face. She watched him look at the ground and mumble.

"I came to get you, we have work to do." He said almost inaudible to Kagome. He looked up at her and watched her eyes narrow and her lip twitch. He blinked at the sight and tilted his head to the side, "What's got you ticked?" he asked unaware of the large 'sit' fit he was in store for.

"Sit!" She watched Inuyasha fall from his perch on her desk to the ground. She bit her lip and glared at him with narrowed watery eyes. She jumped out of bed and jumped over his fallen form, she raced downstairs just to find she was alone, with the hanyou who keeps breaking what little piece of her heart he still owns.

"Kagome! You bitch!" Inuyasha screamed leaping in front of her. He narrowed her eyes before going wide-eyed at the tears streaming down her face, but instead of the usual pathetic look, she had nothing but pure rage, even a tinge of hate. His ears pressed against his skull and he braced himself.

"Sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. Her fists clenched so tightly her knuckles were white.


She sat on her knees at one end of her futon, he sat at the other cross legged, his ears twitched as he picked at the ramen noodles Kagome prepared for him. She slowly sipped on a can of coffee before looking at him with a disappointed look.

"You've got some nerve." She said in a harsh tone, she watched Inuyasha's bangs fall in front of his eyes as he picked at his ramen noodles. "First you keep running off to see Kikyou, next you call me stupid for caring about you, then, I get attacked by a giant lizard demon, and you don't even come and save me!

His ears flattened against his head, he slowly sipped the broth from the ramen noodles. His eyes not looking from the noodles at all.

"You said you'd stay a hanyou for me for a little longer, to save you I kissed you! And this is how I get… treated?" she held back her tears and stood up. "I don't think I'm willing to go back just yet. So after you're done I'll send some supplies back with you and then I will return when I'm ready." She walked into the kitchen and bend over the sink sighing.


"Wait!" Inuyasha leaped from the edge of the well and grabbed Kagome's wrist, his eyes narrowed. "You didn't have anything on you, and I'm sure you couldn't outrun a lizard demon. How did you get away without getting seriously injured or killed?!"

She pulled her wrist from his grasp, and glared, "Sit!" she rubbed her wrist, "The demon got distracted, like something came along that was better and it left. What authority are you to question me?!"

He stood from the ground and growled before grabbing the small pink backpack that had some things for the rest of their companions and disappeared into the well.


She sat on a fallen tree branch munching on a peach, running her fingers through Shippou's hair as he frantically munched on the candies Kagome brought back for him. Sango sipped the nectar can Kagome brought and ate some cheese cubes.

"You were gone for a really long time this time Kagome. You didn't even tell us you were going." Sango munched on her cheese cubes before looking at her friend. "It was that bad, with Inuyasha and Kikyou?" she petted Kirara and waited for Kagome's reply.

"He called me stupid, and hugged, and kissed Kikyou. He didn't come when I screamed for him, because I was being chased. Luckily Ses... Err. Luckily something distracted it and it ran off." She quickly stood up with Shippou in her arms.

Sango stood up and followed Kagome she knew something was wrong with her friend. But she'll just let Kagome tell her in time.


Kagome smirked as she quickly finished scribbling a note on a piece of paper. Everyone was asleep, but her. It was a new moon outside, and Inuyasha took a nice blow from a demon earlier and was still unconscious. She pulled out tape from her backpack and tapped the note to the shrine door they were staying in.

"Dear Sesshoumaru,

You have my attention now. Let's meet again, this time, face to face. Stranger to Kagome.

I'll be at the riverbank, hopefully you'll get there before I get tired and come back.


She nodded in approval once more at her note, and hurriedly walked down the beaten path to the riverbank. She held a flashlight in her hand and this time she brought her arrows and bow.

She looked at her watch, and then at the moon, she knew it has only been ten minutes, but it felt like hours. She hummed a song in her head and played with her hair. She got all prettied up for him, she was nervous, what was she thinking?

"I'm a human… he's a demon… he doesn't like many humans… and I am his enemy… or so I thought… Inuyasha, you asshole… you broke it too much, now I'm being stupid, and falling for the impossible…" She sighed and looked to the stars, no moon, the stars where shining bright. The sight was truly amazing, and no one back in her time could imagine all the breath taking sights she sees here.

"Something is only impossible if you make it that way." A deep voice from behind her said.


A/N: Dun dun dun dunnnn! Okay! A bit of a cliffhanger there. Again let me apologize much for the long delay for the update, I tried to make the chapter longer than usual, I hope you all enjoyed it. And I am starting my work on the next chapter tonight.

I love all of your reviews, so keep them coming.

Au revior mes amis.