You've heard Belldandy's story. Years later, it's now Skuld's turn to look after a silly boy. Here are their adventures together.


A Wish to an End
by MingShun


Ethereal Voice
- Location -

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters from Naruto and Ah! My Goddess. They belong to their creators, and I'm just borrowing them for the purpose of this story.


Chapter 1: You're not an adult anymore, Skuld.

Chapter Characters: Naruto, Skuld


- Phone Booth somewhere in Konoha -

It started out simply enough.

A 10 year-old-blond boy grunted as he struggled to the top of a precarious stack of phone books. His mission was the phone...he had a prank call to make to the teacher that decided to fail him.

However, life can be downright mean sometimes...

...∗Plink∗ went the ryo as it slipped from his fingers and bounced off the metal ledge beneath the phone that usually held a phone book.

He watched as the coin continued to fall downwards until it bounced off of the tiled floor where it bounced once, twice, and then rolled a short distance before finally clattering to a rest.

"Kuso," the boy cursed softly, trying not to draw attention from outside. With a hop, he was off of the stack of books and on the ground.

That slight push from his feet was all that was needed. Before he could climb back up after fetching the coin, the unstable tower collapsed with a muffled thud.

Sky-blue eyes stared dully at the ground for a moment. At the same time, the boy tightened his hands into fists. His fingernails pressed hard enough against the palm of his hands to draw a spot of blood. It was so hard to resist kicking what was left of the stack and scream in frustration.

But the critical moment passed.

With great effort, the boy finally managed to force a large smile onto his face. One that didn't quite reach his eyes. It was an unnatural look, but none of the nearby pedestrians were laughing or running away, so it was safe to assume that none of them were looking in to see. Moving mechanically, the blonde boy restacked the phone books, picked up his coin, and climbed back up the unstable tower.

Picking up the phone from where he dropped it, Naruto threw the coin into the slot without missing this time.

His spirit slightly restored after this small success, he began punching in a string of numbers. Soon after, the boy started hopping impatiently as he listened to the phone ring. The tower that he was standing on started to shake again…

Kachunk∗ Someone picked up at the other end!

"Hello..." said a female voice on the other end. But he wasn't given a chance to edge in a word as the voice on the other end continued to speak without pause, " have reached the Goddess Relief Hotline, please wait as a representative will be there shortly to handle your request."

The boy listened to this with wide eyed shock. Hah? The tower that he was standing on couldn't hold itself anymore, and it fell over once again taking the stunned boy with it. Nerveless fingers released the phone as the boy landed backfirst upon the heap of books. There he lay in surprise, shocked that his prank failed by, of anything…another prank!

Must get out of here… Naruto realized. He didn't know why, but he had a feeling that someone knew where he was and he was going to be in big trouble soon. In an instant, the phone booth was empty, the only evidence that someone had been there was a pile of phone books scattered on the floor, and an unhooked phone limply swinging around right above them.


- Rundown Part of Konoha -

It was quiet. The only thing breaking the silence was the hurried gait of a stranger trying to leave this area as quickly as possible. As his footsteps slowly fade away, there was a ∗Crash!∗ as a door slammed shut.

Safely inside of his apartment, Naruto took the time to gasp for air and calm his nerves. It seemed like someone had been determinedly following him throughout the entire run. It wasn't fair! He was going to be punished and he hadn't caused any trouble yet. Well, he wasn't going to let them take him without a fight.

Naruto's trap making skills were very impressive to say the least…in a matter of seconds, the front door was pretty much impenetrable to an army with the Hokage in the lead…and all of it was done using paint, rope, and a carton of spoiled milk.

He was busy rigging the third layer of traps, which would activate if the first layer failed to halt the intruders, when someone asked a question from behind him, "What are you doing?"

"They're after me," was the blonde boy's choked reply as he wrestled with an unyielding widget. "I'm not letting them take me alive!" there was a pause as the Kyuubi container fought some more, "Grr, can you hold this?" he asked in a strained voice.

…a moment later, there was a click indicating that the trap was ready.

"Thanks!" the blonde boy happily cheered as he turned to the one that helped him. His helper turned out to be a young woman in a simple white dress with red trim. She had long black hair, brown eyes, strange markings on her face, and a weird hammer strapped to her back.

There was an admiring look on her face as she examined the complicated mouse trap in front of them. "Not bad." she commented.

"Hey, wait..." Naruto slowly said.

Seemingly aware that he was now staring at her, the woman looked down at him with an impish smirk.

"Hiya Naruto! I'm the goddess Skuld, first class, second category, limited. I'm here to grant your fondest wish." the woman cheerfully said with a small curtsy, introducing herself to the boy that was now wearing a grotesque expression of shock.

"Huh, wha?! Y-you shouldn't be in here! How do you know my name?" The fox container stuttered as he started searching frantically for an escape route.

"I'm not a ninja," Skuld reassured the boy. Then, as if there was an invisible speaker in the room, she started to reply to thin air. She started with, "You trapped the front door, remember?" there was a pause before she answered again, "I don't know, that window looks sort of small," she adopted a glare, "Don't even think about it," then she smiled at the obvious, "Yes, I'm reading your mind."

"Well stop it!" the blonde boy all but shouted at the other one in his room.

The goddess winced and covered her ears. "You little brat! Until you make a wish, I can't turn it off!"

"Quit insulting me!" the fox-container shouted in outrage. "You're looking at the future Hokage here! Show some respect."

"Hokage?" Skuld gasped, she stared at the blonde boy as if he had grown another head.

He returned the stare with a defiant one of his own. "Are you a ninja then?" she finally asked.

"The best!" the blonde boy proclaimed, conveniently forgetting that he was still an academy student.

With an odd look of disbelief, the goddess ran into the kitchen. Naruto quickly ran after her, only to see the strange lady disappear into a small puddle near his sink.

"Not a ninja?" the boy asked nobody as he stared at her disappearing act in disbelief.


- Remember that Phone Booth that was somewhere in Konoha? -

"Ninjas are never candidates for wishes," came a mellow voice from over the phone.

"I know that…" Skuld ground out. So why does my client get a wish?

"Ara? Hold on...let me check..." There was a pause. "...Uzumaki Naruto correct?" At Skuld's grunt of agreement, the goddess on the other end continued, "Age, to get a wish at such a young age. Of course, there are still younger clients...why, I remember Aoba Kozue...6 years old..."

"Get on with it!" The black haired lady shouted into the phone.

She immediately hung up the phone and adopted a chagrinned look when she noticed those outside peering in curiously.

She left the booth and sought out another public phone. There! She dialed the number again.

"Moshi mosh-i?" came the voice from the other end.

"Well?" she impatiently asked, taking great pains not to attract attention this time.

"Skuld? You wanted to know more about Kozue-chan?"

"No! Uzumaki Naruto!" She ignored the curious onlookers.

"Okay okay! You don't have to shout." There was a rustling of papers on the other end. "U-zu-ma-ki...Naruto...I see, your client is currently attending the Academy. Because he isn't a ninja yet, he is still eligible for a wish."

"What?" she asked in disbelief.

"I said..."

"I heard what you said. But why? Is he..."

"Could you repeat that?"

"Is he going to be a ninja in the future?"

"Why are you asking me? Aren't you the goddess of the future?"

"That's just a title!" Skuld shouted into the phone before she quickly slammed the phone down on the hook again when she realized that the people passing by were looking in curiously.

It made no sense, if he was going to be a ninja eventually, why did he still get a wish?

If she were still on the phone, the voice on the other end would have said, "True...but heaven works in strange ways sometimes. There is not much that I could do, but I'll forward your complaint to the right department. Anyway, much as I'd like to continue chatting, don't you have a job to do?"

Thankfully, she didn't call back, otherwise she would have been billed for the eventual crater that the phone booth would become. And then she would have Father to deal with...


- Rundown Part of Konoha -

"Uzumaki-san right? Sorry about that," she sweetly said as she reappeared inside of his apartment. She found the boy dismantling the three layer trap that he had created earlier. He jumped at the sound of her voice, causing an audible twang in the process. They both shouted as several practice Kunai suddenly shot out from nowhere. When the ferocious barrage finally ended, the two found themselves in an odd position. One was hiding behind the other while the other was contorted in such a way that looked almost painful.

They stood there for a moment, breathing heavily. And then he rounded on her to reprimand her. "Don't you know it's impolite to sneak up on peop- Eh? Ah! Wish-granting Obaachan is back!" the boy shouted pointing at her.

"O-obaachan?" Skuld slowly ground out.

Before Naruto could reply, a fist whistled toward his head. A mushroom cloud shot into the sky...

...or would have if it was a million times stronger. Naruto still found himself nursing a sizeable bump on his noggin however.

"Okay, here's the deal. I don't know why, but you get a wish, any wish," the goddess coolly explained to the sulking boy.

"Really? A wish? Any wish?!" Naruto repeated in disbelief.

"And only one wish, so make it count," she quietly said before her mouth set in a firm line.

"Can it be all the ramen in the world?" He asked, surprising the goddess at how quickly he believed her. Normally wish givers spent at least an hour convincing their intended recipient that they were not joking.

The icy facade disappeared when she sweatdropped. "Err...ahh...well yes, but if you wished for that...I'm afraid ramen would disappear from the rest of the world."

Naruto recoiled in horror. "Noo!" he suddenly brightened up as something else occurred to him. "Then how about becoming the strongest ninja in the world?" he quickly asked.

"Strongest isn't the best Naruto," she pointed out in a wise voice.

"Then...then...I wish..."

Skuld, who had been standing there boredly suddenly panicked as she noticed how the boy's seemingly random train of thought suddenly picked up speed in a dangerous direction. "Noo, don't!" she shouted, her eyes bugging out in horror. She started to reach over to cover his mouth but she was too late...

"...a nice lady like you would be with me forever and ever."

Skuld froze in place for a moment before she seemed to contract within herself. "...wish granted..." she calmly said. And then she started to glow.

The entire room slowly brightened to a brilliant white before a tremendous wave of power broke through the roof of his apartment. But the debris didn't fall, instead it was thrown to the side along with the rest of the stuff in the room.

Naruto found himself flattened by his kitchen table as it was knocked flying by the surge of power.

When the light show finally cleared and he crawled out from beneath the rubble, Naruto was greeted with the sight of a small girl lying in the crater in his floor. He was so stunned by current events that he didn't notice that the knick-knacks in his apartment had changed a look more hi-techish.

It didn't take long for the Third Hokage to notice the disturbance and arrive at the apartment. Together with a small group of nins that were present at the time, they swiftly forced open the door and headed upstairs. When they entered Naruto's home, they were greeted with the sight of a disaster area, a scuffed up boy, and the prone body lying in the center of the room.

They quickly went to the girl.

"Sir, she's unconscious but uninjured," declared the Kunoichi that had reached the girl first.

"What happened here, Naruto?" the Third asked...

"Ah...a..." what was he going to say? A goddess was granting his wish and destroyed his apartment in the process?

The Hokage wasn't paying much attention to the boy babbling "goddess" and "wish" however. Instead, he was looking around at the mess in the room. "Is it what I believe it is?" he asked one of the nins that was picking through the debris.

"It might be, sir," the nin replied, holding out a small pile of blackened fragments.

The Third tut-tutted, before turning to address the still speechless boy. "Naruto, I know that you two invented the concussive notes, but next time you would like to play with such a powerful one, please do it outside. It's a wonder that you two weren't seriously hurt." He looked around once again before sighing, "Come to my office later. It looks like you and Skuld-san will need another place to stay for a while while we clean up this mess."

"H-hai," Naruto stuttered, still too stunned at what had just happened to respond with something more intelligent.

With that, the small group left the apartment at a far more leisurely pace than when they arrived. Strangely, the Third had thought nothing of the new girl. It was almost like she had been a part of Konoha for a long time.


"Ow! My head!" the girl groaned as she sat up.

Naruto was immediately in front of her face, shouting, "My apartment! What did you do?"

"I granted your w-," the girl started to crossly reply before she reached up to grasp her throat. Then she felt her face, and finally reached down to feel her- "Nooo!" she cried. "What did YOU do?!" she shouted back at the boy.

"I asked you first!" the boy demanded back.

Her eyes were closed and her hands were facing each other. "With time's eternal song, I call upon the spirits of air and fire with these words...please take form," she chanted.

The girl paused and opened her eyes.

"Skuld Bomb!" she shouted, and she went through the motion of throwing something.

Naruto stopped flinching and cowering when nothing happened. "Haha, is that the best that you could do?" he taunted.

The girl growled before picking herself up and running out of the apartment.

"Hey..." the boy quietly said as he watched her leave, "Hey! I'm not going to clean this place up myself! Get back here!"


- Different Phone Booth but still somewhere in Konoha -

"Sorry Skuld-chan."

"But...but...Belldandy kept her powers!"

"That was then. Don't forget, it caused a lot of trouble at the time so the rules had to be changed. Listen, I should not even be talking to you. I need to hang up before someone finds out...but before I do, I should mention that you will get a message later explaining what has happened. You will also receive a pamphlet as well. It's called So You are Now a Mortal for a Lifetime? You should read it, it's quite interesting. Anyway, bye. See you in fifty years."

"Wait!" There was a click, and then a dialtone indicating that the goddess at the other end had hung up.

It started to rain.


- Somewhere in Konoha -

She sat in the rain, grumbling at the injustice of it all. The pamphlet had probably been lost in transit. She had been temporarily banned from heaven. She couldn't use magic while she was mortal. Worst of all...

"I finally found you!" said a sopping wet blonde boy as he ran up to her.

...Worst of all, this idiot kid's wish made her as flat as a washboard, again! When Urd found out...

With a scream of rage, she pounced on the boy and raised a fist.


Omake! Ichi!

Kyuubi continued to snore away as a tiny pamphlet titled So You are Now a Mortal for a Lifetime? drifted to a stop atop his head.


Chapter Preview!

"Hey hey," Naruto shouted into a microphone. "How is everyone? I'm sure everyone knows who I am since I'm so popular. But for those who don't, I'm Naruto Uzumaki. Future Hokage and star of this story. And standing next to me is my lovely assistant..."

He turned around. A whirring sound made him look down. "You're not Skuld-chan!"

Before Naruto could blink, the short robot's arms extended and grabbed him. The apelike arms then reared back.

Naruto let out a shout as he was thrown off of the stage.

"Good job Banpei II-san," Skuld said as she stepped out from behind the curtains of the stage and patted the robot on the head. "What! Hey! No, stop Banpei II-san!"

Skuld let out a shriek as she followed after Naruto.

Next Chapter: Robot Hijin



Naruto Uzumaki
The supercool protagonist of, you guessed it, Naruto.
- Orphaned child. Container for the nine-tailed fox demon.
- Series Origin: Naruto
- Age: 10
- Birthdate: October 10
- Blood Type: B
- Known Immediate Family: Kushina Uzumaki (Mother, whereabouts unknown), Minato Namikaze (Father, deceased)

- Loud
- Rude
- Stubborn
- Courageous
- Unpredictable
- Loyal
- Big Heart.
- Determined.
- Dreamer.
- Inspirational
- Perservere
- Intelligent (When he's serious)
- Clever
- Battle Genius
- Silly - He can seem brilliant and cool one minute, and then become the village idiot the next. This pops up often when he's in an embarrassing situation or one that needs lots of feeling.
- Thick.

- Trap Specialist


In this story, Skuld is older and wiser. So why is Naruto needed? To pull her backwards and cheer her up.
- Goddess whose domain is the future
- Series Origin: Ah! My Goddess (Ah! Megami-sama)
- Age: ?
- Birthdate: ?
- Blood Type: ? (B, probably.)
- Known Immediate Family: Belldandy (sister), Urd (sister), Kami-sama (father)

- Stubborn
- Somewhat Vain
- Proud
- Hates inefficiency
- Super Genius (math and technology, not combat)
- Older (more mature)
- Courageous
- Takes the high road
- Jealous
- Perceptive
- Can't think outside of a box (Offset because she knows so much.)

- Skuld is not a pacifist. However, she will refuse to join a pointless conflict.
- Requires Naruto for childishness.
- Requires Naruto's presence for inspiration. (Childlike imagination is a wonderful thing)


Author's Notes:
There we have it! I think this is the second or third Naruto x Ah! My Goddess xover. I really have no clue where it would go...but I wrote it starting from the scene involving Naruto and the pay phone. The rest just typed itself.

Feel free to comment on what you think couldn't possibly happen, or if you think the characters are speaking weirdly. I'm pretty good at making the square peg fit in the square hole. What? It's a round hole? You're kidding right? I'm pretty certain square pegs don't fit in round holes.

Author's Explanations:
- If you're wondering why the Third didn't think of Skuld as a stranger...Naruto's wish changed reality. In other words, Skuld is a citizen of Konoha, has been for 10 years now.

-Skuld? She's changed from an adult to a 10 year old. In addition, she is unable to channel magic. However, she retains her knowledge of heaven and her technological prowess is still great.

Skuld's personality changed slightly. Influence from:
Naruto & Sakura: A Second Chance
By: Jho
