Title: Godsend
Characters: All
Genre: Action/adventure, hints of romance and humor.
Rating: T, PG-13ish
Disclaimer: I don't own Heroes or any of its characters.
Summary: My version of the 12th ep, Godsend. Close to the story as I can get, as I have seen from preview. Paire, IsaacSimone. Obviously post fallout


"He'll be here soon, expecting that you won't remember anything. But it is very important that you do. Tell me Claire, can you keep a secret?" The Haitian fell silent, leaving only Claire's muffled sob to fill the room. When she realized that he was waiting for an answer, she nodded as best she could with his hand still covering her mouth. He stared at her in the mirror for a moment before releasing her.

As soon has she was free of his grip, she stumbled to the closest wall and leaned against it, her legs to wobbly to support herself fully.

"When your father gets home, pretend you don't remember. Then go to New York. That is where it will happen." The sound of a car stopping in the driveway caused her to glance towards her window. When she looked back, the Haitian was gone. As the Haitians words registered on her mind, Claire slid down the wall until she was sitting with her knees hugged to her chest.

"I really need to find that sword…" said Hiro in Japanese.

"How is a sword going to help? You're fighting a Dinosaur!" exclaimed Ando. "Why are you going to the Jurassic period anyway?"

"I don't know, maybe Mr. Iss-ark can help." Quickly Hiro turned to the painter and shook him gently, changing his speech to english. "Mr. Iss-ark. Wake up, Mr. Iss-ark."

"He isn't asleep Hiro," commented Ando, knowing Hiro would ignore him.

"Wakey wakey Mr. Iss-ark," still shaking him.

"Wha- What's going on?" mumbled Issac, the white glaze over his eyes fading.

"You did it, you paint the future," said Hiro happily. "I think…" he added as an after thought.

"I did it?" Isaac quickly stood and gazed at his picture. "I did it!" He laughed to himself and grinned at the two Japanese men.

"But, what does it mean?" asked Ando. Isaac turned back to the painting and studied it for a few seconds.

"I don't know."

Claire walked into the Midland Police Department with a heavy mind. It was only two days since the homecoming event, and just yesterday she discovered that her father had tried to remove her memories. And now she was coming to talk to a complete stranger. For what reason would he believe her? After all, to him she was just a high school cheerleader.

He will listen. He has powers too.

Realizing that she had stopped in the entrance hall, she proceeded to the front desk, where a young female receptionist smiled at her.

"How can I help you?" she asked pleasantly.

"Umm, I'd like to talk to Peter Petrelli, please," said Claire nervously. The receptionists smile faded, and she looked sympathetic.

"Oh, I'm sorry sweetie, he was released last night."

"Oh," said Claire, shoulders slumping, "Ok then. Thanks" She turned and began to walk away when the receptionist called her back.

"I know where you can find him though." A spark of hope ignited in Claire chest. "He's at the Hospital. Collapsed right outside. Something about internal injuries." The hope was instantly smothered and replaced with cold fear.

Claire ran to the hospital, dodging between the small crowds on the street, her hair and jacket whipping along behind her.

Why would he be in the Hospital? He can heal, I saw him. So what could have happened?

"I'm not like you Claire." She remembered him saying that when she spoke to him in his cell. But what could that mean?

Finally she arrived at the Midland Hospital, panting and with aching legs. It was at least a mile from the Police Department to the hospital, how had she run all that way? Pushing that thought out of her mind, she walked into the hospital and up to the receptionist's desk. This time it was an elderly lady behind the desk.

"Hi. Umm, I was wondering if I could visit Peter Petrelli?" asked Claire, smiling nervously. The receptionist nodded and typed something into the computer.

"He's in room 211, on the second floor." Claire nodded a thank you and headed towards the elevator. When it opened, a man in a suit briskly walked out, narrowly missing Claire. He didn't seem to realize, as he continued to walk and talk on his cell phone. Huffing, Claire walked inside the elevator and pushed the button for level 2.

When the doors closed, the noise from the entrance hall was cut off, leaving Claire alone with her thoughts.

"Then go to New York. That is where it will happen." That's what the Haitian had said. But how was she supposed to get to New York? And what is going to happen when she did?

Maybe Peter will have some answers. The doors slid open and Claire walked down the corridor, reading the numbers stamped on the door.




211. Claire stopped outside this room and wiped her hands on her jeans, before squaring her shoulders and stepping inside. The first thing she noticed was that he was surrounded by beeping and whirring machines, attached to him at several different places. Peter himself looked far worse than he had yesterday, his hair limp and swept out of his face, dark circles under his eyes, his skin was a sickly yellow colour.

"Peter!" she gasped, rushing to his bed. "Peter, what happened? Why aren't you healing?" Tears had begun to form in her eyes.

"Excuse me," said a voice from the door. Claire looked up to see a nurse walking inside. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh sorry," said Claire softly. "I came to see Peter."

"Are you family?" Claire shook her head.

"He saved my life the other day." Recognition filled the nurse's eyes, and she nodded. "What's wrong with him?"

"The fall damaged some of his internal organs. His lungs are slowly filling with blood, and I'm afraid we can't do anything to stop it," said the nurse sadly. "We don't expect him to live through the night."

Claire felt the wind knocked out of her, and sat down in the chair next to the bed as the nurse glanced at each of the monitors around the room and scribbled something on the clipboard on the end of his bed.

"I'm sorry Claire," said the nurse before she left the room. Claire stared at Peter as what the nurse had said sunk in.

"No. Peter, you can't die. You're my hero." She let her forehead rest in his hand and gave into tears.

Matt Parkman rubbed his eyes and the pain in his head grew, annoyed that he had run out of aspirin. He had only bought a new bottle a few days ago as well. The headache had become worse after the incident with Peter Petrelli, and trying to force himself into the Haitian's mind hadn't helped.

'Is he all right?' echoed Audrey's voice and she looked at him in concern.

"I'm fine, just a headache," he replied. He knew that she hadn't spoken aloud, but that didn't concern him at the moment.

"Perhaps you should take a brake," she suggested. He shook his head, but she persisted. "You can't concentrate like this. Get some rest, Parkman." Matt looked at the files spread over the table, involving the Sylar cases, Peter Petralli and the Bennet family.

"You're right. Need anything from the store?" Audrey shook her head and flipped through the most recent file, about the murder of a cheerleader. Matt walked outside and into the small park outside the Police station, choosing to sit in the shade under a tree. Just as he leaned back and closed his eyes his cell phone began ringing.

Probably Janice,he thought. Glancing at the Caller ID, he saw that it wasn't his wife. The number was a New York one. Confused, he accepted the call and held the cell phone to his ear.

"Hello?" he said. Who would be calling him from New York?

"Hello, Mr. Parkman?" asked a voice, obviously Indian.


"My name is Mohinder Suresh. I need to talk to you, as soon as possible. It concerns you, and a man named Sylar."

"How do you know that name?" asked Matt, surprised.

"I believe he is after you. Please, we need to meet. Is it possible for you to come to New York?" asked Mohinder, his calm voice underlined with a tone of urgency. Matt sat silent for a moment, and then made his decision.

"Can my partner come?"

A/N: Ok, this is the first chapter of the ep. There would probably be an add here. I changed just one line, so now Hiro and them dont know where to find the sword.