WHEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! HI!!! Hehehehehehehehehehehehe, I think I'm a little bit too tipsy!! Hehehe! New Years and all! Lol.

Well...for some reason, this just popped in to my head!! Hehehe! It's really short but there's going to be more than one chapter!

Warning: Pure randomness and no-senseness and extremely mild yaoi!! Don't be mad if it's rubbish! I'm too hyper!!

Disclaimer: Do not own!! Do not own!! Do not own!! Hehehehehehehe!! -collapses on floor with swirly eyes- Own do not...Ow.

Hehehehehehehehehe!!!! ENJOY!!

Of Mice And Bladers

Kai murmured softly, on the verge of consciousness as he felt something soft nuzzling his cheek, snuggling in to it.

"Hmmm…mornin' Tal'," Kai mumbled sleepily, blearily opening his eyes, only to come face to pink nose with two large beady eyes. Kai's eyes widened comically and he gasped, scooting backwards, only to drop off the bed and end up on the floor with swirly eyes.

Shaking his head, Kai sat up, staring at the bed, then suddenly remember his predicament. Shrieking, Kai shot up and ran in to the living room, promptly pouncing on top on the dining table.


Tala poked his head around the kitchen door to see Kai standing atop the dining table, pointing frantically at the bedroom. Raising an eyebrow at the younger teen's strange behaviour, Tala sauntered in to the living room, looking up at Kai for an explanation.

"The- it…the thing…big…huge…huge ears," Kai imitated huge ears and scrunched up his eyes, "beady eyes…" used his fingers to imitate vampire-like teeth coming from his mouth, "Huge teeth!! It's coming to get meeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"

Tala gazed quizzically at Kai, who was still gesticulating wildly, desperately trying to explain himself as coherent words had completely deserted him.

"Big! Huge! Massive thingies poking out from its thingy!!!"

Tala blinked, "Kai? Are you still asleep?"

Kai shook his head furiously, pointing at the bedroom again.

Tala sighed, stepping forward and pulling Kai off the table and into his arms, who in turn struggled violently, "Come on! Back—Ow! That hurt! Back to bed with—damnit Kai! Quit pulling my ha—Ow! That's it! Stop!

"Noooooooooooo!" Kai wailed, grabbing hold of a chair and chucking it at Tala's head, who managed to ducked just in time.

"KAI! STOP! No! Not the pap-" Tala suddenly let go of Kai, and fell back, his eyes a swirling mass, his forehead imprinted with the shape of a star, "er-weight."

Kai immediately ran back to the table and jumped back on. Tala groaned and sat up, glaring at Kai.

"KAI HIWATARI!! GET DOWN FROM THERE NOW AND GO BACK TO BED!!" Tala stalked forward and grabbed Kai by the waist, and pulling the stupefied teen back towards the bedroom.

As soon as they neared the door and were just about to pass through into the room, Kai seemed to regain the use of his limbs and desperately latched on to the doorframe. Tala yelped and stumbled, tightening his grip on Kai's waist and tugging the unwilling teen away.

"Let. Go. Of. The. Door," Tala hissed dangerously, his eye twitching spasmodically.

"You can't make me!! It's after me! It's coming to get me!!!!!!!!" Kai screamed hysterically.

Tala groaned and let go of Kai, who fell, unceremoniously to the floor, suddenly shooting up and running back to the table.

"There is nothing in the bedroom!! You're either dreaming or delusional! Look, I'll prove it to you!" with that, Tala stalked in to the bedroom, Kai watching him carefully from his perch on the table.

There was absolute silence.



Tala shot out of the bedroom, screaming like a mad man, "KAI! MAKE SPACE FOR ME!"

Tala launched himself at the table, scrambling on top of it, slipped, then………………….fell off, a huge bump forming on his head.

"I TOLD YOU!! IT'S COMING TO GET ME!!!!!!!!" Kai screeched manically, reaching down and hoisting Tala on to the table with surprising strength.


Both teen's eyes widened at the sound and the sight of a small pink nose poking its way round the bedroom doorframe.


To Be Continued...

O.o Wow! That was random...even for me!! Hehehehehehehe!!

I'm having fun with this little fic...and I think I'm going to carry it on...and don't worry, I'm still updating my other fic 'Lost, Found, And Lost Again'. It's still my number one priority!!!

Next chapter...Bryan and Spencer come along!!

Please review and tell me what you think about it so far!!!


Ja ne!