Title: Do you remember me?
Disclaimer: I don't own Grey's Anatomy. If I did there would be new episodes on every night.
Summery: Meredith and Derek had a one night stand when she was in medical school and visiting friends in New York. She got pregnant and had a daughter. When she starts her internship in Seattle will they remember each other? Will he ever figure out that he has a daughter with Meredith?
The Past always comes back
Derek pulled out of Burke's condo complex in search of an open liquor store. Tonight by default of Erica being away Derek was going to confess to Meredith about his past. He pulled his little black BMW into Sweet Shack Wines and fine Liquors and walked up to the entrance. Only a couple of people still lingered in the store this close to closing. Derek picked up two bottles of wine, a bottle of scotch, and two bottles of tequila. He remembered back to the day he met her in the bar and how she was drowning her thoughts in the amber colored liquor.
With the bottles of alcohol in tow Derek headed back home. He only hoped she let him stay after he told her the truth. Derek slipped in through the security entrance quickly. He made sure he went through the gate where you had to put you pin number in and not the one for visitors, because there was a two car line. Once safely inside the gated community Derek drove slowly down the streets. He was not looking forward to the conversation with Meredith and wanted to prolong it as long as he could.
Derek checked his watch and realized he had been gone an hour since he called Meredith and quickly turned into the driveway. It was now or never. He shut the engine of the vehicle off and headed for the front door with his key in hand.
Once the door was open, Derek could already tell the maids had been there that day and cleaned with Pledge. He looked into the library, but did not see Meredith in there or hear her walking around the house.
"Meredith," Derek called waiting to hear a response.
"I am in the kitchen." Meredith replied with a yell.
Derek took his shoes off and hung up his coat before grabbing the bag of alcohol and headed for the kitchen.
"Hey, what took you so long?" Meredith asked looking up from the steak she was eating. Derek gulped when he noticed the steak knife and hoped that wouldn't soon be used on him.
"I um…I stopped at the liquor store." Derek held up the bag as evidence before putting it on the counter. "I thought we could talk, but it can wait until you're done eating." Under his breathe Derek whispered. "It might ruin your appetite otherwise."
"Umm…I am finished." Meredith said shoving the last forkful of pasta into her mouth.
"Ok I'll just wait for you in the living room." Derek said walking out of the kitchen and into a safer room.
Meredith drummed her fingers on the mahogany coffee table. She sat staring at Derek for the last ten minutes. He had yet to say anything about what he wanted to talk about.
"Derek, what is it you wanted to talk about?" Derek drew in a deep breath.
"I don't really know where to start except the beginning." Derek looked down to his ring finger on his left hand that was now bare.
"Beginning of what exactly?"
"Of us," Derek saw the questioning look on Meredith's face. "It was a Wednesday evening. I was so angry with her that I left home. I was staying at a hotel, but no one except Addison knew why."
"Who is Addison?" Meredith sounded normal to Derek's surprise and wasn't yelling, yet.
Derek ignores Meredith's question and just continues on with the story. "The day before I answered a phone call from The Truman's Clinic, they were asking to speak to my wife. I corned her that evening and she confessed about killing our baby three weeks before. I was so angry that I left. I didn't even listen to her pleading or crying. The next day after work, I went to the bar where I met you. I should have told you that I was married, but I wanted to hurt her like she hurt me."
Meredith still didn't seem angry or even upset when Derek looked up at her. "I kind of figured you were married. You didn't seem like you picked women up everyday. But it doesn't matter any more the past is in the past."
Derek didn't speak for a whole minute before continuing on with his confession. "After I cheated on my wife I was still so angry. But after three months of separation I answered one of her calls. She promised never to betray me again. We went to couple's therapy and tried to work out our problems. But after the incident I was never as open or as close with her. We grew apart and we both excelled in our careers. It became a marriage of convenience. Then one day I come home from work and something isn't right. I walk up the stairs thinking I am crazy until I step on a jacket that isn't mine. The jacket belonged to my best friend, Mark. When I entered my bedroom I find her in bed with Mark. They didn't notice for four minutes. The worst four minutes of my life thus far. When she noticed me she jumped off of him and put on the robe I bought her in Japan. She chased my down the stairs and to the front door. We started fighting some of the neighbors heard us. I threw her out of my house and locked the door. She started crying and begged me to forgive her. I let her back in the house and packed a bag of my clothes and left the house."
Meredith took Derek's hand and squeezed it knowing how much pain that must have caused him. "You don't have to tell me any of this." Meredith whispered soothing and reassuring words over and over again. Finally Derek was able to pull himself together.
"A week later I kept getting calls from Mark. Day and night and then he would follow me to the bars. After a round of scotch I finally decide to hear him out. I prayed that he would say it's not what it looks like. Your best friend and your wife didn't screw each other behind your back in your bed. Mark kept saying how deeply sorry he was. When I asked him if it was the first time, he paled and took a big swig of his drink. He looked me square in the eye and told me that they had been sleeping together for over a year. That's when I knew it was over and I decided I needed a clean start. I called Richard and he said he still had that job offer he had been bribing me with for months. I left the next week and haven't been back." Derek knew that if Meredith had not put two and two together yet she would after a few questions.
"How long ago was this?" Meredith asked out of curiosity.
"About a month before I met you again." Derek said with disappointment evident in his voice. "I am trying to do the right thing now."
"Are you still married? Please tell me this isn't why you told me. Please!" Meredith pulled away from Derek when he didn't answer right away and moved over to the other side of the room. She was pacing the length of the room, looking out the windows. "Am I the other woman?"
"I didn't mean for it to get this out of hand. I wanted to tell you…"
"Then why didn't you! Why did you let me believe you loved me and Erica? How could you do this to us, to her?" She yelled as loud as she could at him. Meredith had tears flowing down her face, but she didn't try to stop them. Then in a more gentle tone it sounded almost like a whisper compared to her yelling she said. "Did you care anything about us?"
"Meredith, let me explain? Please, it is the least I can do." Derek didn't get up from the couch, he was too afraid she would start hitting him if he did or throw him out of the house.
"You have ten minutes and this better be worth it Derek, or I swear I will never let you see Erica again." Meredith stopped pacing and sat in a chair facing Derek. He was no longer looking up at her, but instead down at his feet.
"They only contact I've had with Addison is through our lawyers. My lawyer is an old friend. We have sent five different divorce papers to her, but she keeps refusing. In the beginning I was giving her almost everything, but she wouldn't sign. Her lawyer thought she was crazy. By New York state law, if she doesn't grant me a divorce within six months I get everything. She has about a month left. I am afraid she is going to find out where I am living and come look for me. I didn't want you to find out that way. She can be kind of scary and mean when she wants something." Derek sighed he had finished telling Meredith everything he needed to say. Meredith was still crying and hadn't said anything thing back until, Derek starts to walk out of the room.
"Where are you going?" Meredith's voice is cracking as she talks trying and hold back the fear of being left alone. "I am not done with you yet." She tries to sound tough but fails as another sob escapes her body.
"I thought I would make it easy on you and leave so you didn't have to throw me out." Derek sat back on the chair as Meredith moved to sit closer to him again.
"I want to know why. Why weren't you honest with me from the beginning?" Meredith was no longer afraid. She had a bit of venom in her voice that scared Derek. He knew not to double cross her again.
"I didn't want to lose you again. When I first saw you at the bar, I felt something that I never felt before in my life. I thought if you knew I was married you wouldn't want anything to do with me and I would be stuck. Then when I found out about Erica, I didn't want you to keep me from her life because of Addison. I was just scared to come clean and then the right moment never came along to tell you."
"That is not a good enough reason. You should have been honest with me, when you found out about Erica." Meredith turned her face away from Derek and stared a painting on the wall.
"And if I was, would you have let Erica in my life." Derek had now found the oriental carpet on the wood floors very intriguing.
"I don't know." Meredith said realizing why Derek might have been afraid to tell her the truth for the first time. "Do you think she will come looking for you?"
"God I hope not. I don't know what I ever saw in her. I always wanted a family like my parents had. But in the beginning she said she didn't want kids. I thought that would eventually change, but I guess she stood her ground when she betrayed me the first time. I never knew she could be so heartless to me, but I vowed to stay with her. I took after example, you know, my parents had a rough patch in their relationship but they worked it out. I guess I didn't want to be a failure to them."
"I think you are anything, but a failure. I mean look at you, you have women falling at your feet. That hair just makes you want to run your fingers through it. You're so smart and you really know how to do your job. And you have a beautiful daughter and girlfriend. Ok, now I am just stroking your ego here, feel free to stop me at anytime." Derek smirked at her and grabbed her hand.
"Let's go have a drink. You deserve one after what I just put you through."
"I'm still angry with you though. You better find one hell of a way to make it up to me." Meredith smiled up to Derek, she had always loved payback.
An hour after Derek and Meredith started drinking they started to feel the alcohol consumed. The wine had been put in the fridge for another day, but the tequila and the scotch were flowing like water.
"Dereeeekkkkk!" Meredith screeched his name after another shot of alcohol. "Can you give me a kiss? Since you owe me and all." She had been using the excuse of Derek not being honest with her to get what she wanted all night.
Derek pulled Meredith into his lap and wrapped his arms around her. She in turn wrapped her arms around his neck. He smacked his lips against hers with force. Their mouths opened and their tongues meshed together dueling for power. Derek flipped Meredith over and pinned her to the kitchen floor. Hands roamed and touched undiscovered skin. Clothes were thrown all over the kitchen floor.
They laid in each others arms on the kitchen floor, just holding each other and hoping to never lose the connection they had. It was going to be rough over coming the information Derek had revealed to Meredith, but they were willing to fight for each other and for their family.
A/N: Originally I was going to make it a bigger fall out, but then the show is so depressing for them now so I decided not to. I might make them have a major fight if Addison comes back, but I don't know yet.