Disclaimer: I only own a container of bleach; a chemical agent that is used in lifeguard training for sanitation purposes only. I don't own bleach the anime.

Summary: Ogihci/ Shirosaki/ Ichigo's Hollow... or no name, is drawn out by one of Urahara Kiske's experiments and placed him into a Konpaktu pill form. Then he is placed into a plushie for the amusement and fun of seeing how he may act in the real world. There at times might be a little OOC... dunno we shall see no?

Pairings: maybe later. Dunno... I'm not into writing that type of stuff. Just mostly humor because I like to tourture Ogihci/Shirosaki.

Prolouge: Seperation

The clouds of Ichigo's inner world were quite fluffy today. So much in fact that one particular resident with white hair and yellow eyes enjoyed shooting at them with reitsu shots. He sat sideways on a building with the wind shifting his hair slightly. Things like cute puffy clouds made him sick. It just shows that his king was out there enjoying the day and liveliness of the real world. And he was here inside this stinking place with nothing to do. Another shot was created in the palm of his hand and he aimed again. After the reitsu impacted the clouds they seemed to light up and explode with a rather loud swoosh sound. It became a rather daily ritual considering there wasn't anything else to do in here. Well besides talking to Zangetsu who seemed to disappear today. So there wasn't much else to do. Aiming again he shot five clouds at once and the all disappeared in a flash. This was getting old and annoying.

He contemplated about going to find the old man when he felt something shift. At first it seemed that the sky and surroundings turned a darker shade of green. In which he mistook for a blue shade. What the hell? It better not be that bastard of a king doing anything crazy again. He would make sure to remind the king how much of a pain he could be.

The next thing he noticed was that he was no longer standing on the buildings. He seemed to be incased in a green sphere floating a few inches above. Well that would explain all the green. Now how the hell does anyone get out of one of these things? The sphere seemed to be levitating higher in the air by the second.

At first he tried blasting a hole through with some reitsu. No such luck. Then he attempted a combination attack with reitsu and physical force in form of a punch or kick. Needless to say that didn't work either and left him with a somewhat bruised toe. This is some tough whatever the hell it was. Agitated, he decided to try summoning Zangetsu and cutting his way through this fucking sphere. However, Zangetsu never appeared. Odd. He always figured that their relationship was at least somewhat decent or at least somewhat mutual. The old coot decided to ignore him now of all times? Damn.

Outside the sphere the surroundings started to turn black. The sideways world was slowly diminishing. Inside the sphere things were starting to get really cold. He wasn't getting anywhere with this and he needed to think of something fast. Before he was able to do anything else a wave of nausea came over him. He blinked his eyes a couple of times only to open them and see a man with a white and green striped hat.