Hi there!! I'm so sorry for not updating this...I've been a little busy with all the other fics!! But I can't believe it...I didn't update this for a month!!! Thanks goes out to those who reviewed!!! Well...anyway, here's the next and unfortunately last chapter..I decided to end it early because I've got too much other things to focus on...so...enjoy!!!!

Of Mice And Bladers – Chapter Three


Bryan and Spencer jumped up onto the dining table, Tala following half a second later.

Kai looked up and was met by two beady eyes.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" shoving the mouse out of his hair, he watched in shock, awe, then amusement as the mouse landed in Bryan's open mouth, effectively shutting the teen up.

Eyes widening, Bryan spat out the poor mouse, and watched as it hurtled past Kai's head and through the open door of the bedroom.

In a split second, Kai pounced on top of the table, his slim frame managing to shove Spencer to the floor in his haste.


Spencer fell to the floor and grunted, dizzy and somewhat disorientated. Bryan glared at both Kai and Tala.

"This is the big emergency!! Why did you call us?"

Tala growled, "SO you could rid of the little vermin!!"

Bryan smirked, "Oh, so you couldn't do it yourself? I though you were brave…"

"Yeah…and you're not…stupid lilac haired punk…" Kai muttered quietly, but seemingly not quietly enough as Bryan was at his throat mere nanoseconds later, with Tala pulling at his hair.

Spencer finally managed to stand up and looked in exasperation upon the teens…"You guys…this isn't the Itchy and Scratchy Show!!"

All three teens stopped and looked sheepish.


All four teens froze and Spencer immediately launched himself at the table, landing on top of Bryan, who toppled onto Tala, who squished Kai.


"Hey…Tala…Kai…it's G-Revolution…"

"And The White Tigers!"

"Yeah…so open up!"

Kai hissed and threw all three of the other teens off of him, before yelling a: "The door's open!!! Feel free to come on in!"

The door swung open to reveal Tyson, Max, Daichi, Rei, Lee, Mariah, Gary and Kevin who all gazed at the four teens cowering on the table in confusion and shock.

"Okay…what's going on here?" Tyson question.


Tyson, Max, Daichi, Rei, Lee, Mariah, Gary and Kevin all froze promptly, each turning a frightened glance towards the mouse glaring at them from the doorway!

"MOUSE!" in an instant, all eight teens attempted to jump up onto the table that the other four teens were standing on.

A chorus of "Noooo" rang out from the four Russian teens, feeling the table wobble dangerously underneath their gathered weight.

The mouse SQUEAKED and scurried under the table, the teens screaming hysterically.

"Get it away!" Mariah shrieked, right into Tyson's ear who yelled and jumped.

Then…chaos broke out and…


The table collapsed bringing all twelve teens down with it.

A round of "Ow"s rang through the air as the teens attempted to stand up, shoving other limbs off their bodies, but failing miserably. However they all froze simultaneously, the same thought flashing through their minds.

"Where's the mouse?" Kai was the first to voice the question, causing a flurry of movement.

A nervous laugh sounded from under the table and Tyson stood up, holding a flat grey thing in his hands, "Found it…"

The eleven other teens gawked at him, shock clearly written on their faces.

"You…you sat on it?" Lee questioned, the situation suddenly becoming hysterically funny.

There was silence for about half a second before all twelve teens burst out in to fits of manic laughter. This carried on for about fifteen more minutes until…


-giggles- Awww! -huggles reader- I hope you enjoyed this and I have to say, that there probably won't be a sequel...as I had to struggle just to get this posted...so sorry!

Anyway, please review and tell me what you thought about it.

Take care!

Ja ne!