Disclaimer: Not mine. If you even thought I could match the genius of JK Rowling you are sorely mistaken. Plus there will be some elements and lines adapted from Pirates of The Caribbean so anything relating to then in the story is owned completely by Disney.
Dedication: dedicated to all Dark Harry fic writers out there who I have read, you have inspired me to attempt my own. Which I think is pathetic (the story). But oh well. Happy New Years day everyone.
A/N: I have never tried to write a Dark Harry fic before, but please bear in mind that this is a OneShot, there will be no prequels and no sequels unless heaps of people beg like crazy in reviews (which I highly doubt will happen.)
The Apprentice
A young boy, no older than sixteen stood calmly in the Diagon Alley public square waiting for his execution to begin. Harry Potter or known better as The Apprentice looked onto the assembled Aurors and crowds in mild interest, his black hair fell into his eyes as he waited for his 'crimes' to be read out.
A decorated Auror stood proudly, almost arrogantly started reading off a long role of parchment.
"Harry James Potter, you are here by charged with the following crimes, the most grievous being – Use of all three Unforgivables - murders by Killing Curse: First Degree, Torture using Cruciatus curse: Third Degree, using the Imperious Curse on numerous members of the Wizarding and Muggle community," here the Auror drew breathe for the next list, "Harry James Potter you are here by charged with willingly supporting the Dark Lord, embracing, learning and using Dark Magic, Ignoring the Wizarding Code of Combat, resisting arrest, two counts of escaping Azkaban prison, becoming an illegal Animagus and being in possession of illegal weapons."
The Auror looked over at the prisoner being held, he didn't however expect to see what he saw expressed on the teens face.
Harry stood with two muscled up Auror's, their wands pointed strait at his throat. His startling green eyes and handsome face however showed that he was completely bored with the whole gig going on. He was well aware of the accusing looks the public were sending at him, not to mention the barely contained glee that the Aurors' surrounding him did not show. Their Occlumency shields were pretty crap.
Harry shook his shoulder-length black hair from his eyes as he looked too where they were keeping his weapons, a rather impressive pile of swords, knives and bow and arrows were piled on a table, not to far from him. His wand however was in possession of the annoying Auror reading out his list of charges, who after Harry was executed would snap it in triumph.
He rolled his eyes at his thoughts and gave a rather unnerving smirk too the mauve robed Auror near him, who turned an angry shade of red. It was better to look insanely calm when caught by the Ministry; Harry had learned over the years, it was better than giving them the satisfaction of seeing you scared and weak. He was the apprentice after all of the Dark Lord, and apprentices of such masters never show weakness of any kind.
It had taken sixty two fully trained Aurors to capture him this time, many suffering injuries from Harry's wand. Harry had, after all, been personally trained by none other than Lord Voldemort and been appropriately named Voldemorts apprentice…Voldemorts right hand man, however no one knew how Harry had come into the Dark Lords service, it was a secret guarded closely by the two wizards.
The Auror continued reading, "Harry James Potter, for these crimes you will be subjected to the Dementors Kiss. Do you have any last words?"
The Auror looked over to the apprentice, Harry smiled, answering "Of course I do!" he said, "I would just like to say before I go get my soul sucked out that I suggest all the children in the crowd under the age of thirteen to cover their eyes, this will probably not be pretty."
Harry smirked as all the Aurors stiffened, he loved giving them cheek.
The Aurors then walked Harry towards the Dementors; however the sixteen year old had a plan. As they took him past the spectators he spied a girl with read hair, about his age, arguing with her mother.
"Ginny! I will not allow you to watch this!"
"But mum! I'm fifteen!"
"Don't give me that Ginerva! I don't want you seeing this!"
Harry was just about to pass the girl called Ginny; her back was facing him, about a metre away. He glanced a look at the Aurors beside him, the iron chain sagged slightly between his two cuffed wrists…Harry smiled secretly to himself; he could use their restraints to his advantage.
Suddenly just as they were passing Ginny Harry twisted out of the Aurors strong holds and lunged towards the red head, throwing the chains of his handcuffs across the girl's throat. The crowd screamed and the Aurors aimed their wands, a bit startled at his sudden movement. The girl's mother was looking at the scene in horror, Harry scowled, he normally didn't like taking hostages but desperate times call for desperate measures.
"Let her go, Potter," said General Auror Splinter (Harry had met him on a number of occasions).
"General, you know as well as I do that I'm not going to fold to your commands," Harry replied, walking backwards towards the Anti Apparition barrier, "She lives if you give me my effects."
Splinter looked on calmly but Harry noticed the sweat beads forming on his forehead. He sighed lowering his wand, the rest of the Aurors did the same, and Ginny's breathe quickened.
"Thankyou," Harry said, "now give me my weapons please."
The Auror that had read out his crimes handed over his wand to the General angrily as Splinter was also given all of Harry's swords and other contraptions. Splinter walked briskly towards Harry and Ginny, scowling at the apprentice, Harry merely grinned back.
"Give them to her," Harry said, indicating Ginny with his head. The General obeyed, placing the many weapons in the arms of Ginny.
Harry smiled again, "Now Ginny. It is Ginny isn't it?"
"It's Miss Weasley," she replied through her teeth.
"Very well Miss Weasley would you be so kind," Harry said turning his hostage around so she was facing him, Ginny scowled up at Harry, as she started to place his two swords into separate sheaths crossed over his back, the handles just on his shoulder blades.
"My wand next," Harry said, playing slightly with Ginny's hair just to annoy her.
"Whatever," she snapped back as she bound a leather holster to Harry's wrist and sheathed his wand inside it. Ginny then finished strapping his dagger belt and bow with arrows across his waste, tightening it with vigour.
"Easy on the goods darling," Harry said with a small smirk.
"You're despicable," she snarled, her brown eyes blazing.
"I do try," Harry replied.
Spinning Ginny around again so he faced General Splinter, who was clenching his teeth in suppressed rage, (Harry was deeply amused by this fact), Harry started walking backwards slowly again.
"General Splinter, Aurors, assembled public and of course Miss Weasley, this will be the day that you always remember as the day that you almost executed Harry Marvolo Slytherin!" with that Harry brought the chains from Ginny's throat and pushed her to Splinter.
With that the Aurors started firing spells, Harry held his hands apart and used the first stunner fired at him to shatter the iron hand cuffs on his wrists. Using his new found freedom he flicked out his wand and started at his own assault, all the while edging towards the Anti Apparition barrier.
A blue spell was shooting towards him, Harry brought up his shield, his reactions were extremely fast and the spell was absorbed into a shimmering silver wall of magic. Harry brought down his defence in time too see many gaping mouths from the crowd; Harry rolled his eyes and kept on fighting. He only cast stunners; he didn't want any more charges on him at this moment.
Deciding it was time to get into something more comfortable Harry quickly transfigured his prison clothes into his battle robes. Harry wore completely black right up to his fingerless gloves and heavy leather boots. He grinned and took down a pestering Auror with a bright red stunner.
"Give it up Potter!" yelled General Splinter, "the Apparition wards have been extended."
"Why thankyou for that wonderful piece of information General," Harry replied taking a bow while simultaneously dodging a jet of yellow light, "I shall use it to my advantage."
Splinter roared in anger, letting his concentration slip and allowing Harry to send a disarmer spell, plucking the General's wand right out of his hand. Harry then took out one of his daggers quickly and threw it at Splinter, the knife caught the Generals cloak by the collar and pinned him to the wooden wall behind him.
Splinter yelled angrily, "You'll never get the upper hand in this war, Potter!"
Harry pouted playfully, "I'm sorry to burst your bubble, General but I already have the upper hand in this war."
With that the apprentice ran through the fiasco of disorganised Aurors and panicking public, deflecting, dodging, weaving and ducking spells shot towards him by angry people with wands. He broke free of the chaos with only about six Aurors on his tail (which he took down rather quickly with some well aimed Befuddlementcharm, making the Aurors lunge back and attack their own people.
Harry ran into the darker streets of Diagon Alley, keeping to the shadows he scanned for the Anti-Apperation barriers, the Ministry had blocked off the whole alley. He didn't want to change into his Animagus form, he would be a beacon for attention, and he didn't want to reveal his most powerful Animagus form to Ministry officials just yet. They had also prevented all Portkey production. So Harry turned to plan B.
He walked to a shop named "Appeasing Melody's: a Wizarding Guide to Music" the place was packed with all kinds of magical musical instruments displayed in the slightly dusty windows.
Harry flicked his wand, muttering an incantation and conjured a hair clip. Sheathing his wand Harry bent the hair clip and started to pick the lock of the shop. Although all the stores in Diagon Alley were guarded by magic, they were not defended from the simple things in life, like lock picking.
Harry smirked at the simplicity; it was hardly 'Breaking and entering' more like just 'entering'.
A click sounded and the door swung slowly open. Harry slipped inside, closing the door behind him and silently moving towards the shops fireplace, looking for some Floo Powder.
With his cloak rippling behind him Harry descended on the shops stone fireplace and seized a pot of the green powder. Snapping out his wand Harry whispered incendio at the grate and a blazing fire burst into life. The shadows flickering around the room Harry threw some powder into the flames and watched as the fire turned emerald.
Just as he was about to step into the fire the door of the shop burst open revealing six Aurors and General Splinter himself into the room.
Harry sighed and spun around to meet them, one eyebrow raised slightly. As silently as possible he twitched his hand, pointing in tern to each of the Aurors, minus the General.
Unknown to anyone but Harry in the room he had just cast the Imperious curse upon all of the Aurors. But they held their original positions; Harry didn't want the curse to be shown right now…he would wait until…the opportune moment.
"Potter, you can not escape, the Floo Network has been disabled, now why don't you hand over your wand and other assorted weapons and we go back to the Ministry," said the General almost mockingly.
Harry merely raised the other eyebrow, "You know General you really shouldn't be saying these things to me when I still have a wand."
"You are outnumbered, Potter!"
Harry let out a barking laugh and turned sparking eyes on the General, "Oh am I really?"
Twitching his hand again Harry ordered the Aurors to face each other in pairs, their wand aimed at each others hearts. Harry sniggered at the General Splinters expression, his own wand pointing at the senior Auror.
"Now, General, we must come to an accord, you let me go and I'll stop your precious Aurors from killing each other?" bargained Harry walking over the General slowly.
The Generals eyes narrowed, "You fight dirty, Potter."
"It's not dirty, general, it's tactics, and you lack them immensely," Harry replied smoothly his mouth twitching upwards.
The Auror clenched his jaw.
Harry smiled. He knew he had won the battle.
General Splinters looked like he really didn't wand to do this as he nodded reluctantly for Harry to take the curse off the Aurors. Harry obliged but made sure he had them all stunned before releasing them of the Curse.
"General Splinters, it was an experience meeting you again but I really must be going," Harry said, "I have a private tutoring lesson to attend to with my Master."
There was just enough time for Harry to see the Generals angry expression and raising wand before he burst into the fiery form of a phoenix before exploding into fire, transporting him back to his Master.
The Apprentice had vanished, leaving the Ministry at a loss at what to do…for the third time.
A/N: Please be nice, if you got down to the last line in this story then you are a very patient person! I spent ages pondering on wether or not to post this fic, finally deciding on saying 'what the hell' I'm gonna post it! Because I didn't think it was that good. So please read and review. Cheers!
---Marauder Madness